Weston Woods

Monthly Association Board Meeting

March 10th, 2015

At Savage City Hall

Attendees: / X / Board Members / A / Jane Bizal, Vice President
X / Dennis Nelson, President / X / Mary Ann Wessel, Steering Committee Director
A / Tom Schammel, Buildings Director / X / Doug Rage, Secretary
X / Arlis Esnough, Treasurer / A=ABSENT
X / Thomas Thompson, Grounds Director / X=ATTENDING

I. Call to Order

The meeting was called to order by President Dennis Nelson at 7:00 P.M.

II.Old Business


III.Review & Approval of Board Minutes

A motion to approve the February minutes was made by Mary Ann and seconded by Thomas.. The motion passed 5-0.

IV.President’s Report by Dennis Nelson

1). Lawyer Interview. The HOA needs to establish a relationship with a law firm. The board interviewed a lawyer and she presented what they have to offer.

2). Reserve Study The board has received several proposals and will make a decision next month.

3). June 9th Meeting This will be a semi annual homeowner’s meeting. The mayor of Savage will attend.

V.Financial Report by Arlis Esnough

1)Review of current financial reports (Current Balance Sheet, Profit and Loss Statement, Expenses to Budget, Accounts Receivable). Arlis reviewed the reports for February. Expenses are under plan for the month and the year to date. This will change as we get into spring and summer with concrete and landscape repairs. A motion was made to approve the reports by Thomas and seconded by Mary Ann.

The motion passed 5-0.

2) Electronic Funds Transfer of Dues. Homeowners are encouraged to sign up for this feature. The sign up form is now on the website and should be sent to P.O. Box 38, Savage MN 55378 or put in the association mail box on Lake Ridge Drive.

3) HOA Due Date. Dues are due on the 1st of the month. If dues are not received by the 10th, homeowners will be assessed a $20.00 late fee.

VI.Vice President Report by Jane Bizal

1) No report

VIIBuilding Report by Tom Schammel

1) No report.

VIII.Grounds Report by Thomas Thompson

1) No report.

IX.Secretary's Report by Doug Rage

1)Open Request(s) Review. There was one to review.

X.Steering Committee Report by Mary Ann Wessel

1). Garage Sale. This will be May 15thy and 16th.

2). Spring Clean Up This will be on Saturday, May 9th at 9 AM and will start at Ron Hanson’s

house, 7215 Lake Ridge Drive

XI.Communications Report

1)Website. Homeowners should visit the website. There is a lot of useful information on HOA rules and vendors

XII. Adjournment

The meeting was adjourned at 8:20 P.M.

XIII.Next Meeting

These meetings will be on the second Tuesday of each month at 7:00 P.M. at the Savage City Hall. The next meeting will be on April 14th, 2015, at Savage City Hall. Homeowners are always invited to attend.