“Monthly Newsletter for Client Retention”
Real Pro Systems
Host: Mark Weisman & Rob Levy
Wednesday, February 22, 2017
2pm-3pm EST
Summary: This webinar discussed how to use monthly newsletters for client retention, lead nurture, and top-of-mind awareness.
Rating: C
- Rob Levy is an agent in Portland, Oregon and Palm Springs, CA who had $2 million of business directly from the newsletter in 2016. He was MIA for most of the webinar, so Mark Weisman covered for him.
- Mark recapped about the three ways to stay top-of-mind, which were discussed in another webinar: morning coffee, video messages, and newsletters. All three of these strategies help get someone from their inbox to your website. They are supposed to give the client a small taste to get their attention and get them to your website for the full experience.
- Newsletters help you to stay top-of-mind with clients and other agents.
- Everyone gets put on the list: referrals, out of town agents, everybody (Rob's list is 29K now!)
- Full website newsletter v. truncated email version gives you a teaser with plenty of links to get you to the website
- It is better to write your own than use the Real Pro national newsletter (use a mixture of one or two of your own articles along with one or two of Real Pro’s free monthly articles
- Article 1 – use local data
- Articles 2&3 – write your own content or introduce & link outside articles (write your own intro)
- Use the blog to archive newsletter content
- Mark demonstrated how to create the newsletter and add content through the Real Pro Systems
- He reminded us to include lots of links to the website (sometimes actual URL links, sometimes pictures, sometimes charts, etc.)
- Copy and paste through Notepad before pasting text directly into RPS to avoid messing up the formatting
- Top-of-Mind value isn’t measurable, but you never know how it works even if leads don’t read it or visit the website, they are still seeing your name and getting the impression
- Rob always includes agents that he meets at a convention on his newsletter mailing list puts your name out without costing anything
- Rob saves interesting articles that he sees throughout the day in a folder in his email inbox so that he has a collection to pull from when he is creating his newsletter
- Always send yourself a test to make sure that you don’t make any silly mistakes