3/8/11 DRAFT



March 8, 2011

7:00 P.M.

Members Present – Mayor Glenn Newsome, Mayor Pro Tem Russell Gross, Councilmember Bobby Jacobs, Councilmember Katherine Alexander, and Councilmember Martha Pompey. Councilmember Bryan Standifer was absent due to a conflicting work schedule.

Staff Present – Bob Schwartz, City Manager, Peggy Billerman, City Clerk, and Police Chief Bobby Norris.

Media Present – Ted Dunagan of the Monticello News.

Citizens Present – Honorary Councilmember Ed Edwards, David Wease, Reverend William Gibson, Bobby Sutton, Linda Wise, Doris Moore, Melissa Strozier, and Reverend Randy Strozier.

Regular Meeting - Mayor Newsome called the meeting to order. Reverend William Gibson gave the invocation. Mayor Newsome led the pledge of allegiance. Peggy Billerman, City Clerk called the roll.

Agenda Approval – Motion by Councilmember Jacobs, seconded by Councilmember Alexander, to approve the agenda as presented. All in favor.

Honorary Councilmember - Mayor Newsome read the proclamation honoring Ed Edwards who had been appointed by the Mayor as Honorary Councilmember.

Citizen Comments –

Reverend Randy Strozier stated that the city’s electric rates are not competitive and need to be lowered. Mayor Pro Tem Gross had stated to him that the new meters were to run faster.

Ms. Doris Moore stated that her utilities had been disconnected and that she had paid the bill by giving a check to the city worker that had come to reconnect the services. The following morning she had come to City Hall to retrieve the check and pay cash leaving a $100 balance to be paid by DFACS. City workers would not allow her to retrieve the check without paying the amount of the check, disregarding the payment to be made by DFACS. She felt she had been abused by both the City Manager and City Clerk. Councilmember Pompey requested written statements from employees.

David Wease informed Council that his neighbor and her son had been insulted by a gas department employee that had come to relight a pilot light after a meter change-out and suggested customer service training. Councilmember Pompey requested a written statement from the gas department employee.

Reverend William Gibson stated that the citizens are stressed about utility bills that do not arrive in a timely manner and are for too many days.

Linda Wise stated that the utility bills are outrageous and that people retaliate when they are angry about rates going up. Ms. Wise requested exact rates. Councilmember Pompey instructed Ms. Wise to see Danielle at City Hall for a complete list of utility rates. Ms. Wise stated that the City needs to find other ways to bring in revenue.

Councilmember Pompey stated that the City entered into a 50-year contract with the Municipal Electric Authority of Georgia. Councilmember Jacobs stated that costs will go up, but the City doesn’t want to pass the increase on to the customers. It will mean less money for police and other services. The police department has faced cuts and other services will have to be cut to absorb the increased costs of utilities. Mayor Newsome agreed that everyone is concerned with the cost utilities and encouraged conservation.

Minutes – Motion by Councilmember Jacobs, seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Gross to approve the minutes of the January 27, 2011 called meeting and the February 8, 2011 regular meeting as presented. All in favor.


Chamber of Commerce - Anna Mickle, new Chamber of Commerce director, introduced herself to Council stating the Chamber would be open Monday through Friday from 8am to 5pm until April 9, 2011 when the hours would change to 10 am to 3 pm. Volunteer staffing could allow the Chamber to be open for more hours. Councilmember Jacobs asked about Market on the Square and learning that there is no definite plan for the coordination of events, stated that the City needed to pick it up if Jasper County Economic Development Authority does not.

Police Chief’s Report – Chief Bobby Norris’ February report included 37 citations, fines in the amount of $4,154, and 212 calls for service. Chief Norris would like to assign a car to each officer. The public safety committee met February 15th to discuss the purchase of additional police vehicles and recognized the need for additional reliable vehicles. City Manager Bob Schwartz will review and present options for the purchases, including new versus used vehicles and lease purchase options.

City Manager’s Report – Bob Schwartz reported that the automated meter read project is almost complete. All meters will be read the second week of the month and bills sent by the end of the fourth week. Bills will be due on the 15th of each month. Mr. Schwartz informed Council that an annual SPLOST budget was required to be adopted and that a RFP for audit services was being prepared. Mayor Pro Tem Gross inquired about the City meeting with Piedmont Academy to review the school’s electric service and rates. Councilmember Jacobs responded that the Council had opened Pandora’s Box when Mr. Dunn was allowed to choose Central Georgia EMC, rather than the City of Monticello, as his service provider. Councilmember Jacobs explained that now others want out, a lot of them voted for Council, and it will be impossible to satisfy them. Councilmember Alexander asked to see the safety report on Piedmont Academy generated by Electric Cities of Georgia, when complete, because she had doubts about the electric department. The City is collecting information to allow consideration of a ‘school rate’ for all schools in the city service territory. Bob Schwartz informed Council of a meeting with Kevin Farrell of the Watershed Protection Branch of GA EPD. Also attending were Gene Trammell, Chairman of the Jasper County Water and Sewer Authority, Robert Jordan, city engineer, and Waymon Cody, Water and Sewer superintendent. Issues to improve water capacity were discussed. Mr. Farrell suggested connecting the city and county water systems. Mr. Schwartz also announced that the gas keys to the County gas pumps had been delivered.

Consent Agenda – Payables in the amount of $243,799.22 were presented. Motion by Councilmember Pompey, seconded by Councilmember Jacobs to approve the payables. All in favor.

New Business

Budget Calendar – Mr. Schwartz presented a proposed budget calendar for FY2012. Motion to approve the calendar by Councilmember Pompey, seconded by Mayor Pro Tem Gross. All in favor.

Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan – Jasper County Emergency Management Director Melissa Slocumb invited the City to participate in the planning process for an update to the plan at no cost to the City. Motion to approve by Councilmember Pompey, seconded by Councilmember Alexander. All in favor.

West View Park – The playground equipment has been installed. Landscaping has not been completed due to the weather. Seed and straw are needed immediately. The Parks committee, Councilmembers Alexander and Jacobs, and Mayor Pro Tem Gross, will meet March 15 at 1 pm at West View Park to discuss RFPs for a pavilion to be erected on the old tennis court pavement.

CDBG Update – CDBG sewer assessment bids were opened last month. Robert Jordan recommended acceptance of the low bidder, AUI, LLC, from Cookeville, TN in the amount of $40,936.12. Motion to award the bid to AUI, LLC by Councilmember Pompey, seconded by Councilmember Alexander. All in favor.

Council Comments

Councilmember Alexander stated that the finance and utility committees needed to meet to discuss rates, as she favored lowering sewer rates to 80 % of the water cost. Councilmember Alexander stated that the City should reduce services to just utilities, and do it well. She was embarrassed by the employees’ treatment of customers and apologized. Mayor Newsome looked forward to the cost of service analysis, as this FY2012 budget would be the last prepared by this Council. Mayor Pro Tem Gross stated that he had worked since 2007 to improve West View Park and was gratified to see the citizens enjoying the park and the cemetery. Mayor Pro Tem Gross thanked Councilmember Alexander for getting the project off of dead center. Councilmember Pompey apologized to Ms. Moore for the lack of compassion shown by City employees. Councilmember Jacobs stated that he had earlier compared his time on Council to captaining the Titanic after it had hit the iceberg, but a current review showed Council had succeeded by now having timely financial reports, automated meter reading, an improved West View Park, an upgraded water plant, a smaller police force, and a reduced front office staff. Mayor Newsome thanked those in attendance and he, too, felt that this Council had made progress, as shown on the charts on the rear wall of the Council Chambers.

Adjournment –Motion by Councilmember Pompey, seconded by Councilmember Jacobs, to adjourn at 8:40 p.m. All in favor.

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