TEACHER: Lisa Abu AtiehSUBJECT: ELADATE: 9/26 –9/30
GUIDING QUESITON: Why is it important to have command of standard English conventions? How can the knowledge and application of the conventions improve student ability when writing or communicating? How can the knowledge of different genres help me when preparing to write creatively?
METHOD / MONDAY / TUESDAY / WEDNESDAY / THURSDAY / FRIDAYDO NOW / 1.On desk: red pen, black pen, highlighter.
2. Copy assignments.
3. Spiral and INB under desk.
4. Complete “Do Now” Activity on board – Context Clues / 1.On desk: red pen, black pen, highlighter.
2. Copy assignments.
3. Spiral and INB under desk.
4. Complete “Do Now” Activity on board – / 1.On desk: red pen, black pen, highlighter.
2. Copy assignments.
3. Spiral and INB under desk.
4. Complete “Do Now” Activity on board – / 1.On desk: red pen, black pen, highlighter.
2. Spiral and INB under desk.
3. Complete “Do Now” Activity on board – Wordly Wise L3 Vocab. / 1.On desk: red pen, black pen, highlighter.
2. Compare/Contrast HW on desk.
3. Spiral and INB under desk.
4. Complete “Do Now” Activity on board – Daily Edit
(Objectives) / 1.I can compare and contrast texts in different forms or genres (e.g., stories and poems; historical novels and fantasy stories) with 80% accuracy
2. I can distinguish between the different genres and sub-genres with 80% accuracy.
3. I can demonstrate my knowledge of the different types of genres by creating a keynote presentation with original examples, definitions, key concepts of the genre, and examples with 80% accuracy. / 1. I can demonstrate my knowledge of the different types of genres by creating a keynote presentation with original examples, definitions, key concepts of the genre, and examples with 80% accuracy.
2. Assess knowledge of literary genres and sub-genres with 80% accuracy. / 1. I can identify and use conjunctions in writing with 80% accuracy
2. I can identify and use coordination conjunctions with
80% accuracy
3. I can identify and use correlative conjunctions conjunctions with 80% accuracy. / 1. I can define and identify types of verbs with 80% accuracy.
2. I can use action verbs, linking verbs, and verb phrases correctly in my writing with 80% accuracy.
3. I can assess my understanding and knowledge of vocabulary and be able to correctly use the vocabulary with 80% accuracy. / 1.I can define and identify adverbs in a sentence with 80% accuracy.
2. I can correctly locate the word or words modified by an adverb with 80% accuracy.
3. I write sentences using adverbs correctly.
4. I can recall parts of speech modified by adverbs
(Strategy for involvement; what lesson looks like) / 1. Discussion/Review of types of literary genres.
2. Quizizz literary genres to reinforce information and assess understanding of literary genres. / 1. Have students summarize the parts they must include in Key Note Presentation.
2. Have students share ideas or ways they can improve key note presentation (graphics, media, page style) / 1. Connect with prior background and knowledge of conjunctions.
2. Present Power point on coordinating and correlative conjunctions.
3. . “I do, we do, you do” – Modeling
4. Flocabulary: Conjunctions – Fanboy Party to reinforce / 1. Administer Wordly Wise Lesson 3 Quiz.
1. Connect to prior knowledge
2. Present power point on three
types of verbs.
3. “I do, we do, you do” – Modeling / 1. Connect to knowledge and background
2. Introduce: Adverb power point
3. “I do, we do, you do” – Modeling
(Worksheet, foldable, output) / 1.Students will create a keynote presentation on preferred genre. 2. Students must have introduction page, original sample of their genre, a page listing characteristics of genre, a page citing examples, and the last page must explain why their original example fits the selected genre. / 1. Students will work independently on keynote presentations. / 1. Students will work in pairs to complete Exercise 14 pg. 113-114 of English textbook identifying adjectives.
2. Class will check together and discuss answers.
3. Students will independently write 3 sentences using coordinating conjunctions and 3 sentences using correlative conjunctions. / 1. Students will play a quick game of “Act Up”, where they must select a card and perform the action for class.
2. Verb Sort – students will select 3 cards and use the words selected as an action verb, linking verb, verb phrase, or interrupted verb phrase / 1. Students will paste anchor chart into INB that shows what questions an adverb will answer.
2. Partners will be given practice sheets for identifying adverbs and the words they modify. Class will check together and annotate on Promethean Board.
(How do I know what they know?) / Questioning
Results from Quizizz
Key Note presentation
Observation / Observation
Key Note presentation
Teacher/student feedback / Observation
Partner Work Activity
Student Independent work
Teacher/Student Specific Feedback / Questioning
“Act Up” Activity
Verb Sort Activity
Teacher/Student Feedback / 1. Teacher Observation
2. Monitoring group dialogue
3. Sentence activities
4. Questioning
(Students take on their own learning) / Review questions about genres
Exit: Snowstorm / Close lesson with questions.
Exit slip questions / Review Questions
Exit: Write a brief summary stating what you learned and how it is relevant to your learning / Review questions about verbs.
Exit Ticket: Write one thing you learned well and one thing you need help or additional practice with in the next class meeting. / One More Until Your Out the Door:
Each student must tell teacher something that they learned from the lesson.
HOMEWORK / 1. Wordly Wise: Lesson 3 – finish packet
2. Read Chap. 7-9 of Freak the Mighty by Friday
3. Quiz: Wordly Wise: Lesson 3 Thursday / 1. Quiz: Wordly Wise: Lesson 3– Thursday study packet for quiz on Thursday.
2. . Read Chap. 7-9 of Freak the Mighty by Friday / 1. Quiz: Wordly Wise: Lesson 3 Thursday
2. Study Guide provided for students.
3. Finish conjunction sentences started in class / 1. Quiz – Wordly Wise Lesson 3
2. Worksheet on verbs
L.6.1 Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking.
RL.6.9 Compare and contrast texts in different forms or genres (e.g., stories and poems; historical novels and fantasy stories) in terms of their approaches to similar themes and topics.
RL 6.3 Describe how a particular story’s or drama’s plot unfolds in a series of episodes as well as how the characters respond or change as the plot moves toward a resolution.
•I can compare and contrast texts in different forms or genres (e.g., stories and poems; historical novels and fantasy stories) with 80% accuracy
•I can distinguish between the three types of verbs and accurately assess when to use each kind with 80% success
•I can identify and distinguish between coordinating and correlative conjunctions with 80% accuracy
•I can define and identify adverbs with 80% accuracy
•I can determine words modified by adverbs with 80% accuracy
•I understand the difference between adjectives and adverbs and the parts of speech they modify with 80% accuracy