Sail Car Rubric
In evaluating how well you complete the STEM Project, your teacher will judge your work in four categories. In each, a score of 4 is the best rating.
4 / 3 / 2 / 1Creating Prototype Sketch / Includes 2 prototype sketches of high quality
Final sketch is labeled
Scale drawing is accurate and to scale / Includes 2 prototype sketches of good quality
Final sketch is labeled
Scale drawing is accurate and to scale with minimal error / Includes 2 prototype sketches of low quality
Final sketch is not clearly labeled
Scale drawing is somewhat accurate and to scale / ioes not Includes 2 prototype sketches
Final sketch is not labeled
Scale drawing is not accurate and not to scale
Constructing the Car / Car is well constructed and has a vehicle body with a surface area on top of at least 300 cm2and easily travels 4 straight meters / Car is well constructed and has a vehicle body with a surface area on top of at least 300 cm2 and has difficulty travelling 4 straight meters. / Car is constructed and has a vehicle body with a surface area on top less than
300 cm2 but travels 4 straight meters. / Car is poorly constructed, and has a vehicle body with a surface area on top of less than 300 cm2 and has difficulty travelling 4 straight meters.
Documenting the Process in the Development of the Car Prototype / Writes a thorough, clear and accurate description of the car and an engaging explanation of the design process. / Writes an adequate description of the car and an adequate explanation of the design process. / Writes a partial description of the car and/or a disorganized explanation of the design process. / Writes either an incomplete or error ridden description of the car and/or explanation of the design process.
Pros and Cons of Design for Manufacture / Pros and cons are detailed
and are realistic
Ideas relate to car design / Pro and cons are identified with some detail
Ideas somewhat relate to design of car / Pros and cons are listed
Ideas do not relate specifically to car design / No pros and cons are given
Data / Data tables are completed and information is correct / Data tables are completed and information mostly correct / Data tables are completed and information contains multiple errors / Data tables are not completed or information is mostly not correct
Presentation / Information presented shows thought and creativity
Presentation is organized and speaker is well prepared
Visuals are effective in showing the design process / Information presented shows thought and creativity
Presentation is mostly organized and speaker is prepared
Visuals are effective in showing the design process / Information presented shows limited thought and creativity
Presentation is somewhat organized and speaker is prepared
Visuals are somewhat effective in showing the design process / Information presented shows lack of thought and creativity
Presentation is not organized and speaker is not prepared
Visuals are not effective in showing the design process
Participation / Work and trials show BEST EFFORT producing a quality finished product / Work and trials show GOOD consistent EFFORT and completes project with thoroughness. / Work and trials show INCONSISTENT effort, partially or barely adequate completion of project / Work and trials show very LITTLE EFFORT and poor or unfinished project
Total: ______/28