
Sl=Slavic, B=Bulgarian, S=Serbian, C=Croatian, R=Russian, Cz=Czech, P=Polish, Bruss=Byelorussian, GR=Greek, L=Lithuanian, U=Ukrainian, IE=IndoEuropean, Sp=Spanish


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  • Greenberg (suffix –che) in book of Appellative M

(24) “In the three Balkan Slavic languages, the –ica suffix may denote marked pejorative forms, which acquire only the –o desinence… These –ica derivatives are unmarked for gender and may be used in addressing males or females.

(24, note 19) babička is diminutive form.

  • Haas, Mary R. 1972. “The Expression of the Diminutive.” In Studies in Linguistics in Honor of G.L.Trager, ed. M. E. Smith (Janua linguarium, Series maior 52). The Hague: Mouton, 148-152.
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  • Koneski, Blaže. 1986. “Istorija na Makedonskiot jazik.” Skopje, Macedonia: Kultura. M
  • In particular p105 (-ok) as in momok, p209 – richness of suffixes of emotional characterization.
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  • Stefanescu, Ioana. 1992. On Diminutive Suffixes. Folia Linguistica: Acta Societatis Linguisticae Europear 26:3-4, 339-356. ? P9.F7
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  • ?. year?. Diminutives and Depreciatives: Semantic Representation for Derivational Categories. Quaderni di Semantica 5:1, 123-130. ?
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  • Jurafsky, Daniel. 1996. Universal tendencies in the Semantics of the Diminutive. Language: Journal of the Linguistic Society 72:3, 533-578. Sl P1 L3
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  • Sydorenko, Halina. Ukrainian Sound Symbolism and Diminutive Sounds and Morphology… ??
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  • Volek, Bronislava. 1987. Emotive Signs in Language and Semantic Functioning of Derived Nouns in Russian. Linguistic and Literary Studies in Eastern EuropeAmsterdam: John Benjamins Press 24. R PG 2585.V54 1987
  • Volek, Bronislava. 1988. “Semantic Properties of Noun Diminutives: Based on Czech and Russian Data.” In American Contributions to the 10th International Congress of Slavists, ed. Alexander M. Schenker. Columbus, OH: Slavica, 415-421. Cz, R PG11.I5 1988b
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  • Wierzbicka, Anna. 1980. Translatability and Semantic Primitives: Diminutives. Chapter 2 of Lingua Mentalis, 53-59. Australia: Academic Press.
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  • Williams, Mariana Stoyanova. 1996. Diminutivity in Bulgarian: A Formal and Semantic Study. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Dissertation. B


  • “On a larger scale, the mountain-hardened South Slavs are contrasted to the soft Russians and Poles with their “lack of highland energy,” “soft languages,” and love of diminutives” (Dvorniković 1939:283). In Violent Highlanders and Peaceful Lowlanders – Uses and Abuses of Ethno-geography in the Balkans from Versailles to Dayton, Marko Živković (University of Chicago). Sl
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  • Carnicer, Ramon. 1976. Masculinos y femeninos en funcion diminutive y aumentativa.Yelmo 26 (December 1975 – January 1976), 38-39. in Spanish PC4065.Y44 choices of gender – masc=deminutive, fem=augment.
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  • (in particular 213-214, summary of CAT)
  • revised in Giles 1987
  • diminutives and code-switching?
  • cognitive and affective factors of communication accommodation theory?
  • goes along with Wierzbicka’s view of diminutives as a strategy of building a relationship to things and with people, i.e. diminutives are not necessarily about the object or its size.
  • Šipka, Danko. “A Taxonomy of Cross-cultural Differences in Slavic Languages.” P, SC
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  • I didn’t think this article was relevant
  • Worth, Dean S. 1987. “Formal and Aesthetic Functions of Diminutives in the Russian Lament.” In New Studies in Russian Language and Literature, ed. Anna Lisa Crone, Catherine V. Chvany, 279-290. Columbus, OH: Slavica. R PG 2026.A76 N48 1987

Child Acquisition

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  • Ely, Richard. 1996. “Why Didn’t You Talk to Your Mommy, Honey?” Parents’ and Children’s Talk about Talk. Research on Language and Social Interaction 29:1, 7-25. ? girls hear more diminutives than boys
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