APICS – The Association for Operations Management

Board of Directors’ Meeting

Wednesday,October 21, 2015

Russ' Restaurant

Grandville, Michigan

CALL TO ORDER: Dan Braun called the meeting to order on Wednesday, October 21,2015 at 6:02 PM.

ROLL CALL: The following participants were in attendance for the Board of Directors meeting:

Board of Directors:

Dan Braun, CPIM, CIRM, CSCPPresident

Jim Boes, CPIMPresident-Elect

Randy Gilbert, CPIM, CSCP, PMP, LSSBBPast President

Shridhar Bhat, CPIM, PMPPublic Certification Education Director

Ken Weiss, CPIMMembership Director

Danielle Campbell, CPIMPDM/Special Events Director

Jerry Bays, CPIMDirector-At-Large & Membership Committee

Rose PizzoDirector-At-Large Student


Kathy ChoryanChapter Administrator


Ron Kopp, CPIM, CSCPVice President of Marketing

Cathy Bosscher, CPIM, CSCPVice President of Finance

Tod Schwartz, CFPIM, CSCPIn-House & Continuing Education Director

Anant Gohil, CPIMDirector-At-LargeMarketing Committee

Tracy Knuff, CPIM, CSCP, PMP Director-At-Large & Special Events Committee

Dan welcomed everyone.


Approval of September 16,2015 BOD Minutes: Randy motioned to approve the September 16, 2015 board ofdirectors' meeting minutes, supported by Jim. All in favor with none opposed. Via email, two votes to approve the minutes and one abstained. Motion carried.

September Financials: Danielle motioned to approve the September, 2015 financials, supported by Jim. All in favor with none opposed. Via email, three votes to approve the financials. Motion carried.



Chapter Matrix: Dan plans to add to the measurement matrix report prior to the next board meeting.

APICS Grand Rapids Member Needs Survey: Past one was emailed out to board. Drop questions #12, 18, and 19. Add: If we want to contact your company about educational opportunities with APICS, who would we contact? Kathy will update changes and send to Dan.

We will eblast this out to members. From the list of members who do not respond to the survey, we would like each board member to select five members that you know to contact and do a verbal walk- through with them over the phone on the survey. This will help us plan and revise strategic and marketing plans.

Student Chapter

Gold Star Program: Starting next semester, to be an APICS member, students will be required to attend so many events in the semester. It will help with membership. If a Gold Star member, their resume will be put into a resume book to be handed out to local West Michigan companies and try to branch out to other different companies to look at these top students first over other students for internships and full-time opportunities. Rose asked the board for support with this once it is up and running by going back totheir companies and promote this. It will take a semester or two to implement. Resumes could be posted on our website and/or Chapter LinkedIn.

Also credit is given for students attending parent chapter events such as PDMs. Kathy to send Rose names of students that attended October PDM.

Volunteer Event with Parent Chapter: Student chapter would like to do a volunteer event similar to last year. Dan and Rose will talk about thisand get something worked out. Danielle offered to be involved. Randy mentioned his company has set up days working with Habitat for Humanity if they would like to piggy-back onto that event on Thursday, October 29th; 10 to 15 people from 8:30 AM to 4:00 PM. Rose will reach out to the students.

Just finished up Career Fair Prep and had about 20 attend.

Rose spoke very highly of her time at the International Conference. She and Victor had great networking with other students and came away with many excellent ideas. Rose found that the most successful student chapters were those that were most involved with their local chapter. She again thanked the board for this opportunity.

CPIM Review Module Plan: CPIM module plan is progressing. Jaideep did not anticipate a problem with us getting a room at GVSU. He is checking with the dean to confirm. Talking about doing these classes on weekends with full day session, such as 8 to 3 or 4 and meeting every other week. Bring in food such as pizza for lunch. No catering service on Saturday. Jaideep will check on liability issue for non-students to attend these CPIM classes at GVSU. Randy, Rose, and Dan to work out the schedule. We then will need to line up instructors. Maybe have two instructors split the day.

Dan asked the board if these instructors need to be IDP certified? Randy thought Train the Trainer would be required. It does, however, have an expiration. Randy says he does a lot with GVSU, but he needs to accumulate some hours with APICS so he would like to participate. Anant is interested in teaching. Once having Train the Trainer, application for IDP is needed. Dan will speak with Anant. Jim tabulated that this is about 72-78 hours which would be nine Saturdays; 17 weeks. Randy said a course has been done in three Saturdays. Course needs to be structured as to what is important. Probably schedule a two-week break and then take the exam while it is fresh. That would go over the semester length of 15 weeks.

Student cost is to purchase the courseware. It would be important for the students to have taken 366 and 367 first which will cover the equivalent of Basics. Student would be responsible for the exam fee. This would be talked about the first and last week of the course as to the steps needed to schedule the exam, etc. Non-students will pay the regular rate for the course. Part of the cost structure is also the instructor manual which is $300+. Randy said there would be a market for SMR also because there are mutiple sections at GVSU of 467. It has been specifically designed. Other people are doing it as Randy could not do three. He did two. They are using the APICS book and he provided the resources, the way the class is going is not necessarily preparing people properly for the exam. We are going after the middle section, but we may find there is a need for SMR as well.


Jim reported we have 13 memberships coming from Ranir. We also have one from Attwood who is taking one of the courses. Ron got Deb Smith's roster from her Basics. We are starting to get some takes on the free memberships for those taking APICS Grand Rapids' classes. Ron has gone to the first night of some of the classes.

New PDM survey cards need to be ordered. Good time to review content on the cards and make changes if needed. Kathy will email current surveys to the board for recommended additions, deletions. Responses due back next Wednesday. We can do online survey if this is not reprinted in time for November PDM.


New members are being offered one free PDM until we have further updates about it being cost free for everyone. Some new members have done so.

For September, we have had five new members; five suspended members. Total members at month's end was 202. Last month was 197. Ken sent suspended members an email. Dan asked if no response to that, Ken bring the names to the board and if anyone on the board knows the suspended member that they contact them by phone. We find different numbers from C-Box and real-time reports.

APICS reported to us a number from June, 2015 and Kathy Groat will report that membership total to us againnext year.


CPIM/CSCP/Principles: Currently we have Basics with Deb Smith until November 24th. Then she will begin MPR on December 8th through February 16th. Shridhar's ECO class is supposed to start next week with only two people. Standard has been three minimum. Next ECO class is in May, 2016. GVSU CPIM classes would allow us to offer ECO sooner. The ECO class has been cancelled for October 26th.

No response to the Principles classes. Because there was an inquiry from Jeff Embrey, we will keep the classes scheduled on the website. We need five to run the class as an in-house class. Dan may have some to add to that to make the class viable at five.No active promotion to be done such as email blasts. We will run the Planner Seminar in May, 2016.

Next spring's CPIM stream will be posted tomorrow on the website beginning March 14, 2016.

Randy posed the question - What type of problems or opportunities are seeing at work that APICS could help with? - to be put on the survey. We could craft a program or workshop to target that specific group of people. Shridhar has eight questions to add to that.

In-House & Continuing: Tod sent in a written report.
Randal Schaffer held his seminar last week, World Class Cycle Counting, at the Pinnacle Center. The attendance was smaller than last spring, but it was well received, and we make some money off it.

Deb and Randall will be holding their combined seminar next month at the Pinnacle Center titled: Capacity Management Step-by-Step. This always draws a crowd and we make decent money on it.

Shridhar and I will be meeting at the end of the month to put meat on the bones of the Planner’s Seminar we have scheduled for the spring.

All of the continuing education seminars, will now be held twice a year, once in the spring and once in the fall. We now have four developed seminars beyond the APICS scope of education.

Wolverine: I have completed the Boston location training for CPIM MPR. I will be completing the last Rockford MPR class next week. This will complete the original scope of the proposal. I will be sitting down with them next week to discuss next steps, Wolverine is ripe with educational opportunities. They have shown interest in running standard CPIM series in 2016.

Ranir: Jim has the details on this account as he is the owner of that piece of business.
Jim said Ranir people are extremely nervous about the exam. Ranir wants all of their people CPIM certified. MPR is scheduled for January 12th and go from there. They want to take their exams before they start the next class in the stream. Kathy will send out the evaluations for this Basics' class to Ranir attendees. Jim will hang onto instructor books as a reference from the Ranir stream in case of questions.

Parker-Hannifin (Kzoo) This lead comes to us from New Horizons and represents the first serious lead from themthat has had any substance to it. Parker-Hannifin is a major manufacturing company with a large size. I have bought material from the folks over the last twenty years. They are a good outfit. They have shown serious interest in the entire CPIM series. So much so, that we have spoke with them directly to talked about need andhave given them a full proposal. We are waiting word back on that proposal. I am very confident that we will get this work.

Dan conversed with Mike Manchester of Southwest Michigan chapter and reported that he and Tod agreed to split profits with Southwest APICS chapter.

Meijer: This opportunity is brought to us by Jeff Hamm at New Horizons. I am less optimistic about this one. There is serious interest here, but New Horizons has not brought me into the fold yet to meet with them directly. Jeff Ham tells me that there are several distribution centers in five states that Meijer wants to have about two hundred individuals trained. This is kind of like the Amway opportunity from a couple of years agothat went nowhere. My confidence on this is low, but we will see. The Parker-Hannifin deal is the first legit lead New Horizons has brought us since we decided to partner with them. Parker could be very good.

The required $200 membership was dropped from our deal through New Horizons, but it is included in the quoteto Meijer.

IDP and APICS Instructors: Shridhar, Tod, Randy, Jim, and Deb Smith are certified. Deb is not listed on the APICS website as her choice. Not sure if Anant has taken any training. If he has Train the Trainer, he will need to print the application from national website and submit to the Chapter for recommendation and signature then Anant can submit it.

Randy asked if he needs a letter from the chapter if he is going to upgrade his status. Jim said the letter comes from national.
Randy asked if either before or after a PDM on rotational basis having an instructor who is attending the PDM anyway available to answer questions pertaining to classes/exams. Good resource. Dan prefers a separate email blast to the members about this. Should take place outside of the main room.

West Michigan Supply Chain Conference: Next conference call tomorrow. See how tracks are progressing. Danielle is doing Supplier Partnership: quality, performance, developing a supplier, contracts. If you know of anyone who would be a good speaker, let Danielle know. The A.M. speaker has been confirmed.

Shape Tour: Waiting for Shape to tell which facilities they want to tour and provide pictures and descriptions. If not soon, we will need to move the date out. We chose third week in November.

Griffins: Consensus was to do this on Friday night. Game and tour.
Board Retirements/Incoming: We should start talking about intentions for next year. If there are going to be openings on the board, Jim will want to start thinking about recruiting so please let him know your intentions either way.

Bylaws committee of Rose, Jim, and Tod probably will not get together before Rose graduates plus Tod's schedule is so busy. Jim to check with Tod to see if he wants someone else on the committee to sub for him.

Jim spoke with a speaker from NIKE at the International Conference about presenting at one of our PDMs next year for air fare and hotel. Dan and Jim talked about joint meeting with Southwest APICS Chapter and this would be a great presentation with them. Jim would like to tag the three that presented from Fender Music.

Outstanding Contributor: Congratulations to Jim Boes.

Next BOD Meeting: Wednesday, November 18, 2015 at Russ' Restaurant in Grandville, hosted by Cathy.

Ken motioned to adjourn the meeting at 7:33 PM, supported by Danielle. All in favor with none opposed. Motion carried

Action Items from October 21, 2015board meeting:

  1. Dan to add to the measurement matrix prior to November board meeting.
  2. Kathy to send Rose names of students that attended October PDM.
  3. Ken to bring names of suspended members that have not responded to inquiry email to the board for follow-up phone call.
  4. Kathy to send PDM survey card format to board for updates. Due back October 28th.
  5. Kathy to notify New Horizons that ECO is cancelled. Notify registrants of future classes.
  6. CPIM stream beginning in March, 2016 to be up on the website asap.
  7. Kathy will send out the evaluations for Jim's Basics' class to Ranir attendees.
  8. Jim to check with Tod to see if he wants someone else on the bylaws committee to sub for him.

November 2, 2015 @ 5:30 PM Page 1