Dear Parents/Guardians,

Now that the new school year is underway, I would like to take a moment to let you know some things that may be of importance to you and your child in helping to keep up on my Science class.

After you and your child read this, I ask that both of you sign on the 3rd page and return that part of the letter to me. Please keep this letter and post it on the refrigerator at home so that you can reference it during the year! Sign and return the bottom portion.

Homework : It is strongly recommended that your child keep track of homework assignment on a nightly basis. Homework assignments will be posted on a regular basis by me on .

When you go to this website be sure to sign up for the “Alert and Notify” feature. By doing this you will not have to check the website every night because when I update on my end, an automatic email will be generated to you to let you know that I have done this.

This is a particularly good site to visit, especially when your child has been out for a couple of days. Checking this site regularly will let you know what’s coming up, short and long term, and will let you know the dates of morning review sessions. (See lower part of this letter.) Homework will be given on an average of three nights a week. Some assignments may simply be to read. In this case I always suggest that students take notes. I usually try to avoid homework on weekends and holidays, but on some occasions it may happen. The frequency of homework may vary during the course of the year depending on the material covered and the speed in which I can cover it. A student who has a tendency not to do homework is not likely to do well in my class as there are usually more homework grades than test, quiz and lab grades in a marking period. So, it is imperative that students do all assignments.

Get a “homework buddy” who will bring home a copy of the work that needs to be done when you are absent!!

Signing Up For SchoolNotes Webpage :

1. Go to this webpage :

2. Fill in the New User information. (NOT required.)

3. Click on the Parents or Students tab at the top of the screen.

4. Search for me “By School” : N.J. / Freehold Township / D. D. Eisenhower

5. When the page opens, click on the “Notify Me” circle up next to my name.

6. That’s it.

Quizzes, Tests & Labs : The frequency of these may also vary. Again, it depends on the material being covered and how quickly I can cover it.

Labs : Labs may take one day to complete or as many as three days. There are usually summary questions to complete and these are normally done as homework.

Quizzes : Students will be given at least one day notice and often

more than that to prepare.

Tests : Students will know almost a week in advance of a test. The class days prior to the test will be spent doing either Chapter Reviews from the book or “Long Review (60 question) Packets”. One or both of these may be assigned as homework assignments.

Basic requirements for class :Being prepared for class at all times is an important step towards greater success. I would like my students to have the following things EVERY DAY:

A.Their current textbook

B. A pencil

C. A red pen

D. A science 3-ring binder notebook (1.5 in.)

E. A calculator (optional)

Morning Review Sessions

I have morning review sessions for everything that is graded.

The review session times are as follows :

Homework, quizzes, labs, tests : 7:00 AM. Morning Review Session dates will be posted on my SchoolNotes website. Just be sure that you are looking at posted info for your specific class!

Science Text Books On-Line :

Students sometimes forget their books in school….. no big deal. All the Prentice-Hall text books we use are available on-line. Listed below are the 4 books that we currently use, along with their on-line access codes, and the Prentice-Hall website address.

Here’s how to access the website and the books :

1. Go to

2. You will see a box on the right that says “Course Content” &

Web Codes.

3. In the first box of the course codes enter CAE.

4. In the second box of the course codes enter the 4 digit number

code for the book you want to view.

Here are the 4 books we use and their 4 digit number codes :

Chemical Building Blocks : CAE 0622

Chemical Interactions : CAE 0623

Cells & Heredity : CAE 0614

Motion, Forces & Energy : CAE 0624

Other availability : I may be available after school on certain days, unless I have a previous commitment. Your child would need to let me know a day in advance so that I may check my schedule and let them know if I am available to work with them that day after school.

My availability for parents : Just like your child, I can meet with you before school if you feel there is a need that we can not address on the phone. If we need to meet please contact me a day in advance so that I have a heads-up to have all of the information

necessary for the conference.

Phone number : 732-431-3910 x4550

E-mail :

Mr. Moran’s Parent Information Letter Signature Page

Student name (print) ______Class Day/Per. ______

Student signature ______

Parent/Guardian signature ______

Please sign and return this page ONLY!