Mount Martha Community Bank® Branch

Community Investment: Sponsorships and Grants

Mount Martha Community Bank® Branchis a locally owned and operated franchise of Bendigo Bank. Unlike all other banks, as part of its charter, 80%of its profits are reinvested back into the local community. By banking with Mount Martha Community Bank® Branch, you’re supporting your local community and increasing the profits available for re-investment in the local community.

Since start-up in 2011, through the support of our customers, Mount Martha Community Bank® Branchhas provided more than $150,000 in sponsorships and grants to over 65 local organisations.

Sponsorship and Grant Policy

Mount Martha Community Bank® Branchaims to create a strong community in Mount Martha. We aim to contribute to this by providing sponsorships and grantsfor local community organisations, events, programs and initiatives that contribute to building a strong community.


Sponsorships are available to financially support local community organisations.In return for sponsorship, we seek a relationship with the sponsored organization. We expect the organization to bank with us, to promote us to its members and to encourage its members to bank with us. In this way we can continue to support the organisation in the future.


Mount Martha Community Bank® Branchrecognises the important role community programs play in positively shaping our local community. We encourage organisations to apply for one-off grant funds to support an existing or new community program that will have a positive impact on our local community by contributing to an identified need (eg employment, nutrition, recreation, education, training, transport, health, safety) of people based in Mt Martha.

The Application Process

There are two rounds of applications for sponsorships and grants.Round 1 closes on 30 September and Round 2 closes on 15 April. Applications are reviewed by the Board and Management,with allocations generally made the following month.

An Application Form (see below) should be completed and submitted to:

For more information visit

  • The Mount Martha Community Bank® Branchwebsite at
  • Our Facebook page (
  • Speak to our Branch Manager or staff.

Conditions of Funding

Funding will only be provided to organisations. Organisations mustmeet the following criteria:

  • operate in Mount Martha;
  • be not-for-profit organisations;
  • maintain an active banking status with Mount Martha Community Bank;
  • not have funding from any other financial institution;
  • be able to demonstrate that they are viable and have a sound committee structure
  • identify a clear and well planned use for the funds and that the funding will provide broad community benefit and involvement

In receiving funding, organisations should understand that they are entering into a win-win relationship whereby reciprocal benefits are returned to the Mount Martha Community Bank® Branch.The sponsored organisation must agree to:

  • provide mutually agreed opportunities to promote the Mount Martha Community Bank® Branch to stakeholders through speaking opportunities etc;
  • include the Mount Martha Community Bank® Branchlogo in its promotional material, website & Facebook;
  • only use the funds as outlined in the relevant application form;
  • spend the allocated funds within 12 months of receipt;
  • report on the use of the funds within 12 months of receipt;
  • return any funds unused in the 12 month period;
  • ensure that any person associated with the organisation consents (or has a
  • parent/guardian consent on their behalf) for their image or likeness to appear in media;
  • receive correspondence from the Mount Martha Community Bank® Branch; and
  • participate in any surveys conducted by the Mount Martha Community Bank regarding the funding.


Last Updated August 2016

Mount Martha Community Bank® Branch
Name of Organisation:
No. of Members:
What program/event will the requested funds be used for?
What is the purpose/aims of the program/event?
When will it take place?
What are the main activities of the program/event?
How many people (members/outsiders) will be involved?
If not members, where will the other people come from?
Sponsorship/grant funds requested: $______Date Required: ___/____/______
How will our funding be used?
What is the total funding sought for the program/event?
Has your organisation requested funds for this purpose from any other organisations? Yes/No
If Yes, please list the organisations:
Is there any other way in which we can help your organisation, apart from financial sponsorship?


Last Updated August 2016

What specific opportunities for promotion can your organisation offerthe Mount Martha Community Bank® Branch? (eg addressing groups of people, internal promotion, external promotion, logo use, website or Facebook links, banner/marquee/Piggy’s mascot use)
Is there any other information you would like to provide in support of your application?
Does your organisation have an existing banking arrangement with the Mount Martha Community Bank® Branch?
Yes BSB: Account Number: ;
How did you hear about funding available through the Mount Martha Community Bank® Branch?
In branch
Word of mouth
Community noticeboard
Community event / Our newsletter
Our Facebook page
Bendigo Bank website
Other (Please detail)
Has your organisation previously received funding from the Mount Martha Community Bank® Branch?
Yes (Please detail amount, year)
Has you organisation received funding from another financial institution in the past two years?
Yes (Please detail)
Street address:
Postal address:
Phone: / Email:
Website: / Facebook:
Primary contact: / Position: / Phone:
Secondary contact: / Position: / Phone:
I declare that, on behalf of my organisation, I have read and agree to Mount Martha Community Bank® Branch conditions of funding and that the information in this application and any attachments is true and correct.
Name: / Position:
Signature: / Date:

Privacy Bendigo and Adelaide Bank Limited is committed to ensuring your privacy is protected and understands your concerns regarding the confidentiality and security of

the personal information you provide. The information contained in this form will be held by the Mount Martha Community Bank® Branch and may be disclosed to

Bendigo Bank and organisations that carry out functions on behalf of Bendigo Bank. Our full privacy policy is available online at Bendigo and

Adelaide Bank Limited. ABN 11 068 049 178 AFSL 237879. S53565 (343674_v3) (6/03/2017)


Last Updated August 2016