Motivational Speech Rubric

Ability to Motivate/Inspire / 5-6 Your speech is extremely motivating as your specified audience feels really inspiredto go out and do something to the best of their ability (whatever the subject of your speech is)!
3-4 Your speech does motivate/inspire the specific audience to perform the task you inspire them to do, but their heart may not be in it as much as it could/should be.
1-2 Your speech may cause its listeners to think about your view, but it does not really motivate/inspire them to try their best.
0 Your speech is more a sharing for information and does not really motivate/inspire the audience to act.
Rate / 5-6 Your vocal rate was effective and enhanced your performance.
3-4 Your rate was adequate (good enough), but you may have been too…
  • Quick (too fast-paced, racing)
  • There were too few pauses or they were perhaps too short
  • Slow (the pace of your speech drags)
  • There were too many pauses or they may have been too long
  • Inconsistent (at times you may be too quick and/or too slow at others)
  • Your use of pauses interrupts the flow, and your speech is choppy
1-2 Your vocal rate was not effective; work on what is highlighted above.
Quality / 5-6 Your vocal quality effectivelyenhanced your performance. Your voice was conversational, pleasant, and/or powerful helping to engage your audience.
3-4 You need to put more life/excitement/passion in your voice and/or use a more conversational tone.
  • Your pitch was pretty monotone (or robotic) throughout your speech
  • Your pitch only varied itself a little
  • Your pitch variety seemed forced and unnatural
  • Tone may not connect with your audience
  • Tone may not match your message
1-2 You need to put a great deal more life/passion in your voice to maintain the audience’s attention. (Through your tone, you may be losing your audience.)
Pronunciation / 5-6 Your articulation and pronunciation were clearenhanced your performance.
3-4 Your articulation and pronunciation was adequate, but…
  • You may have struggled to pronounce a couple of terms
  • You may be slurring your words together
  • You may be mumbling, making it hard to understand you
1-2 You’re A&P was not effective; work on what is highlighted above.

column 1:_____ column 2:_____ Overall_____

Inspirational Speech Rubric

Pathos (Passion) / 5-6 You are very passionate about the subject of your speech, touching your audience on a personal level, inciting them to feel strongly about your subject.
  • You effectivelyuse your hands, face, body, etc. to enhance just how strongly you feel about this subject.
3-4 You certainly care about the subject of your speech, reaching out to your audience on a personal level.
  • You use your hands, face, body, etc. a little to showing that the subject does matter to you (and that it should to the audience).
1-2 You don’t seem to caremuch about the speech’s subject, as you don’t really connect with your audience.
  • You have very few gestures, body motions, or facial expressions further illustrating that you’re not completely invested in your topic.

Ethos (Credibility) / 5-6 You are well-prepared, confident, and memorized, enhancing your performance/credibility.
  • Your presentation is very polished (you appear to know what you’re talking about), using excellent eye contact in all areas of the room.
3-4 You seem fairly comfortable and confident, starting to build your credibility although you seem to need a bit more practice to have a polished presentation. You may need to address the following highlighted items…
  • You say distracting words/phrases like “umm”, “like”, “you know”, etc.
  • You lose your place more than once and don’t quite know what comes next
  • You are not memorized (need a little help or perhaps a GREAT deal of help)
  • You may be shaking or look overly nervous
  • You may start to stutter, stammer, hesitate, etc. as you present/read
  • You sway side to side or lean backwards and forwards
  • Your posture may be far too casual or slouched (depicting insecurity)
  • You constantly move around without purpose (pacing), puzzling your audience
  • Your hands are in your pockets, arms are crossed, or your hands and arms remain motionless despite the need to use them (to enhance the performance)
  • You twiddle your thumbs, crack your knuckles, fidget, etc.
  • You play with your hair, touch your face, swing your hands, etc.
  • You need to make better eye-connections with your audience (and in more areas)
  • You may start fine, but get nervous over the course of your presentation and begin to falter/trip yourself up
  • Other:______
1-2 Your presentation is pretty rough. You need more practice to increase your performance’s effectiveness and build your credibility.

Score: 6:100% 5: 94% 4: 83% 3: 77% 2: 68% 1: 62%