Movement/Folk Dance Goal/Scale
Standard: Common Anchor Core Standard #10 Synthesize and relate knowledge and personal experiences to make art (NCCAS)
Big Idea/Essential question: Folk Dancing is a part of our culture, a skill set is required to participate as part of our community.
Learning Goal: I can move accurately, appropriately and expressively while responding to musical cues.
4.0 / I can move accurately, appropriately and expressively with increasingly difficulty, as well as improvise and create my own dances displaying ensemble awareness and expression.3.0 / I can move accurately, appropriately and expressively while responding to musical cues.
2.0 / I am beginning to move accurately, appropriately and expressively while responding to teacher direction.
1.0 / With assistance I can identify accurate, appropriate and/or expressive movements.
0.0 / I am not yet able to move accurately, appropriately or expressively.
Key Experiences - (Declarative Knowledge that lead to understanding)
Forward and Back Right/Left Elbow Swing
Right/Left both hands round Alamande left/right
Do-Si-Do Grand right and left
Walking in a circle
Dance Formations
Longways Sets
Double Circle
Defining, experiencing, demonstrating Folk Dance
K/1 - Experience circle games and dances both stationary and non-stationary.
Explore Structured movement
Explore Creative movement
2-5 - Continued exploration of creative and structured movement
Experience folk dances in circle, long way and square formations
Tasks for Common Assessment to show student growth:
Teacher will describe, demonstrate and “call” different types of expressive movement and dance.
· Kindergarten/1st grade
o Explore Creative Movement/Develop awareness of levels and space
§ Students will be aware of their own personal space in relationship to others (the space bubble)
o Experience Circle games and Dances
§ Students will be able to make appropriate dance formations (Circle ‘Round the Zero)
· 2nd/3rd Grade
o Use improvisation and move with appropriate response
§ Familiar and Unfamiliar musical selections (Aquarium from Carnival of the Animals...Danse Macabre, etc.)
o Experience play parties and dances in long way sets
§ Paw Paw Patch
§ Alabama Gal
· 4th/5th Grade
o Experience square dances and other more complex formations
§ Gustav’s Skoal
§ Simple Square
Suggested Resources
For Movement Exploration:
Movement Explorations (Feierabend)
Music for Little People (Feierabend)
In all Kinds of Weather (Kleiner)
Kids Can Move, Kids Can Listen (Kleiner)
Handy Play Party Book
For Expressive Movement:
Move It! (Feierabend)
Move It! 2 (Feierabend)
Dance Resources:
New England Dance Masters Series - Jump Jim Joe, Chimes of Dunkirk, Listen to the Mockingbird, Sashay the Donut
Teaching Movement and Dance/Rhythmically Moving (1-9) (Weikart)
Dances of the 7 Continents Vol 1&2
English Country Dances (Riley)
Jill Trinka Folk Dances