Casi Renée

6-3-95 to 6-13-99

Casi Renée was born on June 3rd, 1995 and scored 8 & 9 on the APGAR scale. We were warned by chiropractors while I was pregnant with her, about the risks involved with vaccines. Casi had an immunologist pediatrician, who told me she would die if I did not vaccinate. She received her 1st Hepatitis B vaccine on 61995. I was told of no risk and was even given a bottle of Tylenol to mask the symptoms of any reactions. Within days she developed a rash following the vaccine, but the pediatrician didn’t seem to be concerned.

Casi was given HBPV, OPV, DPT and her 2nd dose of Hepatitis B on 72795. She was very floppy and when we lifted her arm or leg, it would just drop. On 92795 she received another dose of DPT, HBPV and OPV. Her floppiness continued and within a week, she developed eczema and resisted being put on her belly. She had been babbling “Mama”, “Dada” and playing peekaboo with her dress. She would turn her head toward the TV when music was playing or when Nickelodeon's Face would come on. Mentally we didn’t notice any problems, but physically we were a little concerned. When we brought it up to her pediatrician, she didn’t seem concerned.

Casi received DPT and HBPV on 11-30-95. Her eczema was out of control and we noticed her babbling stopped immediately. We couldn’t get her to play peekaboo any longer and all she wanted to do was lay on her back. We also noticed she constantly wanted to arch her back and thought she was fascinated with ceiling fans and lights. She stopped developing normally and the pediatrician’s response was “All children develop differently, so do not to compare her with others”.

Casi received her 3rd dose of Hepatitis B on 31296 and within a month, we noticed a lot of noise in her joints and she began rolling to get around. She would cry when we would put her on her belly or try to get her to stand. We also realized that she was not advancing mentally or physically. She became very quiet and passive, so we thought we had the perfect selfentertaining child.

At Casi’s 1-year birthday, everyone in our family realized that something was wrong. She was not going from a lying to a sitting position on her own. When we confronted the pediatrician and demanded some answers, she referred us to one of the top pediatric neurologist. He diagnosed her with hypotonia, which is low muscle tone and did a lot of testing. Everything came back normal, so he referred us to a physical therapist and wanted to see her in 3 months.

The physical therapist suggested autism, because she had an autistic son and was familiar with their characteristics. Casi received physical, occupational and speech therapy 2 times a week. The neurologist said "absolutely not" to autism and when I asked about the vaccines being responsible, he wouldn’t even consider the possibility.

We chose to no longer use Casi’s pediatrician and were referred to another one, by my OBGYN. On 92696, he gave her the MMR and HBPV vaccine. Her development still was very slow and we started getting very alarmed and desperate. Here we had the best neurologist in South Florida, and he could not give us answers. We kept taking her to the physical therapist twice a week and taught her how to crawl. Within weeks after the MMR vaccine, she developed chronic constipation.

I suspected the vaccines being responsible for Casi’s problems and spoke to the pediatrician about my concern. He did not agree and suggested she receive the safer version DTaP vaccine, along with OPV and TB screening on 121996. I still wanted to believe the pediatrician knew best and gave into his fear.

We finally taught Casi to walk at 22 months old. She was very unstable and fell a lot, but seemed to get around. We were watching a news broadcast on Hepatitis B reactions and noticed a little boy that walked just like her. We immediately contacted the news station and were able to speak with the mother of the little boy. He had a severe reaction to the Hepatitis B vaccine. I now had a strong suspicion of how Casi developed hypotonia.

Casi’s neurologist requested MRI's, cat scans, EEG's and came to no conclusion. We took her to several specialist, even two other neurologists and no one could give us answers. I started researching the dangers of vaccines and realized she had reactions to each round of vaccines. We noticed more and more developmental delay after each visit to the doctor.

I learned that children can go to school without vaccines and diseases declined due to better sanitation, fresh fruits and vegetables. I also discovered that vaccines are cultured in animals and realized it was against our religious belief to introduce animal RNA/DNA into the human body. They are preserved in toxins like thimerosal (a mercury derivative), aluminum and formaldehyde.

We had a son on 2597 and chose not to vaccinate him. I was able to see with my own two eyes, the difference between a fully vaccinated (man-made) and a fully nonvaccinated (God-made) child. Cory was walking and talking at 8 months old. Casi never said a word and after seeing every specialist available, she was labeled as autistic.

We started her at Rauph J. Bauldwin Oral School, which is primarily for autistic children. Even though I knew autism was just a label they give children who have had reactions to vaccines, we needed the funding for the school and allowed them to call her autistic.

In May of 1999, Casi started running fever and blood work showed she was positive with the epstein bar virus (mono), which I learned was also due to the vaccines. Casi was diagnosed by a top infectious disease specialist and he was confident there were no other problems. She had on and off fever for 7 weeks, lost a lot of weight and missed many days of school. My son never caught the virus, although he would drink from her bottle and they were always together.

Casi inevitably contracted bacterial meningitis and was not properly treated at the hospital. She passed away 10 days after her 4th birthday and the only reason I’m able to breathe today, is because God made my mission in life very clear. I have dedicated the rest of my life to doing WHATEVER is necessary to help these innocent victims and to protecting healthy children and children-yet-to-be, from the autism epidemic. Autism is 1 in 50 children today and this doesn’t include other vaccine related disorders such as ADD and ADHD. This epidemic is due to an immune insult and it’s impossible to have a genetic epidemic!

I travel the world presenting free “Educate BEFORE You Vaccinate” seminars, providing over 20 years of research proving the dangers of vaccinations. I wish someone would have shared this information with me, before I chose to blindly hold my daughter down and allow her to be injected. I thank GOD, for giving me the strength to survive and speak the truth. “Please learn from our mistake and Educate BEFORE you Vaccinate”.