Mountianious Survival Kit-
The purpoe of this kit is too guarantee survival in a mountainious area if someone were too be in trouble or in danger. This includes:
· A map of the area
· Description of the climate
· Facts about native flora and fauna
· Food and Water recources
· Information about a local town, in which you can get help.
· Other necessary items for survival. (pistol, knife etc.)
This survival kit should always be at hand in case of emergency.
Description of Climate:
It is extremely cold with temperatures reaching -40ºC! Warm clothing is definitely needed! The climate here does not change. Blizzards occur frequently, so the pop up tent (included in the kit) must always be at hand. It snows a lot so the snow boots, included, must be worn at all times.
Flora and Fauna:
Flora does not exist on Everest due to the cold temperatures. Although Fauna is definitely present in the area. Including:
· Types of Mountain Goat
· Snow Leopards
· The Himalayan Yak
If you are ever found in danger by any of hese animals keep calm and stay still and hide if possible. If danger is extreme a .44 Magnum is included.
Food and water sources:
Snow is quite obviously abundant on Everest, which means your are virtually walking on your water source. To transform the snow into liquid,
firstly make a small well type shape in the snow and coat the inside of it with anything, for example leaves or spare bits of clothing. Next melt some snow included in your pack.
Your only food source, as there are no plants, is either your ration pack provided or hunting animals with your pistol and knife included.
Nearest Help Station:
Situated at an altitude of 5,364 metres, there is a base camp where there is food, guides, water and supplies. There are also camps al the way up the peak although if you start to need certain things at the top, it may be too late!