This order blank is effective to JUNE 15, 2018 Go to for more information

Iowa Pheasants Forever Native Grass Seed Program WINTER/SPRING 2018

Call Matt O’Connor,

563-926-2357 or cell# 319-240-4075

Purchase Order

*A chapter or personal check must be included with your order* Make check out to: Pheasants Forever – Native Grass Seed Order


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acres ordered / Description / Unit Price / Total Price
No. # of acres ordered:
Order in any amount / CP-25 mix Economy Mesic Prairie 30/10 An Affordable CP-25 Mix!!!
This mix exceeds the Iowa USDA requirements for CP-25 plantings. Mix: 1.2lb Big bluestem, 1.15lb Indiangrass, .77lb Switchgrass, .4lb Canada wild rye,.72lb Composite (rough) dropseed, .1lb Prairie Junegrass, Virginia Wildrye .40lb Forbs: Black-eyed Susan .03 lbs, Greyheaded coneflower .03 lb,Ox-eye .05lb, Wild Bergamot .03lb, Common evening primrose .025lb, Hoary Vervain .005lb, Western Yarrow .025lb, Field Goldenrod .018lb, Culver’s Root .010lb, Purple Prairie Clover .01lb, Partridge Pea .1lb, Common Milkweed .01lb, Golden Alexander’s .01lb, Prairie Mimosa .06lb, Purple Coneflower .01lb Note that forb weights are in LBS. not Ounces! / $132
No. # of acres ordered: / CP-25 Standard Mesic Prairie 30/10 “The Iowa Mix”
This mix exceeds the Iowa USDA requirements for CP-25 plantings.
Mix: 1.5lb Big bluestem, 1lb Indiangrass, .5lb Side oats grama, .75lb Switchgrass, .4lb Canada wild rye, .4lb Virginia wild rye, .5lb Little bluestem, .7lb Composite (rough) dropseed, .04lb Prairie June grass, .01lb Fox Sedge Forbs: Black-eyed Susan .055lb, Partridge pea .05lb, Greyheaded coneflower .03lb, Wild Bergamot .03lb, Prairie cinquefoil .01lb, Culvers root .01lb, Stiff goldenrod .01lb, Golden Alexander .01lb, Ox-eye .05lb, Purple prairie clover .2lb, Common Milkweed .01lb, Purple coneflower .05lb, Foxglove Penstemon .023lb, Prairie mimosa .1lb, Canadian Milkvetch .01lb, White Wild Indigo .01lb, Ironweed .01lb, Swamp Milkweed .01lb, Prairie Rosinweed .01lb, False Dragonhead .01lb Note that forb weights are in LBS. not Ounces! / $160
No. # of acres ordered: / CP-25 Mesic Prairie without Switch 30/10- Grasses: 1.8 lb Big Bluestem, 1lb Indian grass, .5lb Side oats grama, 1lb Little Bluestem, .5lb Canada Wildrye, .5lb Virginia Wildrye, .03lb Fox Sedge .60lb Composite dropseed, .04lb Prairie Junegrass, Forbs: Black-eyed Susan .05lb, Partridge Pea .05lb, Gray-headed Coneflower .03lb, Wild Bergamot .01lb, Foxglove Penstemon .01lb, Culver’s Root .01lb, Field Goldenrod.01lb, Golden Alexander’s .01, Oxeye .05lb, Purple Prairie Clover .3lb, Feverfew Wild Quinine .01lb, Purple Coneflower .05lb, Hoary Vervain .03lb, Prairie Mimosa .11lb, Canadian Milkvetch .04lb, Common Milkweed .01lb, Ironweed .01lb, Wild Petunia .01lb, Compass Plant .01lb, Round-headed Bush Clover .01lb / $180
No. # of acres ordered: / CP-25 Short Dry Prairie 30/10 Break-up your tall grass with this short grass mix! Mix:1.4lb Little Bluestem, 1.0 Side oats Grama, .1lb Western Wheatgrass, .4lb Canada Wildrye, Blue Grama .54lb, Arctic Brome .01lb, .5lb Composite(rough) Dropseed, .02lb Sand dropseed, Shortbreak Sedge .01lb, .04lb Prairie June grass Forbs:Black-eyed Susan .05lb, Greyheaded coneflower .03lb, Wild Bergamot .02lb, Hoary Vervain .01lb, Prairie Mimosa .05lb, Field Goldenrod .025lb, Purple Prairie Clover .4lb, Partridge Pea .05lb, White Prairie Clover .01lb, Large-flowered Beardtongue .01lb,Butterfly Milkweed .01lb, Purple Coneflower .05lb, Canadian Milkvetch .04lb, Prairie Sunflower .01lb, False Boneset .01lb, Flowering Spruge .01lb, Ox-eye .1lb, White Sagebrush .01lb, White Wild Indigo .01lb, Common Milkweed .01lb / $168
No. # of acres ordered: / CP-25 Wet Prairie 30/10 Grasses:1.5lb Big Bluestem, 1.0lb Virginia Wildrye, .1lb Prairie cordgrass, .11lb Fowl Mannagrass, .17lb Fowl Bluegrass, .01lb Bebb’s Sedge, .01 Bicknell’s Sedge, .01lb Upright Sedge, .01lb Woolgrass, .01lb Green Bulrush Forbs: Blue Vervain .01lb, Purple meadow-rue .01lb, Swamp Milkweed .01lb, Cup Plant .01lb, Boneset .005lb, Sneezeweed .005lb, Seedbox .005lb, Monkey flower .004lb, Spotted Trumpetweed .01lb, Riddell’s Goldenrod .005lb, Giant St. Johnswort .01lb, New England Aster .005lb, Ironweed .01lb, Great Lobelia .005lb, Cardinal Flower .005lb, Blue Flag .01lb, Brown-eyed Susan .01lb, Canadian Anemone .005lb, False Dragonhead .01lb, Prairie Blazingstar .01lb / $162
Number of acres ordered: / CP-25 Diversity Mesic Prairie 30/10
1.5lb Big Bluestem, 1lb Indiangrass, .5lb Side oats grama, .75lb Switchgrass, .4lb Canada Wildrye, .4lb Virginia Wildrye, .5lb Little Bluestem, .7lb Composite(rough) dropseed,.04lbPrairie june grass, .01lb Fox sedge, .01lb Prairie Dropeed Forb list: Blackeyed Susan .05lb, Partridge Pea .05lb, Gray-headed Coneflower .03lb, Wild Bergamot .015lb, Prairie Cinquefoil .005lb, Culver’s Root .009lb, Stiff Goldenrod .02lb, Golden Alexander .01lb, Ox-eye .01lb, Purple Prairie Clover .3lb, Common Milkweed .005lb, Purple Coneflower .02lb, Foxglove Penstemon .02lb, Prairie Mimosa .05lb,Canadian Milkvetch .01lb, White Wild Indigo .005lb, Ironweed .005lb, Swamp Milkweed .005lb, Butterfly Milkweed .005lb, False Dragonhead .005lb. Flowering Spurge .005lb, Prairie Blazingstar .005lb, Tall Tickseed .005lb, Prairie Phlox .005lb, Prairie Rosinweed .005lb, Hoary Vervain .02lb, Round-headed Bush Clover .01lb, Smooth Blue Aster .01lb, White Heath Aster .005lb, Wild Petunia .005lbBEST VALUE! / $180
Free Shipping!! /

You must include a check for full amount with your order! Call Matt O’Connor 563 926-2357 or 319-240-4075 with questions.