These Rules define the rules of purchasing tickets for admission to and participation in events organised by the Seller.

The Seller is DuoLife S.A. with its registered office in Więckowice, ul. Topolowa 22, 32-082, entered in the National Court Register under number: 0000443359, tax identification number (NIP): 675-148-53-20, Regon 122746305

hereinafter also referred to as the "Seller".------

The Seller can be contacted:------

at phone no. +48 12 3334567------

by electronic mail at: ------

§ 1 Definitions

  1. Training - educational meeting organised in the territory of the Republic of Poland-----
  2. DuoLife S.A. or Organiser - shall mean the entity organising the event and selling tickets for the event
  3. Participant - an individual full of age with full capacity to take legal actions applying for participation in the Training and thus agreeing to comply with the Training Rules and to pay the Training fee
  4. Fee - the fee specified in the order or order form paid by the Customer for the provided Training
  5. Rules - these Rules------
  6. Business Development Seminars – one day's training event presenting the basics of Softmarketing and DuoLife activities (abbreviation: BDS)
  7. Leadership Development Seminars – three days' training event focusing on personal development (abbreviation: LDS)

§ 2 Recitals

  1. By signing the order form or by buying the admission ticket at the website, the Customer accepts the terms and conditions specified in the order form and in the Rules as the terms of the Agreement between the Customer and the Seller.
  2. Before signing the Agreement the Customer has examined the provisions thereof and made certain that the Agreement is complete and does not contain errors. If any errors or discrepancies are found the Customer should ask the Company to confirm any corrections made to the Agreement in writing. The Company shall be held liable exclusively for the statements of intent issued in writing by the authorised personnel.
  3. Before signing the Agreement the Customer has made sure that the Customer understands these Rules. The Customer acknowledges that the acceptance of the Rules means execution of the Agreement that is binding for the Customer and the Company.
  4. By signing the form or placing the order at the website, the Customer is submitting an offer of joining a binding agreement with the Company, which can be accepted or rejected by the Company at the Company's sole discretion. The Rules bind the Customer and the Company from the moment the Customer is provided with the written acceptance of the Form submitted by the Customer or from the moment the Customer is informed by the Company that the Company will provide the Customer with the ordered Training.

§ 3 Start and End of the Term of Agreement

  1. This Agreement shall enter in force when the payment is made in cash, by credit card or when the funds are credited to the DuoLife S.A. account and it shall expire at the end of the Training for which the Customer applied in accordance with the form or order submitted using the website. It is possible to pay in cash only while buying a ticket during a seminar for the next event.

§ 4 Place and Time

  1. In accordance with the order specified in the order form or using the website the Customer is entitled to participate in the training. The Company reserves the right to change the Training schedule, place of Training or the person conducting the Training as well as the right to cancel the Training.

§ 5 Fees and Payment Terms

  1. In exchange for participation in the Training the Customer shall pay to the Company:----

a)the Fee in the selected form, in full amount in accordance with the order form signed by the customer.

b)Upon the Company's consent by instalments in the amounts specified in the Order Form.

c)If the ticket is purchased using the website the following payment forms are available: traditional bank transfer, PayU online payment and online credit card payment.

  1. Payments for the performance of the Agreement shall be made in the form specified in the order form.
  2. If the payment is not made in accordance with para. 1, the Company reserves a right to suspend the Agreement performance.
  3. We issue a receipt or a personal purchase evidence (invoice) for every product sold.-----
  4. In the case of certain types of assortment the Seller reserves the right to limit the payment method by blocking selected payment options on the website.

§ 6 Application

  1. Application for Training must be submitted using the order form during a BDS/ LDS Meeting or using the website:
  2. Applications shall be accepted in accordance with the information provided by the Company.
  3. In the case of purchase of a packet of tickets the Company's employee will provide a deadline by which the tickets can be entered.

§ 7 Intellectual Property

1)All intellectual property rights used during the Training are the property of the Company or of third parties working with the Company.

2)During the training no intellectual property rights shall be transferred or assigned to the Customer and shall be held exclusively the Company or the third party working with the Company.

3)Any content provided to the Customer during the Training may be used by the Customer exclusively for personal use for educational purposes. The Customer shall not:

a)duplicate any objects of intellectual property;------

b)copy or reconstruct the content of the Training;------

c)sell or transfer to third parties any objects of intellectual property.------

§ 8 General Provisions

  1. The Buyer may place the Order at the Online Store or using the order form under the condition the Buyer has examined and accepted these Rules during the Order completion.
  2. The DuoLife online store is conducting online retail sale.------
  3. Purchase of a ticket for a stationary training (event) denotes agreement to sign a statement concerning the training participation rules described in the Rules of Ticket Purchase before it starts.
  4. DueLife reserves the right to change the date of the training without providing any reason.--
  5. All the prices listed at the website are gross prices in Polish zloty (they include the VAT tax). The listed prices do not include shipping costs.
  6. Orders are accepted through the website or using the order form.------
  7. Orders placed using the website can be placed 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, all year round; while the order forms can be used during the BDS or LDS Training.
  8. Order is effective if the Buyer correctly completes the order form and provides correct contact details, including the exact address, phone number, e-mail address and ID number.
  9. If the provided details are incomplete the Seller shall contact the Buyer. If the contact with the Buyer is impossible the Seller has the right to cancel the Order.
  10. The Buyer agrees for the electronic image of payment documents, in particular VAT invoice with attachments, VAT invoice correction with attachments, and forms, to be issued and sent using electronic means at the provided e-mail address. This agreement also authorises the Seller to issue and send VAT invoices in the electronic form in accordance with the Regulation of the Minister of Finance of 17 December 2010 concerning the sending of invoices in the electronic form, terms of storing and granting access to the tax authorities or tax inspection authorities.
  11. The Buyer shall receive VAT invoices in the electronic form as a PDF file if selects this option while completing the order form. Please select the option "I want to receive a VAT invoice" and then provide required details.
  12. While placing the Order the Buyer must agree to the inclusion of the Buyer's personal details in the Seller's Online Store database for the purpose of processing in relation to the Order completion. Lack of this agreement shall cancel the ticket and prevent the Buyer from attending the event.
  13. Upon placement of effective order the Customer shall receive an automatic response from the store confirming acceptance of the order.
  14. Order lead time shall correspond to the moment the payment is credited to the bank account.

§ 9 Agreement Termination, Cancellation and Refunds

  1. The Agreement between the Customer and the Company expires upon performance of provisions concerning the Training selected in the order form or the order placed by using the website in accordance with the Agreement.
  2. The Company may cancel the Training for any reason while notifying the Customer about it by phone, e-mail or in writing. In this case the Company shall refund the fee for the Training paid in accordance with the Agreement within 30 business days after the notification about the Training cancellation. At the same time Company will have no other obligations resulting from the Training cancellation.
  3. In the case of the Agreement termination by the Customer after the Training starts the Company reserves the right to recover full amount of the fee from the Customer.
  4. The participant (Customer) may decide not to attend the Training at any time.------
  5. Ticket refund after the purchase is possible exclusively on the following terms:------

a)full refund is possible within 14 days after the purchase and applies exclusively to fully paid training,

b)resignation is possible only using the electronic means after the Buyer sends a notice at the address: ,

c)Customer Service Office will cancel the training and will explain the terms of refund and will explain the entire procedure. The amount for cancelled training will be settled individually after the costs borne by DuoLife are settled.

  1. The Buyer has the right to transfer the ticket to another person. If this option is not used or if the Buyer does not attend the training after it starts, the purchased ticket is forfeited.
  2. If the Training Admission Ticket is not used during its validity period, the ticket shall be deemed unused.

§ 10 Liability Limitation

1)Subject to provisions of section 11 Force Majeure none of the Parties shall be held liable for the damage dealt to the other party to the Agreement as a result of the non-performance of the Agreement, except for the consequences which the party could or should have foreseen if it acted with due diligence.

2)None of the parties shall be held liable for any damage resulting from the Company's breach of the Rules in particular as a result of:

a)loss of revenue or profit;------

b)loss of business relations;------

c)loss of expected savings; or------

d)loss of data.------

3)The limitation of the liability shall not apply to the Company's liability resulting from:----

a)death or personal injury caused by the Company's negligence;------

b)prohibited acts;------

c)breach of obligation resulting from the regulations of the law;------

d)any other acts in the case of which the limitation of liability contradicts the law.------


  1. If the venture, referred to in the Agreement, is interrupted or prevented by a force majeure, in particular in the case of fire, power supply interruptions, flood or other unforeseen events beyond the direct control of both parties to the Agreement the Company may move the venture to a different date.

§ 12 Privacy Policy and Personal Data Protection

  1. Any issues related to databases and personal data protection are regulated in detail by the Privacy Policy available at the Internet website.

§ 13 Final Provisions

  1. Issues not provided for in these Rules are governed by the regulations of the Act on the Protection of Certain Consumer Rights and on the Hazardous Product Liability of 2 March 2000 (Dz. U. 2000 No. 22, item 271, as amended), Act on Detailed Terms of Consumer Sales and on Amendment of the Civil Code of 27 July 2002 (Dz. U. 2002 No. 141, item 1176, as amended), Civil Code Act of 23 April 1964 (Dz. U. of 1964 no. 16 item 93 as amended).
  2. Disputes arising from the application of these Rules and the performance of the concluded agreements between the Seller and the Customers shall be examined by the competent court in accordance with the regulations on jurisdiction in accordance with the Act of 17.11.1964 Civil Procedure Code (Dz. U. No. 43 item 296 as amended).
  3. The Seller reserves the right to modify these Rules provided that the agreements concluded prior to the modification of the Rules shall be governed by the Rules valid on the date the Customer placed the order.

Rules published on 25 February 2016------

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