FOI request- ADHD service provision
What is the average wait from referral to assessment for children and young people with ADHD?Rotherham / Waiting list review is currently underway- average wait for complete assessment (rather than initial screening assessment) is around 8 months
What is the average treatment duration for a young person with ADHD?
Rotherham / Dependent on the age of diagnosis/ entry to service, but remain within service when prescribed medication for review etc.
How many children and young people are prescribed medication for ADHD?
Rotherham / Information not available currently
How many young people were a. Referred, and b. Treated for ADHD in 2007/08, 2008/09, 2009/10, 2010/11, 2011/12.
Rotherham / Information not available at this time
How many young people who were being treated for ADHD, were discharged in 2007/08, 2008/09, 2009/10, 2010/11, 2011/12.
Rotherham / Information not available at this time due to changes in electronic systems
What Assessment methods do you use to assess ADHD? Do you use screening tools such as SDQ/ Conners?
Rotherham / SDQ, Conners, Neuro form (locally developed), ADHD screening tool for teachers (locally developed),
Do you use any assessment or diagnostic mechanisms to ascertain ADHD and ADHD Co-morbid conditions?
Rotherham / Full developmental history and mental health assessment completed
What other alternatives to medication do you offer for people with ADHD and what type of staff provides these interventions?
Rotherham / 123 Magic, individual sessions
What diagnostic or assessment tools do you use to determine sleep deprivation in people with ADHD?
Rotherham / None
Do you routinely assess for sleep deprivation?
Rotherham / This is covered within the full assessment process, utilise sleep hygiene information leaflets
How many young people with ADHD made the transition to adult mental health services in 2007/08, 2008/09, 2009/10, 2010/11, 2011/12 in order to receive further support for this condition?
Rotherham / This information is not available at this time due to changes to electronic records systems
At what age do young people with ADHD enter adult mental health services? Do you measure the quality of patient experience in the transition journey for patients with ADHD?
Rotherham / 16 years old transition to the adult ADHD service
Are there consistent transition plans in places for young people with ADHD?
Rotherham / There is an adult ADHD service which is consistently referred into as necessary
What interventions are offered to young people with a diagnosis of ADHD who make the transition to Adult Mental Health Services?
Rotherham / Medical review of medication, limited additional interventions
Do you have an ADHD transition protocol or a transition protocol which pays attention to ADHD? If so, can I have a copy?
Rotherham / Currently under review
Do you have an ADHD Pathway? If so can you please send it to us?
Rotherham / These are the pathways for young people with an additional learning disability and general CAMHS pathway for ADHD in draft form.
Does the pathway for people with ADHD vary depending upon whether the referral is to Paediatrics and CAMHS. If it does, how does it differ?
Rotherham / No- referrals to paediatrics would be forward to the CMAHS service for assessment, diagnosis and treatment
Is there a work plan to improve transitions between Children’s health Services and its partners in adult services?
Rotherham / Yes
Is there an ADHD shared care protocol between specialist service such as CAMHS / Paediatrics, and GPs?
Rotherham / No- currently trying to establish a shared understanding
Can we have a copy of your protocol?
Rotherham / Not applicable
Do you record what the discharge experience was like for people with ADHD and the impact on young people?
Rotherham / SDQs and CHAI questionnaires are used to gather feedback and improvements
How many young people with ADHD are co-morbid with other mental health problems, including substance misuse?
Rotherham / Information not available at this time
Do you have any CQUIN Development in relation to ADHD?
Rotherham / Only with regard to transition from CAMHS to adult mental heath services and service user/ carer satisfaction- none specific to ADHD