Chairman Clerk

Mr P. Curwen Mrs. Lorraine Jeffs

Oak Barn 4 Turnpike Cottages

Bentley Upper Froyle

Farnham Alton

Hampshire Hampshire

GU10 5NE GU34 4JD

( 01420 520060 ( 07795 326539

You are summoned to attend the meeting of Bentley Parish Council on

Monday 3rd April 2017

Bentley Memorial Hall

Alton Road, Bentley

GU10 5NB

At 7:30pm


1. / To receive & approve apologies for absence.
2. / To approve the minutes from the Parish Council meeting held on Monday 13th March.
3. / To receive declarations of interest from Members
Councilors are reminded of their responsibility to declare any disclosable pecuniary interest which they may have in any item of business on the agenda no later than when that item is reached. Unless dispensation had been granted, you may not participate in any discussion of, or vote on, or discharge any function related to any matter in which you have a pecuniary interest as defined by regulations made by the Secretary of State under the Localism Act 2011. Councilors are reminded that they must withdraw from the room when the meeting discusses and votes on that matter.
The formal meeting will be adjourned for 10 minutes to enable local residents to address the Council. (If you wish to participate during this session, please inform the Clerk three days prior to the meeting, providing any relevant paperwork for the council.)
4. / To agree to resolve:
To accept the money donated by the closed Bentley Tennis club
How best to spend this money/ what project should it go to
5. / To consider ideas of how we can make use of the Old Recreation Land.
6. / To agree to resolve, that the s106 development funding money in the Open Spaces pot, be awarded to the cost of the play park project.
7. / To discuss the latest information reviewed since the Parish meeting in March, and agree on a draft version of comments to send to the Government Consultations Reforming Policy on the design of the new airspace change proposal.
8. / To discuss the Local Government Boundary Commission for England’s Internal Ward Boundary review and agree on Bentley Parish Council’s course of action:
BPC should submit suggestions or comments for the first period of consultation.
BPC to submit comments on the second consultation.
BPC to comment on potential ward names.
BPC to work with Binsted Parish Council or form a committee group
Inform the residents of Bentley to get public opinion.
9. / To receive a report from Cllr Ken Carter, East Hampshire District Council.
10. / To receive a report from the Chairman of Bentley Parish Council.
11. / To receive a report from the Clerk of Bentley Parish Council.
12. / To consider & agree gift ideas for Graham Bonner to be presented to him during the APA.
13. / To ratify the decision, to accept the increased charges and continue with Diane Malley’s payroll services.
(a) / Planning & Development
To review & agree to provide a decision & comment(s) for the following planning application(s):
Reference: 57081/001
Location: The Stables, Main Road, Bentley, Farnham GU10 5LW
Proposal: New access following removal of trees
Date for comments: 06 April 2017
15. / To receive reports from the following officers:
·  Allotment Officer
·  Footpaths Officer
·  Highways & Transport Officer
·  Pond Officer
·  Tree Officer
·  School Liaison Officer
16. / Financial and General Purposes Committee
1.  To note & approve the Bank Reconciliation to 4th April 2017.
2.  To approve the payments contained in papers:
·  A1 – Cashbook
·  A3 - Payments record for April 2017
·  A4- Clerk Salary/Expenses
The Annual Parish Assembly meeting will be held on 10th April 2017
The Annual General meeting will be held on 8th May 2017

Clerk & R.F.O at Bentley Parish Council

Mrs Lorraine Jeffs

28th March 2017