26 June 2015

WBBROC Media Release

Mobile Blackspot Funding Delivers Positive Results

for Wide Bay Burnett Region

“WBBROC (Wide Bay Burnett Regional Organisation of Councils) has been working hard to improve the economic outlook and long-term sustainability of the Wide Bay Burnett region,” Cr Forman, WBBROC Chair and Mayor, Bundaberg Regional Council stated this week.

“The Independent Broadband Testing Report released by WBBROCin early 2014 detailed the current level of service provided by the main telecommunication network carriers across the Wide Bay Burnett region and, importantly, highlighted10 regional priority areas that need to be addressed to position the region as a “connected region”, stated Cr Forman.

“Importantly, given the natural disasters that have occurred in recent years in the region, it is vital that current telecommunication impediments are addressed to provide enhanced standards of communication during times of natural disasters such as fires and flood”, Cr Forman said.

“Over the last six months WBBROC and each Council have been awaiting the outcomes of the Commonwealth and State Governments Mobile Blackspot Funding Programs. We have now been advised that 11 locations have successfully received funding to build new or upgrade existing towers which is fantastic news for our region”, Cr Forman explained.

“We are very pleased that our lobbying on behalf of our region has been well received and our repeated calls for funding supported”, Cr Forman stated.

“WBBROC welcomes the commitment by both levels of government for this funding and the 11 locations start to address our priorities. However, for regions such as the Wide Bay Burnett to become fully connected and, in doing so, support a push for people and businesses to relocate outside south-east Queensland, then our remaining priority areas including locations will also need to receive funding”, Cr Forman reinforced.

“On behalf of the Mayors across the region, once again I would like to thank the Commonwealth and Queensland Governments for providing this funding to our region and look forward to continuing together to improve the economic outlook for our region”, Cr Forman concluded.


For more information contact:

Cr Mal Forman

Mayor Bundaberg Regional Council & Chair WBBROC

Ph: 0487304262


Member Councils: Bundaberg Regional Council, Cherbourg Aboriginal Council, Fraser Coast Regional Council, Gympie Regional Council, North Burnett Regional Council, South Burnett Regional Council