South District CTCUMC
2016 Cluster Charge Conference Guidelines
Once again this year, the South District will have Cluster Charge Conference Celebrations. These celebrations will be comprised of clusters of churches primarily based on geography and size. They promise to be exciting and inspiring. Most of all, the hope is that we leave the celebrations more intent than ever on using means and methods, strategies and tactics both old and new to carry out our God-given mission.
Remember this year we will be celebrating one ministry in each of the local churches. In order to create that presentation I need you to:
Respond to the question: "What is one ministry, in the life of your local church that you are doing for your community for which you neither ask, nor expect, anything in return?"
Then I need you to submit a 1(one) paragraph response to the question along with 3 to 4 Jpeg image pictures (higher resolution is better) plus a short description of what the picture show to the District Office NO LATER THAN OCTOBER 15, 2016 to Amy.
Also, in preparation for the Cluster Charge Conference Celebrations, you will need to lead your congregation to do the following:
Prepare all of the reports listed on the 2016 Charge Conference Form Checklist
Review all of the reports listed on the 2016 Charge Conference Form Checklist
At your Church/Administrative/Leadership Council, vote on (this is not the “official” Charge Conference vote. The “official” vote will take place during the Cluster Charge Conference Celebration, when the vote of the Council will be affirmed.):
Pastoral compensation
Candidates for ministry
- 1st time approval requires 2/3 majority by WRITTEN ballot
- Continuation (approval simple majority—no WRITTEN ballot necessary)
Lay Servants/Lay Speakers/Certified Lay Ministers
In the Pastor's Report include your church's work with its discipleship path;
Make sure that the Signature Page and the Checklist form are signed by the appropriate people in the appropriate places;
Record attendance with a sign in sheet;
Ensure that accurate minutes of the meeting are recorded;
Submit all completed on-line Charge Conference Forms and forward to the District Office any required material that cannot be submitted on-line, such as the budget, PSCF, signature page and checklist NO LATER THAN TWO WEEKS PRIOR to your assigned Cluster Charge Conference Celebration.
Encourage your congregation to come to the Cluster Conference Celebration!
Of course, all of this work must be undergirded by prayer and by paying attention to the leading of the Holy Spirit. And, while I concede that the work of Charge Conference often seems routine and feels mundane, I encourage you to “do it as unto the Lord”. Shalom.