Thursday3rdOctober 2013
Dear Parent / Carer
We would like to seek nominations from parents willing to serve on the school’s new governing body as we now have vacancies for two new parent governors. A ‘parent’ for the purpose of the election is a person with ‘parental responsibility’ as defined by the Children Act 1989 and a parent governor must have a child in the school at the time of election.
There are circumstances which disqualify parents from standing for election to the Governing Body and these are detailed on the back of the attached form. These circumstances do not disqualify parents from proposing or voting for candidates.
One restriction imposed on academies is that there cannot be more than 20% of governors on a governing body who are in Local Authority employment. As we have already reached this quota through our membership, unfortunately, for this particular election, only parents who do not work for a Local Authority are eligible to stand for this election.
The enclosed form should be completed and returned to me by those parents wishing to make nominations. Those parents nominated, seconded and who have indicated their willingness to stand for election by signing the nomination slip, may submit brief biographical details (about 100 words) for circulation with ballot papers. Nominations must be proposed and seconded by eligible parents; an eligible parent means a parent who has a child registered at the school at the time of election and is eligible to vote.
The closing date for the receipt of nominations is Friday 11thOctober at 3:30pm. If there is only one nomination then the nominee will be duly elected unopposed and the name will be circulated to all parents the following week. However, should there be two or more nominations an election by secret ballot will be held.
If you would like further information about the role, please do not hesitate to contact me.
I look forward to receiving your nominations.
Yours sincerely
Tim Attwater
School: Bricknell Primary
Name and address of Parent nominated for election / Name and address of Proposer / Name and address of SeconderI confirm that I am an eligible parent
(Signature of person nominated) / I confirm that I am an eligible parent
(Signature of Proposer) / I confirm that I am an eligible parent
(Signature of Seconder)
Parents wishing to make nominations should arrange to have this form completed and returned to the Headteacher within seven days accompanied by brief biographical details (about 100 words) of the nominee.
You may not serve as a school governor if you:
have a mental disorder and are liable to be detained under the Mental Health Act 1983;
have failed to attend the governing body meetings for a continuous period of six months, beginning with the date of the first meeting they failed to attend, without the consent of the governing body. This provision does not apply to the headteacher;
are bankrupt;
are subject to a disqualification order or disqualification undertaking under the Company Directors Disqualification Act 1986 or to an order made under section 429 (2) of the Insolvency Act 1986;
have been removed from the office of charity trustee or trustee for a charity by the Charity Commissioners or High Court on grounds on any misconduct or mismanagement, or under section 7 of the Law Reform (Miscellaneous Provisions) (Scotland) Act 1990 from being concerned in the management or control of any body;
are included in the list of teachers or worker prohibited or restricted from working with children and young people;
are disqualified from working with children;
are disqualified from being an independent school proprietor, teacher or employee by the Secretary of State;
have been sentenced to 3 months or more in prison (without the option of a fine) in the 5 years before becoming a governor or since becoming a governor;
have received a prison sentence of 2½ years or more in the 20 years before becoming a governor;
have at any time received a prison sentence or 5 years or more;
have been fined for causing a nuisance or disturbance on school premises during the 5 years prior to or since appointment or election as a governor;
refuse to an application being made to the Criminal Records Bureau for a criminal records certificate.