F.A. Kuznetsov, Ya.V.Vasiliev, A.A.Pavlyuk, M.L.Kosinova
Institute of Inorganic chemistry, Siberian Branch of Russian academy of sciences
3 Lavrentiev Pr. 630090, Novosibirsk, Russia
In general our crystal growth program includes studies of staring material preparation, growth procedures and characterization of obtained materials. Wide variety of materials is considered. In this presentation we will be limited to oxide crystals applied as luminescence and laser materials and to processes of formation of nano size crystals.
Mentioned oxide crystals are grown by Low-thermal-gradient Czochralski technique. First versions of the method were realized in NIIC back in early 70s. Method is still in process of development. At the moment most essential characteristics of the method are:
- high precision weight control of crucible (up to 100 kg);
- perfect cylindrical symmetry of temperature field;
- low axial and radial temperature gradients (0.05-1.0 deg/cm);
- ratio of crystal diameter to crucible diameter about 0.8.
Present possibilities of the method can be characterized by properties of grown crystals. Thus, for BGO:
- boules size: up to 130 mm in diameter and up to 400 mm in length (~ 50 kg)
- light output non-uniformity: 12% for 25x25x150 mm3 crystals,
- energy resolution at 662 keV: 9.5 % for 2x2and 10% for 5x5 cylinders,
- unique optical uniformity: attenuation length ~ 10 m (=480nm),
- radiation hardness: ~ 106Rad.
Recently large crystals of CWO were grown (length up to 200 mm and weight up to 10 kg). As it is known from literature large crystals of this material usually are not sufficiently transparent and are have pronounced non-uniformity. Our crystals do not have these defects. Energy resolution for 137 Cs determined on cylindrical samples of 30x30 size is less then 6.8%.
Micro crystal formed by phases of three component systems Si-C-N and B-C-N were observed in thin films obtained in plasma-chemical process with elementorganic compounds conaining all the deposited elements. It was shown that by changing conditions (gas mixture composition and temperature) gradient nano composite films could also be prepared.
One of major objectives of this meeting is to stimulate cooperation amongst groups and institutions active in different sectors of science and technology of materials. So, information on programs of these groups is essential. This communication describes R&D programs of Nikolaev Institute of Inorganic Chemistry, Siberian Branch Russian Academy of Sciences (NIIC) devoted to optical materials.
NIIC is one of the biggest Institutes of Russian Academy of Sciences involved in materials R&D. Optical materials oriented projects include investigations of crystal structure, phase diagrams, processes of phase formations, techniques of materials preparations (crystals, films, multi component structures, glasses.) structural, compositional and functional characterization, data collection and modeling.
In this presentation we will be limited to oxide crystals applied as laser and luminescence materials and to processes of formation of nono size crystals.
1. Low temperature gradient method of crystal growth
Method of crystal growth we use for obtaining optical crystals described below is a low temperature gradient version of Czochralski method (LTG Cz technique). It was developed in the NIIC at the end of the 1970s for growing of mixed oxide crystals with the general formula M+R3+[Mo(W)O4]2where M=Li, Na, K, Rb, Cs, Cu, etc. and R=Ln, Sc, Y, Cr, In, etc. The method originally was developed by A.A. Pavluk and later significantly improved in collaboration with Ya.V.Vasiliev and applied for growing of nearly perfect oxide crystals. Essential features of the LTG Cz technique are illustrated in Fig. 1. A long platinum crucible is placed into a three-zone resistance heater, having good bottom and top heat insulation. During the entire process the grown crystal stays inside the crucible.
Fig. 1. Schematic diagram of the apparatus for crystal growth of oxide crystals in a low thermal gradient.
Axial and radial thermal gradients in the melt are maintained within the 0.05–1.0 deg/cm. The crucible is covered with a platinum lid furnished with a pipe socket through which the pull rod with the crystal holder is introduced into the crystallization space. Not only does the platinum lid perform the function of a radiation screen, which is necessary to decrease thermal gradients, but also the pipe socket works as a diffusion barrier for volatile species and it effectively reduces the rate of evaporation and decomposition of melt. The effect of such a device on the mass loss may be almost unnoticeable; however, the crystal quality essentially improves. The LTG Cz procedure involves the use of weighing control at all the stages of growth process including seeding, because the visual control is impossible. The weighing control also provides process control due to feedback in spite of the decreasing dynamic stability of crystallization process arising from extremely low thermal gradients. As a result, diameter of the grown crystal is close to diameter of crucible (Dcrystal.0.8.Dcrucible).
By now LTG Cz technique is successfully applied for growing of different oxide crystals. In all the cases it was shown that crystals obtained have higher perfection as compared to crystals grown by other techniques. Some of oxide crystals have also size not reachable with other methods. Fig. 2 shows crystal growth division of the Institute.
Fig. 2 Crystal growth shop
At the moment most essential characteristics of the method are:
- High precision weight control of crucible (up to 100 kg)
- Perfect cylindrical symmetry of temperature field,
- Low axial and radial temperature gradients (0.05-1.0 deg/cm)
- Ratio of crystal diameter to crucible diameter about 0.8.
Binary tungstates and molybdates of different classes were subject of investigations in IInCh from early 60-s. Research team headed by P.V.Klevtsov and S.V.Borisov was involved in synthesis and structural and crystal-chemical studies.
Different types of compounds were studied:
- binary molybdates and tungstates with uni- and trivalent cations (1-3 binary molybdates and tungstates);
- binary molybdates and tungstates with uni- and divalent cations (1-2 binary molybdates and tungstates);
- binary molybdates and tungstates with two different univalent cations (1-1 binary molybdates and tungstates).
Most extensively studied is the first type of the compounds (1-3). About 300 compounds with of general formula M+R3+(EO4)2were synthesized. In these compounds M+=Alkali metals ions (LiCs), Ag+, Tl+; R3+= Rare Earth elements (RE elements), Bi, In, Sc, Ga, Al, Fe, Cr ions; E=Mo or W. The compounds were synthesized mainly by sold state sintering and deposition form solutions. With application of x-ray diffraction and thermographic techniques peculiarities of polymorphism in this class of compounds were revealed. Crystal structures of most of the synthesized compounds were determined. About 30 different structural types were identified. Detailed analysis of structures and character of phase transitions in the system of 1-3 binary molybdates and tungstates is given in review article [1]. This article contains many references for original works of the authors and other researchers.
Main conclusions from the analysis:
a) Various different crystal structures of M+R3+(EO4)2compounds form a system of related structural modifications. All the identified structural types can be grouped into five families.
b) Phase transitions are characterized by increasing of symmetry with temperature.
c) The main factor in structural modification is the size of ions (rM+ or rR3+).
d) Only in few cases the studied compounds have no polymorphism. Transitions between the modifications are mostly of reconstructive types. It means that crystals of low temperature modifications cannot be grown from melt. In these cases flux or hydrothermal method of crystal growth was used in our practice.
Results of crystal chemical studies of 1-2 binary molybdates and tungstates, which are also promising compounds as functional materials, are described in review article [2].
Synthesis, methods of crystal growth, crystal structure and some properties of the next group of binary tungstates and molybdates, 1-1 compounds with two different univalent cations, are described in a number of publications (CsLiMoO4[3] LiNa3(MoO4)2·6H2O [4], M+Na3(MoO4)2·9H2O (M+=K, Rb) [5], M+NaMoO4·2H2O (M+=Rb, Cs) [6]).
Crystal chemical analysis of binary molybdates and tungstates of different classes as well as of some other complex oxide and fluoride phases, performed by S.V. Borisov and his colleagues, led them to a conclusion that in structures with heavy cations classical structure forming rules, such as principle of close-packed of anions, are not correctly applicable any more. Main features of the lattices are better described by considering space distribution of cations. It was shown that in these structures with heavy cations a super-structural ordering takes place (See for example papers [7, 8, 9, 10]). A cation’s sublattice is being formed. Planes of the sublattice include not only the heavy cations, but also middleweight and even light cations (like Li+). The cation sublattices that are different in composition and in symmetry show significant similarity. Thus, for the case of tungstates, molybdates and also for tantalates and niobates about a half of known crystal structures have a cation sublattices of F-type (ideally face centered cubic), about a quarter of the structures have the sublattice of I-type (body centered cubic).
Possible areas of applications of binary molybdates and tungstates phases may be determined by considering peculiarities of their crystal structures or performing experimental investigation of physical properties. In our practice both ways were used [11].
Considered classes of binary compounds (molybdates and tungstates) may be useful in designing of different types of functional materials. Of course, knowledge of their physical properties is far from completed. By now the most developed applications of these materials are solid-state lasers. In this area our institute cooperated for many years with Institute of Crystallography RAS (Moscow) and State optical institute (St.Petersburg). Lately joint program is organized also with Institute of Laser Physics Siberian Branch RAS (Novosibirsk). Optical investigations of many 1-3 and 1-2 molybdates and tungstates doped with mostly RE elements were performed (See for example papers [1221]).
It was shown that KY(WO4)2and KGd(WO4)2are laser matrices with outstanding properties. For the case of Nd3+doped single crystals of these compounds the properties are illustrated by table 1.
Table 1
Laser properties of M+R3+(WO4)2/Nd crystals at 300oK*
Compound, length and diameter of the crystal / Concentration of Nd3+, at.% / Orientation of laser axis / Transition / Wave length, A / Generation threshold, JKY(WO4)2
(27 and 2.5) / 2.5 / b / 4F3/24I11/2
4F3/24I13/2 / 10672
13510 / 0.4
(26 and 4)
(44 and 4) / 2 / a
c / 4F3/24I11/2 / 10706
10688 / 1
(16 and 3) / 3 / a / 4F3/24I11/2
4F3/24I13/2 / 10721
13482 / 6
* A.A.Kaminski, S.E.Sarkisov, A.A.Pavluk, V.V.Lubchenko Inorganic Materials, 16,No 4, 720, 1980
These crystals also are efficient nonlinear materials and this fact was used in construction of multicolor lasers [22, 23].
Very low value of generation threshold in case of Nd-doped KYW and KGW crystals is not limited to these crystals only. The same is true for Pr3+-doped KGW crystals for generation due to 1D23F4transition with wavelength 1.07 µm [24]. Information on laser properties of different tungstates and molybdates phases is given in Table 2.
Very essential part of tungstates and molybdates program is material preparation and especially crystal growth. Different methods of crystal growth are available at the institute: growth from melt, from flux or from water solutions at moderate temperatures or in hydrothermal conditions. Selection of the method is determined by nature of possible phase transitions in the system and character of phase diagrams of systems used in the technology. In many cases the compound has a number of polymorphic modifications and the required phase is not a high temperature one.
Table 2
New laser materials
Fig.3 KGd(WO4)2/Nd crystals grown by flux LTG
If the transition leading to this phase is of reconstructive type, crystals of the phase cannot be obtained starting from stoichiomentric melt. The same is true for the case of incongruently melting phases. These situations are common for the considered types of the compounds. In some cases phases of interest have sufficient solubility in water to use solution technique for crystal growth (an example is 1-1 type of the compounds). In many cases the method, which gives the best results, is crystallization from high temperature solutions in molten salts (flux). Arrangement of the growth process is shown on fig.1. Large and good quality crystals of many binary tungstates and molybdates were grown with use of flux crystallization by LTG Cz technique. Crystals grown at such conditions are as a rule faceted. Fig.3 shows examples of single crystals obtained by this technique.
3. Scintillation crystals
A number of substances prospective for preparation of scintillation crystals were considered in our studies. By now the best results are obtained with preparation of single crystals of two types: bismuth germinate Bi4Ge3O12(BGO) and cadmium tungstate CdWO4(CWO).
Both crystals were grown from melt. In conditions of low temperature gradient growth interface was well faceted. Fig. 4 shows this phenomenon for BGO crystals. Details on dependence of crystal morphology on the growth conditions are described in [25, 26].
Fig. 4 Idealized and actual shapes of BGO solid–liquid interface: (a) growth along [1 0 0]; (b, c) growth along [1 1 1] direction at deferent depths of polyhedron immersion
With fully faceted stable interface, it is possible to obtain high-quality uniform BGO crystals free of inclusions. X-ray topography study shows that quite large volumes of crystals are free from boundaries and dislocations. It can be seen in the literature that BGO crystals grown by traditional Czohralski method frequently contain inclusions and require after growth heat treatment to restore stoichiomentry. These problems are due to overheating of the bottom part of the melt. At conditions of our method described above the problems are avoided.
Absence of overheated parts and suppression of evaporation are also essential for growth of CWO. In this case difficulty are related to high volatility of cadmium oxide. At the conditions of LTG Cz this problem significantly reduced and required access of cadmium oxide in the melt is only of order of 1%. CWO crystals are transparent and colorless and do not require after treatment. BGO and CWO crystals are shown on Fig. 5
/Fig. 5. Appearance of BGO (a) and CWO single crystals grown by LTG Cz.
Main characteristics of the crystals are following. Crystals of BGO:
- boules size: up to 130 mm in diameter and up to 400 mm in length (~ 50 kg)
- light output non-uniformity: 1.2% for 25x25x150 mm3 crystals,
- energy resolution at 662 keV: 9.5 % for .2.x2. and 10% for .5.x5. cylinders,
- unique optical uniformity: attenuation length ~ 10 m (л=480nm),
- Radiation hardness: ~ 106 Rad.
BGO crystals are produced in an appreciable quantity.
Recently large crystals of CWO were also grown (length up to 200 mm and weight up to 10 kg). As it is known from literature large crystals of this material usually are not sufficiently transparent and are have pronounced non-uniformity. Our crystals do not have these defects. Energy resolution for 137 Cs determined on cylindrical samples of 30x30 size is less then 6.8%.
Both BGO and CWO are scintillators of high Z and high density with an appreciable light output. They are used for construction of compact detectors of high gamma detection efficiency. Such detectors have different applications. To name just a few application we can mention:
- astrophysics, planetology (г-ray astronomy, radiometry and activation analysis of heavenly bodies);
- physics of high energies (low noise detectors, spectrometers);
- medicine (positron emission and x-ray computer tomography);
- geophysics (radiometric mapping, borehole radiometric and activation analysis);
- industrial defectoscopy;
- highly sensitive dosimetry (nuclear power plants, storage of nuclear wastes and so on).
Fig. 6-8 show some examples of applications based of crystals grown in our institute.
4. Films and microcrystals of Si and B carbonitrides
Essential activity of the institute is related to synthesis, purification and application of volatile metal organic compounds. List of types of volatile compounds, which are subject of investigations, is given below.
-silicon organic compounds: oligoorganosiloxanes (linear, cyclic and 3d types);
-b-diketonates of metals;
-S-containing chellates (dithiocarbomates, xantogenates);
-volatile boron compounds;
-aliphatic and fluorinated metal carboxilates;
-complexes on the base of polifluorinated thiophenoles of penta-flourobenzoic acid;
-heterometallic carbonil clusters;
-Nb cluster thio complexes.
Fig. 6 Positron emission tomography: a) –In hospital, b) detector’s arrays ring, c) detectors, produced by the Institute
Fig. 7. Belle detector in KEK laboratory Tsucuba.
Fig. 8. “Integral” mission a) – Space unit, b) part of IBIS spectrometer made in the institute
Important application of these compounds for material preparation is Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD) processing. In this article we will limit ourselves to CVD preparation of carbonitrides films and structures. A variety of techniques is used for this purpose. A promising technique is plasma chemical deposition. The technique of plasma deposition provides a route to fabricate multi-component thin films in the amorphous and nanocrystalline state. These types of films, if they exist as nanocomposites, can possess improved properties of hardness, wear, and resistance to oxidation and corrosion. Silicon carbide and silicon nitride are prospective materials for potential high-temperature structural applications because of their excellent mechanical property. Both are high-temperature wide band gap semiconductor materials used as electrical insulators or diffusion barriers in microelectronic device.
Experimental set up used for preparation of Silicon and boron carbonitrides films is shown on the Fig. 9.
Fig. 9. General view of set up (RPECVD)
The silicon carbonitride films were synthesised by Remote Plasma Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition method (RPECVD) at total pressure of 6.10-2 Torr and at temperatures of 473-1173 K using hexamethyldisilazane Si2NH(CH3)6 as volatile single-source precursor in mixture with ammonia or helium. The films of the B-C-N system have been synthesised using boron- and nitrogen – containing organic precursor – triethyl(or methyl)amine borane complex N(C2H5)3:BH3 (TEAB) both with and without ammonia in the temperature range of 673-1073 K.
A wide variety of techniques was used to characterize the films. Results of investigations are described in [27, 28]. Some selected properties are demonstrated by fig. 10-11.