Welcome to Earth & Space Science!

Miss Bandeira & Mr. Abbott

Room 207

Miss Bandeira’sOffice Hours: Thursday’s, 2:40 pm-3:30 pm or by appointment with prior notice. Contact me anytime at:

Mr. Abbott’s Office Hours: Will be announced.Contact me anytime at:

  • Experimental Design
  • Astronomy
  • Plate Tectonics
  • Weathering/ Rocks and Minerals
  • Geologic Time
  • Atmosphere/ Weather
  • Oceans/ Climate
  • Environmental Issues
  • NJASK Prep
/ Materials
  • 1” Binder
  • 1 pack of loose leaf paper
  • 1 package of binder reinforcement labels
  • #2 Pencils
  • Blue/Black ink pens
  • Daily Homework Planner (provided by school)
  • Color pencils, glue, scissors – Keep at home for projects

Class Expectations
  1. Be prepared with your materials as soon as the bell rings.
  2. Listen and follow instructions the first time they are given.
  3. Show respect for others. Use kind words. Raise your hand.
  4. Stay in your seat unless you have permission to do otherwise.
  5. Write down your homework in your planner everyday.
  6. Respect others during test/quiz time by not communicating with classmates AT ALL.
  7. Make sure to leave the classroom neat when you leave.
  8. Follow all safety rules!
  9. Please no personal grooming in class.

Class Consequences

  1. Verbal warning
  2. Contact home
  3. Sent out of the room (Buddy Teacher or ISS)
  4. Violation of lab safety rules may result in lab privileges being revoked.


Tests 30%

Labs/Projects 25%

Classwork 20%


Homework 10%


TOTAL 100%


Homework will be checked on the due date. Homework that is reviewed in class will not be accepted late. Homework that is not reviewed and is collected will only be accepted the next day for partial credit. It will not be accepted after.


Classwork consists of assignments completed in class (group and individual), class participation, and being prepared. You will not be permitted to go to your locker once class has begun.


Tests: Will be announced at least one week in advance!! No excuses for being unprepared for a test. A test review in the form of a review game, study guide, or both will precede all tests before the scheduled test. If you are absent on the day of a test, be ready to take it the day you return.

Quizzes: Will be announced and unannounced (pop-quizzes). Unannounced quizzes will be open-notebook. Everything is fair gameso take detailed notes!!

Projects: There will be individual and group projects throughout the year: physical models, demonstrations, oral presentations, research papers, and science binder checks.

Labs: Lab grades are based on written reports and how well you work within your group.


Retakes are available for any test you receive a 66% or belowon. Retakes take place during office hours. You can earn back half of the points lost on the original test. It is up to you to change your grade, which is your responsibility as a student.

Absentee Make Up Work

If you are absent, you are responsible for getting any missing notes from someone in class. Any handouts given out while you were absent can be found in the extra worksheets bin. All make-up work should be completed within 3 days of absence for full credit. It is your responsibility to submit/show your make-up work. If you are absent the day of an announced quiz or test, be prepared to take it the day you return.

Extra Credit

Extra Credit opportunities will be provided throughout the marking period. Extra Credit may be handed in at any point throughout the marking period up to 5 days prior to the last day of the marking period.

Science Binders
Bring binders every day. They will be checked periodically, and graded once a marking period. Keep all science notes, handouts, and corrected work in the correct order in your notebook. Everything should be legible. If I can’t read it, it will not be graded.

Academic Honesty

It is expected that each student adhere to the Franklin Township academic honesty and plagiarism policy. This means that all work will be done, by the individual student, in his or her own words. Do it right the first time, or be prepared to do it over.


It is suggested, but not required that you sign up for your period’s REMIND Texts. I send out reminders about tests, due dates for projects, extra credit opportunities, and other announcements via text to your phones. Don’t worry – This is one-way texting, so I don’t actually see your phone number, only your name!

Name: (please, print first and last name)

Directions:Please, read and sign the following statement for EARTH SCIENCE. . Then have a parent or guardian read and sign the statement below that.


I have read the attached packet both in class and on my own. I understand all material within the packet and I have asked questions to clarify any portions that I did not understand. I realize that I am responsible for all the information that it provides concerning the operation of our science classroom and my responsibilities and the expectations of me as a student.



I have read and understand the attached packet concerning the operations of my child’s science class. I have reviewed important points with my child, which will help make them successful throughout the year. I will monitor and assist my child on a regular basis to ensure an acceptable effort and the best chance for positive achievement and learning. I will contact the teacher with ANY questions or concerns immediately throughout the year.


PARENT/GUARDIAN NAME (please, print first and last name)

Name ______Date ______

Miss Bandeira/Mr. AbbottPeriod ______Safety Contract

Read carefully the Student Safety Contract below. Then, fill in your name in the first blank, date the contract, and sign it.

Student Safety Contract

I will

  • read the lab investigation before beginning to experiment
  • wear my personal protective equipment as directed to protect my

eyes, face, hands, feet, and body while conducting class activities

  • follow all instructions given by the teacher
  • conduct myself in a responsible manner at all times in a laboratory


I, ______, have read and agree to abide

by the safety regulations as set forth above and any additional printed

instructions provided by my teacher or the school district.

I agree to follow all other written and oral instructions given in class.

Student Signature: ______

Parent Signature: ______

Franklin Middle School

415 Francis St. Somerset, NJ 08873 (732)249-6410