Coalition of Essential Schools Fully Affirmed School
Exemplary PBIS School
MCCE School of the Year
School Improvement Plan
Princess Anne Elementary will provide a safe, positive learning environment that enables individualized, stimulating instruction.
Princess Anne Elementary School will be a supportive and respectful community that encourages academic risk taking.
Table of Contents
School Improvement Plan Checklist…………………………………………………………………. Section 1
Demographics………………………………………………………………………………………… Section 1
Master School Schedule……………………………………………………………………………… Section 1
Revision Updates ……………………………………………………………………………………. Section 1
School Improvement Team Committees………………………………………………………………Section I
Reading………………………………………………………………………………………………...Section 2
Math……………………………………………………………………………………………………Section 3
Science…………………………………………………………………………………………………Section 4
School Climate…………………………………………………………………………………………Section 5
Parental Involvement…………………………………………………………………………………..Section 6
PAES Parent Involvement Plan…………………………………………………………………………………
Partners in Learning Compact………………………………………………………………………………….
Policy 800-11…………………………………………………………………………………………………..
Policy 800-12…………………………………………………………………………………………………..
Additional assistance to students and extended learning activities……………………………………Section 7
Technology…………………………………………………………………………………………….Section 8
Transition………………………………………………………………………………………………..Section 9
Highly Qualified Teachers………………………………………………………………………………Section 10
Teachers as Decision Makers……………………………………………………………………………Section 11
Professional Development………………………………………………………………………………Section 12
Budget …………………………………………………………………………………………………..Section 13
Verification of Compliance……………………………………………………………………………...Section 14
11576 Lankford Street
Princess Anne, Maryland 21853
Cortney Monar, Principal
School Improvement Plan Checklist
Ten Components of a School-Wide Program / Verification1. A comprehensive needs assessment of the entire school based on information which includes the achievement of children in relation to the State student academic achievement standards. / ✓
2. Schoolwide Reform Strategies that-
Provide opportunities for all children to meet the State’s proficient and advanced levels of student academic achievement;
Use effective methods and instructional strategies that are based on scientifically based research that…
●Strengthen the core academic program
●Increases the amount and quality of learning time (before/after-school, summer programs, extended school year)
●Include strategies to address the needs of all children, but particularly the needs of low-achieving students and those at risk of not meeting state standards;
Address how the school will determine if such needs have been met. / ✓
3. Instruction by High Qualified Teachers / ✓
4. High Quality and Ongoing Professional Development for…
●Paraprofessionals / ✓
5. Strategies to Attract High-Quality Highly Qualified Teachers to “High-Need” Schools / ✓
6. Strategies to Increase Parent Involvement-
Such as family literacy services / ✓
7. Plans for Assisting Preschool Children in the Transition from Early Childhood Programs to Elementary School Programs
(Such as Head Start, Early Reading First, Even Start, or a State-run preschool program)
*May also include assistance in the transition from elementary to middle school. / ✓
8. Measures to Include Teachers in Decisions Regarding the Use of Academic Assessments
In order to provide information on, and to improve, the achievement of individual students and the overall instructional program. / ✓
9. Activities to Ensure that Students Having Difficulty Mastering Proficient or Advanced Levels of Academic Achievement Standards Are Provided Timely Additional Assistance
Shall include measures to ensure that students’ difficulties are identified on a timely basis and to provide sufficient information on which to base effective assistance. / ✓
10. Coordination and Integration of Federal, State, and local services and programs. / ✓
Other: School Demographics: Page
Master Schedule: Page
Revisions: Page
*The School Improvement Plan mirrors the Master Plan action steps and the data collected is used during the revision process of the Master Plan.
Princess Anne Elementary Demographics 2016-2017
Subgroups / 2013-3014 / 2014-2015 / 2015-2016 / 2016-2017Males / 223 / 247 / 202 / 220
Females / 206 / 233 / 191 / 198
American Indian / 0 / 0 / 4 / 4
Asian/Pacific Islander / 12 / 7 / 8 / 9
African American / 245 / 283 / 238 / 255
White (not Hispanic) / 109 / 111 / 87 / 78
Hispanic / 37 / 39 / 22 / 34
Multi-Racial / 26 / 37 / 31 / 33
Total Number of Students / 429 / 480 / 393 / 418
Grade Level / Aug. 2016 / Sept. 2016 / Oct. 2016 / Nov. 2016 / Dec.2016 / Jan. 2017 / Feb.
2017 / Mar. 2017 / Apr. 2017 / May 2017 / June 2017
Pre-K / 99.32% / 95.69% / 94.58
K / 97.30% / 95.19% / 94.64
1st Grade / 97.65% / 96.60% / 94.43
2nd Grade / 95.85% / 96.17% / 94.32
3rd Grade / 94.87% / 95.72% / 94.86
4th Grade / 95.95% / 93.78% / 94.20
5th Grade / 98.46% / 95.72% / 95.24
Total All grades / 96.98% / 95.57% / 94.61
Master Schedule
* All individual paraprofessional schedules and specials schedules can be found in the main office.
Revisions to School Improvement Plan
Description / DateUpdated Professional Development / October 2016
Updated schedule, staff members, SIT committee groups for 2016-2017 school year / October 2016
Updated Reading Strategies / October 2016
Updated Reading Data / October 2016
Updated Math Strategies / October 2016
Updated Math/Science Benchmark Data / October 2016
Updated Parent Involvement Strategies / October 2016
Updated School Climate Data / October 2016
Updated Attendance / October 2016
Updated Transition Plan / October 2016
Updated Professional Development Plan / October 2016
Update of Highly Qualified Teachers / October 2016
Update Additional Assistance / October 2016
Updated Budget / October 2016
Update of Parent Involvement Policy / October 2016
Update of SCPS Parent Involvement Policy 800-11 / October 2016
Update of SCPS Parent Involvement Complaint Policy 800-12 / October 2016
Partners in Learning Compact / Aug. 2016
We approve our 2016-2017 School Improvement Plan and have participated in the School Improvement decision making process. Signed copy is in documentation binder.
SIT Committees-2016-2017
Reading Committee,Annette Waggoner Chairperson/Reading Coach / Math Committee,
Maria Williams
Chairperson / Science Committee
Taylor Estes
Chairperson/3rd Grade Teacher / Transition/Validation
Kelly McLaughin, 1st / Karen Linamen 1st / Nan Harrison, 1st Grade Teacher / Kelly Crockett, Pre-K Teacher
Raleigh Meddings, 2nd / Julie Sandrock, 2nd / Debbie Whitney, 2nd Grade Teacher / Linda Viens, Pre-K Teacher
Kayla Maschuck, 3rd / Kelley Holland-Crockett, 3rd / Toni Stewart-Brown, 4th Grade Teacher / Shannon Holland, K Teacher
Brittany Price, 4th / Mariya Flores, 4th / Christina South, 5th Grade Teacher / Taylar Mowery, K Teacher
Teresa Adkins, 5th / Christa Taylor, 5th / George Klein, Assistant Principal / Kelly Taylor, K Teacher
Ashley Daniels, SPED Teacher / Jennifer Bennett, SPED / Rachel Laird, Computer Teacher / Robin McColligan, Paraprofessional
Salmonia Schoolfield, Paraprofessional / Michelle Bradford, Intervention Teacher / Jess Chaplin, Paraprofessional / Cam Taylor,
Robin Henderson, Paraprofessional / Leigh Ann Widdowson, SPED / Cassie Neilson, Paraprofessional / Thelma Douglas, Paraprofessional
Kristen Davis, Media Specialist / Sara Perdue, Art Teacher / Vicki McLeod, Administrative Assistant / Amie Palenchar, Learning Support Specialist
Beth Holmes-Mayson, Paraprofessional / John Nelson, Physical Education Teacher / Megan Miller, ELL Teacher
Lisa Collins, Paraprofessional / Cody Rausch, Music Teacher / Kimberley Bozman,
Guidance Counselor
Kristen Davis, Media Specialist / Tara Thomas, Paraprofessional
Heather Travis, SPED
Irma Stromberger, Paraprofessional
Richard Hankerson / Kristen Davis / Delinah BogushJanie Johnson / Cortney Monar / Megan Miller
Karen Corbin / Teresa Adkins
Amber Baker / Sarah Perdue
Nan Harrison / Toni Stewart-Brown
School Improvement Team
Content Area Committees
School Improvement Team
Content Area Committees
Reading Committee
Annette Waggoner (Chair/Instructional Facilitator) ______
Kelly McLaughlin (1st Grade Teacher) ______
Raleigh Meddings (2nd Grade Teacher) ______
Kayla Maschuck (3rd Grade Teacher) ______
Brittany Price (4th Grade Teacher) ______
Teresa Adkins (5th Grade Teacher) ______
Ashley Daniels (SPED Teacher) ______
Kristen Davis (Media Specialist) ______
Beth Holmes-Mayson (Paraprofessional) ______
Lisa Collins (Paraprofessional) ______
Robin Henderson (Paraprofessional ______
Salmonia Schoolfield (Paraprofessional) ______
Math Committee
Maria Williams (Chair/Instructional Facilitator) ______
Karen Linamen (1stGrade Teacher) ______
Julie Sandrock (2nd Grade Teacher) ______
Kelley Holland-Crockett (3rd Grade Teacher) ______
Mariya Flores (4th Grade Teacher) ______
Christa Taylor (5th Grade Teacher) ______
Leigh Widdowson (SPED Teacher) ______
Michelle Bradford (Intervention Teacher) ______
Heather Travis (SPED Teacher) ______
Tara Thomas (Paraprofessional) ______
Sarah Perdue (Art Teacher) ______
Cody Rausch (Music Teacher) ______
John Nelson (Physical Education Teacher) ______
Irma Stromberger (Paraprofessional) ______
Jennifer Bennett (SPED Teacher) ______
Science Committee
Taylor Estes (Chair/3rd Grade Teacher) ______
George Klein (Assistant Principal) ______
Nan Harrison (1st Grade Teacher) ______
Debbie Whitney (2nd Grade Teacher) ______
Toni Stewart (4th Grade Teacher) ______
Christina South (5th Grade Teacher) ______
Rachel Laird (Computer Teacher) ______
Vicki McLeod (Administrative Assistant) ______
Cassie Neilson (Paraprofessional)______
Jess Chaplin (Paraprofessional)______
Transition/Validation Committee
Kelly Crockett (Pre-K Teacher) ______
Linda Viens (Pre-K Teacher) ______
Taylar Mowery (K Teacher) ______
Kelly Taylor (K Teacher) ______
Shannon Holland (Chair/K Teacher) ______
Ashley Daniels (SPED Teacher) ______
Robin McColligan (Paraprofessional) ______
Thelma Douglas (Paraprofessional) ______
Cam Taylor (Paraprofessional) ______
Amie Palenchar (Learning Support Specialist) ______
Megan Miller (ELL Teacher) ______
Kimberly Bozman (Guidance Counselor) ______
School Improvement Team
PBIS/ClimateAmie Palenchar(Chair)
Irma Stromberger (Chair)
- Debbie Whitney
- Brittany Price
- Teresa Adkins
- Vicki McLeod
- Robin Henderson
- Lisa Collins
- Leigh Widdowson
- Michelle Bradford
- Cody Rausch
John Nelson (Chair)
Sarah Perdue (Chair)
- Karen Linamen
- Taylor Estes
- Julie Sandrock
- Mariya Flores
- Ashley Daniels
- Cassie Neilson
- Kelly McLaughlin
- Jess Chaplin
Kim Bozman (Chair)
- George Klein
- Kayla Maschuck
- Toni Stewart-Brown
- Nan Harrison
- Christa Taylor
- Raleigh Meddings
- Salmonia Schoolfield
- Heather Travis
CoreSubject / Assessment Used / Assessment Data Profile by Grade / Identified Needs / Factors Contributing to Root Causes / Root Causes
Reading / Identify the assessment:
Unit Assessments
PARCC / Data begins on pg. 19 / Parent/caregivers unaware of the rigorous curriculum in PreK and Kindergarten
Do not attend Head Start or PreK / Preschool
Parents unable to help at home / Lack of foundational skills
1A. Parents unable to provide help at home because they lack the materials, resources, and teaching strategies to do so.
1B. Parents unaware of rigorous curriculum.
2A. Lack of background knowledge hinders comprehension
2B. Minimal understanding of academic vocabulary
2C. Lack of comprehension strategies
2D. Not reading text at their level
3A. Minimal background knowledge
3B. Few technological resources available to support our reading program & to promote engagement.
3C.Teachers not using effective all-pupil-response techniques to engage all students
3D. Not participating in activities due to low self- esteem because reading materials are too difficult
4A. Few incentives to promote good student attendance. / 1. Lack of Parent Involvement
2. Teachers not providing effective remediation activities
3. Low Student Engagement
4. Tardiness and poor attendance
2016 PARCC Data
2016 PARCC Data
PARCC Results 2016
Pre Kindergarten DiagnosticSubgroups / % Met Pre / % Met Post
All / 0%
African-American / 0%
Caucasian / 0%
Hispanic / 0%
Multi-Race / 0%
Asian / 0%
American Indian / 0%
Hawaiian Pacific-Islander / 0%
SWD / 0%
LEP / 0%
ED / 0%
FIT / --
Unit Assessments
KindergartenUnit 1
Subgroups / % Met
All / 64%
African-American / 70%
Caucasian / 44%
Hispanic / --
Multi-Race / 42%
Asian / 100%
American Indian / --
Hawaiian Pacific-Islander / 61%
SWD / 0%
LEP / 0%
ED / 73%
FIT / --
First Grade
Unit 1
Subgroups / % Met
All / 89%
African-American / 92%
Caucasian / 83%
Hispanic / 0%
Multi-Race / 100%
Asian / --
American Indian / --
Hawaiian Pacific-Islander / --
SWD / 0%
LEP / 0%
ED / 89%
Second Grade
Unit 1
Subgroups / % Met
African-American / 61%
Caucasian / 58%
Hispanic / 58%
Multi-Race / 75%
Asian / ---
American Indian / ---
Hawaiian Pacific-Islander / ---
SWD / 43%
LEP / 100%
ED / 61%
FIT / ---
Third Grade
Unit 1
Subgroups / % Met
African-American / 25%
Caucasian / 22%
Hispanic / 36%
Multi-Race / 25%
Asian / ---
American Indian / ---
Hawaiian Pacific-Islander / ---
SWD / 14%
LEP / 0%
ED / 24%
FIT / ---
Fourth Grade
Unit 1
Subgroups / % Met
All / 63%
African-American / 54%
Caucasian / 100%
Multi-Race / 75%
Asian / 100%
American Indian / ---
Hawaiian Pacific-Islander / ---
LEP / 0%
ED / 60%
FIT / 100%
Fifth Grade
Unit 1
Subgroups / % Met
All / 50%
African-American / 54%
Caucasian / 50%
Hispanic / 0%
Multi-Race / 33%
Asian / ---
American Indian / ---
Hawaiian Pacific-Islander / ---
SWD / 50%
LEP / 0%
ED / 39%
FIT / ---
Unit 2
Subgroups / % Met
American Indian
Hawaiian Pacific-Islander
First Grade
Unit 2
Subgroups / % Met
American Indian
Hawaiian Pacific-Islander
2nd Grade
Unit 2
Subgroups / % Met
American Indian
Hawaiian Pacific-Islander
3rd Grade
Unit 2
Subgroups / % Met
American Indian
Hawaiian Pacific-Islander
4th Grade
Unit 2
Subgroups / % Met
American Indian
Hawaiian Pacific-Islander
5th Grade
Unit 2
Subgroups / % Met
American Indian
Hawaiian Pacific-Islander
Priority Needs, Goals, Objectives, and Milestones
PARCC GoalsIncrease the percentage of 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders that meet expectations.
Unit and Benchmark Assessment Goals
80% of all students will score 70% or higher
Strategies and Activities: Reading/Language Arts
Reading/Language Arts Strategies/Activities (Component 2)Strategies/Activities / Person(s) Responsible / Timeline / Evaluation / Funding
In regularly scheduled team meetings, analyze reading grade level assessments and selected student work. This is done through the CFIP process. (30 minutes) Root Cause 2, Factor 2C / Teachers, Reading Coach, Principal, / Weekly / SANE (Sign in, Agenda, Notes, Evaluation) Reading Coach’s Binder
Address the needs of low achieving students through:
Implementation of differentiated instruction designed to meet their individual needs. Factor 2A, 2B, 2C, 2D
ELL services, Special Education services, and team-teaching Factor 2D
Small group intervention strategies for all students identified through Wonders Diagnostic Assessment Factor 2A, 2B, 2C
Implementing flexible grouping to meet student’s individual needs. Factor 2A, 2C / Teachers, Principal, Reading Coach, ELL teacher, SPED teachers, Reading intervention teacher
Reading Coach,
ELL teacher,
SPED teachers, Reading intervention teacher / Sept.27, 2016-May 31, 2017 / Lesson Plans
Intervention Schedule
Remediation from CFIP
Walk-Throughs / Pencil Grips for 1st grade $44.69
Technology: Study Island
(F6 $)
Technology-Read Live
Copy paper
Quill ($213.98)
Continue following Somerset County Public Schools’ Reading Scope and Sequence and Common Core State Standards emphasizing the following strategies: Root Cause 2
●Provide opportunities for students to construct meaning when reading for literary experience, reading to perform a task, and reading to be informed.
●Use Anchor Charts to model comprehension strategies
●Provide direct instruction of comprehension strategies for before, during and after reading.
●Provide direct instruction in phonemic awareness, phonics and related decoding skills during reading and content area lessons.
●Provide frequent opportunities for students to read at their independent level to increase fluency, accuracy, vocabulary, and comprehension.
●Provide students with at least 80 minutes of reading instruction daily. / All Reading Teachers, Reading Coach / August 29, 2016– June 15, 2017 / Lesson Plans
Walk-Throughs / Poster Maker Ink
Laminating Film
Copy Paper
Provide at least one author/novel study per grade level per year. Factor 2A, 2B / Media Specialist / August 29, 2016– June 15, 2017 / Lesson Plans, Exhibition, Pictures, Portfolios,
Teacher Reflection
Walk-Throughs / Copy paper
Plan and implement at least one student exhibition of learning per grade level per year. Special’s teachers support core subject’s content through building background knowledge, expanding vocabulary and practicing skills.
Factor 2B, 2C, 3B, 3C / Teachers, Reading Coach, Principal / August 29, 2016– June 15, 2017 / SANE,
Walk-Throughs / Funding available upon request for materials to support exhibitions or to promote parent involvement
Provide daily access to a variety of texts: student periodicals, classroom libraries, required readings, anthologies, reference materials, and trade books. Factor 2A, 2B, 3A, 3B / Teachers, Reading Coach, Principal / August 29, 2016– June 15, 2017 / Pictures,
Library Inventory
Walk-Throughs / Technology
Funding available upon request
Foster student independence and initiative by implementing strategies including student choice of activities, varied assessments, increased opportunities for student dialogue, and greater attention to higher order questions. Factor 2A, 2B, 2C, 3C / Teachers, Reading Coach, Principal / August 29, 2016– June 15, 2017 / Lesson Plans
Formal/Informal Observations
Walk-Throughs / Scripps (spelling bee)
4th and 5th grade
Choose both formal and informal assessments to measure student achievement
Examples: progress monitoring, oral responses, homework, writing prompts, anecdotal notes, exit tickets, responding to text Factor 2A, 2B, 2C / Teachers, Reading Coach, Principal / August 29, 2016– June 15, 2017 / School/Class Artifacts
Assess. Results
Walk-Throughs / Copy paper
($537.00) F6
Renewal for one year ( $537.00) F7$ Nov. 2016
Display examples of advanced student work. Help students to identify criteria for advanced student products. Provide opportunities for students to revise their products to meet the criteria for a rating of advanced. Factor 2C / Teachers / August 29, 2016– June 15, 2017 / Artifacts
Walk-Throughs / Copy paper
Employ data driven decision making processes using the CFIP protocol to manage and evaluate assessments and curricula including the regrouping of students based on their specific instructional needs. Factor 2C, 2D / Teachers, Reading Coach, Principal / August 29, 2016– June 15, 2017 / SANE / Technology
Copy Paper
Field trips to build background and provide experiences Factor 2A, 3A / Teachers / August 29, 2016– June 15, 2017 / Program Lesson Plans
Use of Special Education staff members to provide additional support for identified students. Factor 2A,2B, 2C / SPED staff / August 29, 2016– June 15, 2017 / Schedules
Lesson Plans
Utilize parent/teacher collaborative opportunities to increase parent support and improve student achievement in reading. Factor 1A, 1B, 2B, 2C / Teachers, Principal, Parents / August 29, 2016– June 15, 2017 / SANE / Cost for paper
Reading Incentives Factor 2A, 2B, 2C, 2D, 3A
Hit the Books (K-5)
Scholastic Book Clubs / Teachers
Reading Coach / August 29, 2016– June 15, 2017 / Participation log sheets / Copy paper
Family Reading Night Factor 1A, 1B, 2A, 2B, 2C, 3A / Reading Coach, Teachers, Principal / February 2017 / SANE / Copy paper for handouts
Refreshments $75.00 (possible funds needed)
Materials (possible funds needed)
Instructional resources $150.00 (possible funds needed)
Teachers will incorporate various websites and technology tools during instruction to promote student engagement and higher leveled thinking. Factor: 2A, 2C, 3A, 3B / Teachers / August 29, 2016– June 15, 2017 / Lesson Plans Newsletters / Technology
Study Island: F6$
Parents will receive information on helpful/useful websites to help their students with various reading on newsletters at Parent Collaboration, and Family Reading Night. Factor: 1B, 2B, 3B / Teachers
Reading Coach / August 29, 2016– June 15, 2017 / Newsletters
Parent/teacher collaboration
Family Reading Night SANE / Copy paper
Teachers will teach at least two ELA units in grades K-5 that are provided through MSDE website. / Reading Teachers
Reading Coach / August 29, 2016– June 15, 2017 / Lesson Plans / Technology
Copy Paper
Materials upon request by teachers
Component 1 – Student Data