Butler Golden Tornado Hockey Meeting Minutes March 12, 2018
In attendance: Mike Ackelson, Chris Gilliland, Cindy Morrison, Kristan Miller, Kelly Reep, Shannon Querry, Bill Kline, Coach Eric, Coach Chris, Brendan Ackelson, CJ
Cindy Morrison announced her resignation as Registrar. We wish her the best of luck!
Approve meeting minutes from last meeting
Motion made by Cindy Morrison and Kristan Miller
All in favor
I.)New Business
- Varsity Coach. Mike has put some feelers out, hasn’t received much back. Mike is putting an ad in Butler Eagle. Unsure about JV assistants coming back.
- Summer conditioning program
- CJ would like to stay on and offer a conditioning program for all 3 teams. We would pay him separate from the Varsity coach pay. Would do a mini camp for JV and MS, and Varsity would be his main focus. He would like an increase in pay and will give us a number now that he has more knowledge and practice. He would like to focus on nutrition, exercises, and injury prevention. We could look into getting a corporate sponsor to pay for CJ’s salary.
Motion made by Chris G to keep him on, 2nd by Bill K, all in favor.
- There was some incidence of poor student behavior at the Varsity playoff game. 6 students were removed from the rink. The police sent a report to the school, the school then called Mike. Mike talked to Craig of PIHL about it.
II.)Old Business
- Banquet Update
- Banquet to be held April 15, 2018 at 6PM at the Butler Vagabonds. They will do setup, takedown, and they make all the food there. There will be a nacho bar, salad, and buffet. We will have a stage for the awards and a senior table. Doors will open at 5:30. Bill will send out invites, Timmi is to get player awards, Kathy to get academic awards. We will get easels for senior photos. We have lots of volunteers. Cost is $20 a plate for guests. Mike will get the cake taken care of. Kristen Lydon is getting player gifts. Possibly will use the tumblers we sold for fundraising that are left over for players gifts as well.
- Tryouts
- Chris is working on getting ice times. We still have some free ice at the Belmont. Brendan is going to continue to help with coaching all 3 teams.
- They are trying to implement some rule changes, including the recruitment of foreign players. Cindy will help to mentor new registrar.
IV.)Web Report
- Update all forms to 2018-2019, we can move registration and payments to Team Snap.
V.)Treasurers Report
- Currently have $21,191.52 in bank with all obligations paid and outstanding deposits needing done.
- Looking for someone to take this on and be head of. Looking to invite Melissa from the Vagabonds to a meeting or after banquet to discuss possibility of doing Bingo there.
VII.)Coaches Corner
- Chris 2017/2018 record of 4-10-2. Felt record didn’t really reflect how season went. They had a number of injuries. Kids really need to start “finishing”. Refs commented on how respectful team was. Getting ready for tryouts.
- Eric and Middle School are still in playoffs, and are 7-2-1. Playoff games at Castle Shannon. Did have an injury after last game and now one of the coaches will be outside locker room at all times, and skates are to be removed immediately.
- Will increase JV and MS coach salaries
Next Meeting April 10, 2018 at Lyndora(now changed to April 9, 2018)