Regular Meeting

MountainLakeCity Council

Monday, March 5, 2012

6:30 p.m.

Members Present:Mayor Dean Janzen, David Savage,Andrew Ysker

Members Absent:Audi Nickel, Brian Schultz

Staff Present:Maryellen Suhrhoff, City Attorney, Muske, Muske and Suhrhoff; Rob Anderson, Economic Development Authority; Wendy Meyer, Clerk/Administrator

Others Present: Shannon Sweeney, David Drown and Associates; Tim Swoboda, Andy Hewitt, Good Samaritan Society

Call to Order

Mayor Janzen called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m.

Adoption of Agenda and Consent Agenda

Motion by Savage, seconded by Ysker, to amend the agenda by adding 5a. Utility Bucket Truck, 5b. Resolution #8-12 and 6a. tablets. Motion carried unanimously. Motion by Ysker, seconded by Savage to adopt the agenda as amended and the consent agenda as presented. Motion carried unanimously.

Bills – Check #’s 13350 – 13395; Payroll Check #’s 14132-14159

Feb. 21 Council Minutes

Feb. 9 Utilities Commission Minutes

Resolution #12-12, Early Childhood Initiative Raffle

Appoint Alice Hayes and Douglas Regehr to Planning & Zoning Commission

Public Hearing Tax Increment (TIF) District #1-4

Mayor Janzen opened the public hearing at 6:35 p.m. Shannon Sweeney reviewed the Good Samaritan 24 unit assisted living facility project, and the plan for TIF District #1-4. The city will issue general obligation bonds to pay for a portion of the project. New property taxes generated will be used to pay the bond. The public hearing was closed at 6:45 p.m. Motion by Savage, seconded by Ysker to adopt Resolution #13-12 Establishing TIF District #1-4 and adopting the TIF Plan. Motion carried unanimously.

Post Issuance Compliance Policies and Procedures

The Internal Revenue System is strongly emphasizing that the city have policies and procedures in place that assure that bonds sold by the city retain their tax-exempt status. For this reason, the city’s bond counsel, Mary Ippel, Briggs and Morgan, is recommending the policy be adopted. Motion by Ysker, seconded by Savage to adopt Resolution #11-12 Establishing Procedures and Policies Relating to Post-Issuance Compliance Under the Internal Revenue Code Upon the Issuance of Governmental Bonds. Motion carried unanimously.


The 2011 circulation statistics for Plum Creek member libraries was reviewed. Mt. Lake Public Library had the largest circulation of CottonwoodCounty libraries.

The close-out figures for the Windom-Mt. Lake Housing Rehabilitation Small Cities Development Programthat ended Dec. 31, 2011 were reviewed. A public hearing on the close out will be held at the March 20 Windom City Council meeting. The second phase of the project will continue until Dec. 31, 2013.

Worker’s Compensation Premiums

The council reviewed options for determining premium rates. Motion by Savage, seconded by Ysker to select the regular premium option for the 2012-2013 policy year. Motion carried unanimously.

Bucket Truck

Motion by Savage, seconded by Ysker, to authorize final payment to ABM for $165,162.57. Motion carried unanimously.

Resolution #8-12 Public Facilities Authority (PFA) Clean Water Revolving Fund and Drinking Water Revolving Fund Application – 2012 Street and Utility Project

After completed the project specifications the city’s engineers, Bolton and Menk, have determined that the loan amounts in Resolution #8-12 adopted on Feb. 21, 2012 should be adjusted. The total cost of the project has not increased; more of the costs should be assigned to the water and sewer upgrades. Motion by Ysker, seconded by Savage, to revise the resolution by correcting the figures. Motion carried unanimously.


The council discussed purchasing Apple computer tablets and discontinuing the use of paper packets. A new tablet will soon be on the market, and the price of the old model should drop. Agendas would be e-mailed. The administrator was directed to gather more information. No action taken.


Motion by Ysker, seconded by Savage, to adjourn at 7:15 p.m.

Approved March 19, 2012.



Wendy Meyer, Clerk/Administrator