Town of Concrete

Town Council Meeting

February 9, 2015

7:00 p.m. Mayor Miller called the meeting to order. Mayor Miller led the gallery in the Pledge of Allegiance.

Roll Call: Council Members: Jack Mears, Dave Pfeiffer, Mike Bartel, Marla Reed and Ginger Kyritsis.

Staff Present: Alan Wilkins, Public Works Director; Clerk Treasurer Andrea Fichter; and Town Attorney David Day.

Audience Members Signed In: Don Payne, Bill Pfeifer, and John Boggs.

Public Participation: George Theodoratus – Superior Avenue and SR 20 Intersection: George stated that he is here tonight to see if the town can modify the drainage along Superior Avenue and SR 20. He stated he would like to see something added to the plans before the project starts. He stated that he believed a hole the town filled in years ago has caused issues and believes that the water is now flowing onto his property because of that. He also stated that he believes this would be a good time, before the project starts, to add a retention pond. George reviewed the handouts that he distributed with plan drawings and pictures of the area and reviewed his concern.

Mayor Miller pointed out the area that George believes is incorrect on the drawing and that the water is actually draining into a different area and draining under SR 20, under Loggers Landing and then draining onto his property. He stated that George’s concern is that this project will cause more drainage onto his property.

Alan Wilkins stated that the culvert is not located where it is stated on the DOT map. He stated the water comes down Superior and flows west alongside SR 20. He stated that Rich Philips and Jimmy Luttrell found the culvert in the swell west of Superior and North of SR 20. Alan also reviewed pictures that he took of the area during the last rain storm that show large amounts of water coming off of the Loggers Landing property. He also reported there might be a possibility of diverting some water during this project, but when the parking lot project happens, drainage management will be installed then.
George asked about a culvert being put in and stated that he believed it should have been done when Silo Park was constructed.

Alan reported there is not any grading happening at Silo Park now and any rain that falls on Silo Park infiltrates. He also stated the hole that George is referring to that was filled in was not a retention pond or for draining. He reported the hole was full of slurry along the sides and bottom and would not have been adequate for infiltration.

Janice Marlega reported that this project has a very specific scope with flashing lights and a push-button crosswalk, as well as the extension of the existing sidewalk and installation of ADA-compliant ramps. She stated that storm water treatment and retention is not required for this project because the amount of surface runoff is below the minimum standards that would be required by DOT and Department of Ecology. She stated they have to maintain existing standards and drainage that is currently in place. She stated the storm water improvements are only to meet and follow the existing drainage patterns.

Mayor Miller stated that it is his understanding that only approximately 2,000 feet of impermeable surface will be added and the minimum is 5,000, which would then require upgrades or changes to the drainage.

Janice stated that whatever the current drainage is, they have to maintain that. She stated they are not adding to or changing the current drainage pattern. She stated what is in the plans and drawings for this project follows DOT and DOE requirements and has been reviewed and approved by DOT.

Discussion ensued regarding the proposed project and the actual scope of the project.

Janice stated that DOT has reviewed the plans and approved them as they are currently.

Mayor Miller stated that is he comfortable with the project as it is. Dave Pfeiffer stated that he agrees. Marla Reed stated that maybe something needs to be done with Loggers Landing property and the water drainage issues there.

Alan explained where the water goes when it comes off of Loggers Landing’s property: into George Theodoratus’ easternmost retention pond.

George stated that he realizes that is he asking the town to do a little extra digging under Superior, but he believes that this needs to be investigated further. He stated that if it is going to go the way it is stated in the plans and drawings for this project, then he is okay with it, but if it’s not, then he has a concern for the future of his property.

Mayor Miller stated that you have to follow the rules and regulations that are in place at the time. Alan stated that any new construction will have to follow the storm water manual that is in place at that time.

Mayor Miller stated the consensus of the council is to move forward with the project as it is currently scoped.

Special Presentations: Public Safety: Deputy Dills stated that Sergeant Kading is still out from his ankle surgery. He stated that he should be back by the council’s next meeting and will bring the monthly report then.

Deputy Dills reported there have been about 30 calls for service, which include malicious mischief on Limestone Street and a felony drug arrest at Loggers Landing after they received a call for trespassing. He also made a warrant arrest on Cedar Street and Superior Avenue. He stated most of the people they are making contact with are not from in town.

He also reported they may see a couple different patrol cars in the area while a couple new deputies complete their training. He stated he and another deputy are doing field training and are about halfway through this process.

He also reported that Sheriff Reichhardt has made a few changes in upper management, but it will not affect the day-to-day operations on how this detachment is run.

Reichhardt and Ebe Engineering – SR 20 and Superior Avenue Project Update: Janice Marlega reported the project is currently out for bid with the bid opening happening this Wednesday at 2 p.m. at Town Hall. She stated that right now there are approximately 10 plan holders. She stated that after the bid opening, they will review the bids and then bring a recommendation to award back to council at its February 23 meeting.

CRH Engineering-Cody Hart: Pay Request #5 – ICI, Fire and Life Safety Facility: Cody handed out the most recent cost-savings summary for the Fire and Life Safety Facility. He stated they will be proceeding with drywall this week. He stated this summary was completed after this most recent pay request from ICI. He stated that he does not foresee any major changes to the numbers in this summary. He stated that he has been able to assist the town in reducing the overall projects costs by about $210,000.00. He stated that he recommends approval of Pay Request #5 for work completed up to January 25, contingent on funding agency reimbursement.

Dave Pfeiffer made a motion to approve Pay Request #5. Marla Reed seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.

Intolight Work Order and Street Lighting Authorization: Cody reported this work order and authorization is for the site lighting, which will be installed along the sidewalks, east side of the building, and the parking area. He stated that the agreements will need to be amended to include CDBG language for the Davis Bacon requirements if they use subcontractors for the work. He also stated this work was always included in the project, but was one of the items that were held back until the funding was determined and it was found there was funding available for this work.

Ginger Kyritsis made a motion to approve the work order and authorization. Marla Reed seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.

Consent Agenda

v  Town Council Minutes: January 26, 2015

v  Approval of Claims Checks-2014: #1759-#1793

v  Approval of Payroll Checks

Marla Reed made a motion to approve the consent agenda. Ginger Kyritsis seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.

Public Hearings: None.

Old Business: None.

New Business: None.

Discussion Items: Superior Building: No report.

Council Reports: Airport: Jack Mears or Dave Pfeiffer: Jack stated it is pretty quiet.

Parks: Marla Reed: Marla stated she is currently working on the Capital Facilities Plan update for the parks. Dave Pfeiffer asked about the water spray park funding. Andrea stated that it is unclear at this point if they got the funding or not. Mayor Miller reported on the push for the Park and Ride funding. He stated that he sent out letters to several different legislative leaders.

Marla also reported there will be another RTCA meeting this Wednesday at 1 p.m. Mayor Miller stated they will be doing a field trip prior to that meeting, to try and determine a trail project for this coming year.

Community Garden: Marla Reed: No report.

Upper Skagit Library: Dave Pfeiffer: Nothing further.

Economic Development Task Force: Ginger Kyritsis: She reported the next meeting will take place February 11, 2015, at 6 p.m. at 5b’s Bakery.

Department Reports: Planning Commission/ Historical Preservation: Marianne Manville-Ailles: Absent.

Administration/Finance Report: Andrea Fichter: Andrea reported that the December 2014 Treasurer’s report is included in their packets. She also stated that she will be bringing a budget amendment and a couple airport leases to council at the next meeting.

Public Works: Alan Wilkins: Alan stated that after speaking with Andrea, they will be putting together a Request for Proposals for the software upgrade. Alan explained how the software and the plant talk to each other and how the cycles work. He stated that anyone who does this software program will have to have certain things they will need to know and be able to make sure the software and the plant continue to talk and the plans runs smoothly. He stated he has a concern with changing software companies and believes it may end up costing the town more money. He stated that he just wants to make sure that whatever company is chosen, that they are reliable and able to work on this type of software and able to get the licenses needed.

He also reported that one of the drive units for the number one blower went out and he has sent that out to be repaired.

He also reviewed a handout on some new technology that is available and could replace the current membranes. He stated these are nonrigid, more flexible plates. He stated the cost would be approximately $667,000.00 to change out the current membranes and replace with new technology to the system. Alan stated these can take on more water. Dave Pfeiffer asked if it may be possible to do a few membranes at a time. Alan stated that it is possible. He also stated these would be more efficient and would also push back the town’s need for expansion of the plant in the future.

He stated that he will start researching funding options through DOE and USDA. He stated he is going to research the possibility of changing out the screen as well.

Imagine Concrete: Mayor Miller: Mayor Miller reported the next regular meeting will be February 17, 2015, at 6:00 p.m. at the Pilots’ Lounge, which is always open to the public. He also reported the next workshop will be March 14 from 9 a.m. to noon at the high school commons and the main focus will be Silo Park development. He reported that childcare will be provided during the workshop.

Mayor’s Report: Mayor Miller reported that he attended the Mt. Vernon Kiwanis Club Meeting, where he was given the chance to speak.

He reminded everyone of the Mardi Gras event this Saturday.

Announcements: Ginger Kyritsis stated that she will not be in attendance at the next meeting.

Executive Session: None.

Adjournment: Jack Mears made a motion for adjournment at 8:09 p.m. Marla Reed seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.


Jason Miller, Mayor Attest: Andrea Fichter, Clerk Treasurer


February 9, 2015

Minutes prepared by Andrea Fichter

Minutes edited for grammar and spelling by Jason Miller