Cohort: A2017

Publication Date: February 13, 2017

Application Deadline: 11:59pm March 31, 2017

Application Checklist

  • Review the Application Instructions and Frequently Asked Questions (separate document)
  • Complete Part 1: Instructor/Institution
  • Complete Part 2: Course
  • Complete Part 3: Student Population
  • Complete Part 4: Methodology/Pedagogy
  • Complete Part 5: Impact Statement
  • Save your application file in MS Word or PDF format, using the following file naming convention: LastName_Institution_CourseID (Example: Smith_ABCUniversity_ECON101)
  • Submit your application as an email attachment to with the subject line “Textbook Liberation Fund Application”


Questions about the instructor and institution.

If multiple faculty members are applying together for the same course, please provide the following information for each faculty member. The first faculty member listed will be used as the primary point of contact for communication regarding the application and only one application need be submitted.



How did you hear about the Textbook Liberation Fund? If you were referred to the Textbook Liberation Fund by a colleague or other faculty member, please provide their name & institution.

How long have you been teaching this course?:

How long have you been at this institution?:

Previous Institutions?:

List academic credentials – degree(s) attained, and any major publications (optional, up to 5). A CV is not required at this stage of the application process.


Questions about the course.

If you would like to apply for multiple courses, please submit a separate application for each course.

If a single course is cross-listed in more than one department, or taught at more than one institution please, indicate course name and number as listed in each institution’s course catalog. Only 1 application is required for cross-listed or multi-institution courses.

Course Title and Identifier (ex. ABC101):

Course Format: (ex. Face-to-face, Blended, Online, multiple)

How often is the course offered (number of terms per year), and the length, in weeks, of each term offered?

Approximate number of students enrolled per term in your section(s):

Are you the only instructor for this course?

If there are multiple instructors, are you the lead instructor?

How is student learning assessed in this course? (ex. Weekly quizzes, homework assignments, research papers, discussion board participation, exams). Please list all that apply.

Have you already created some content for this course (PPT, excel, pdf, etc.) or are you planning to create content as part of this Project? What content have you created or identified? Describe the content you plan to curate.

If this course is currently offered, what course materials are you currently using? (publisher, name of textbooks, ISBN, etc.)


Questions about the student population.

Typical classification of students enrolled in the course (estimated):

% Fr.:

% So.:

% Jr.:

% Sr.:

% Gr.:

Typical Majors/Minors of students enrolled in the course:

Please list most common majors/minors

Typical status of students enrolled in the course (estimated):

% Full Time Degree Seeking:

% Part Time / Non-Traditional Degree Seeking:

% Non-Degree Seeking:



In 250 words or less, please describe your preferred teaching methodologies/pedagogies.


Impact Statement

In 250 words or less, please describe the impact that developing affordable course materials will have on your students.