Morristown-Hamblen High School East

Course Syllabus

Course Information

Course Title: Algebra 2

Course Number: 2131034

Course Date: Fall 2015

Instructor: James “Jamie” Peoples

Course Description: Algebra II is a course designed for students who have successfully completed

Algebra I. This course covers the terminology, notation, concepts, skills, and

applications of Algebra II. Additionally, there will be a greater emphasis on

TN Ready standards.

Pre-requisite: Passing Algebra I

Required Materials:

2“ notebook, paper, pencils, red & black ink pens. Optional: TI Graphing


Learning Outcomes:

  1. Students will understand number systems: Real & Complex.
  2. Students will understand structure and operations with expressions & quantities.
  3. Students will be able to create ad reason using equations & inequalities..
  4. Students will be able to interpret and build functions.
  5. Students will understand linear, quadratic, exponential and trigonometric functions and conic equations.
  6. Students will be able to interpret data, make inferences, & justify conclusions..

Instructional Methods

Lecture, demonstration, question/answer, investigation, group activities, projects, and TN Ready activities

Textbook:Charles, Hall, Kennedy, Bass, Johnson, Murphy, & Wiggins. Prentice HallAlgebra 2.

2012.Pearson Education Inc.

Pacing Guide

Unit 1: Review of Algebra (10-15 days)

Unit 2: Linear Functions (10-12 days)

Unit 3: Quadratic Functions (10-15 days)

Unit 4: Polynomials (8-10 days)

Unit 5: Rational Functions (12-15 days)

Unit 6: Radical Functions (12-15 days)

Unit 7: Complex numbers (5-7 days)

Unit 8: Inverse & Combining Functions (7-9 days)

Unit 9: Exponential & Logarithmic Functions (10-15 days)

Unit 10: Sequence & Series (8-12 days)

Unit 11: Design of Statistical Studies (5-7 days)

Unit 12: Statistics (8-10 days)

Unit 13: Probability (10-15 days)

Unit 14: Trigonometry (10-15 days)

Consequences: These will vary depending on behavior. Examples are:

  • Verbal Warning
  • Parent Contact
  • Change of Seat
  • Office Referral
  • Points Off Grade


Exams: All exams will be announced and will be reviewed for. All make-up exams will be

after school within 3 days of the absence.

Quizzes: Most quizzes will be announced. Other quizzes will be pop quizzes. Some lessons

will conclude with a quiz as the exit ticket. All projects will count as a quiz grade.

Homework: Homework will be assigned daily and graded.

Make-up work: This policy is in the student handbook. The policy will be followed with very few


Notebook: Students are required to keep a notebook. It will be graded. Notebooks should be

organized in a logical, labeled manner; such as, sections:

Syllabus/other, notes, assignments, quizzes, tests

Attendance: The school attendance policy will be followed. Students can earn two points to be

added to their nine weeks grade if they do not miss more than two days as excused

absences. Students must turn in their notes to document that the absence was

excused. Please Note: Algebra II is a subject that it is easy to get behind in thus

good attendance is a must!

Cheating/Plagiarism: Automatic zero.

Grading Standards

9 weeks grades: Course grade:

Unit tests 50% First 9 weeks avg. 40%

Quizzes/Notebook 30% Second 9 weeks avg. 40%

Homework 20 % EOC 20 %

Grade scale: 93-100 A

85-92 B 70-74 D

75-84 C 69 below F

Semester Exam: The semester exam covers all topics covered by this course.

Classroom Rules and Expectations:

The Hamblen County Assertive Discipline Plan will be followed as outlined in the student handbook.

Additionally, I have three more rules for this class:

  1. Respect

Be respectful of me, your classmates, and yourself

  1. Be Prepared

Come to class with the proper supplies such as paper, pencil, book, due homework, etc.

  1. All Work Must Be Done In Pencil

In this class, we will observe the typical school rules as stated in the student handbook, such as obeying the dress code, tardy policy, no food or drink in the classroom, etc. See your student handbook for further explanation and policies.


Please email me or call me if you have any questions or concerns about your child’s progress. I will be happy to meet with you for a conference if you would like one. My planning time is fourth block. I will try to reach you if your student is having problems such as, a D or below average or not turning in work on time. Thank you for all of your help! I truly am excited to have the opportunity to work with your child this term. I’m looking forward to a great term.

Additionally, your student will receive a printed progress report midway through each nine weeks grading period.

If you need to contact me, you may do so by phone or by email. (423) 586-2543.

Finally, I understand that you might not be a math whiz or even like math for that matter. However, I do expect you to try and give this class a legitimate chance. To do this you must put forth the effort. If you do not understand something, you must ask me. I will be more than happy to help you. BUT, I CAN NOT HELP YOU UNLESS YOU HELP YOURSELF!!!

Please Detach the Bottom Part and Return To Me

Parents, if you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please feel free to contact me at 586-2543 or by email at . Please sign and return indicating that you have read this.

Student Signature ______Date ______

Parent or Guardian Signature ______Date ______

Parent or Guardian Email address ______

Parent contact numbers: Phone: ______

Email: ______