Iron Springs Christian Reformed Church

February25, 2018

Pastor Frank deBoerAdministrator: April Hubers

Home: 738-4931Church Phone/Fax: 738-4433

Cell: (403) 393-3391E-mail:

E-mail: lletin Deadline: Thursday noon

Pastor Frank is unavailable on Fridays


Iron Springs CRC Vision Statement

Through the power of the Holy Spirit, we strive to be a caring, Christ centered community of believers, nurturing spiritual growth and sharingGod’s love at home, work and abroad.

Welcome to our worship service at Iron Springs CRC. Today we welcome an exchange. Pastor Ken Vanderploegis in Iron Springs while Pastor Frank leads worship in Taber. Please join us for coffee and juice in the fellowship hall, through the double doors, after the service.

Iron Springs Christian Reformed Church


Call to WorshipPsalm 105:1-4

Prayer of Preparation

SongBe Still, for the Presence Red 532

*Gods Greeting Welcome

*Song(s)Here I Am to Worship Red 567

Jesus Shall Reign Red 219

Time of Confession

Gods will for our Lives1 Peter 2:9-17

Prayer of Confession

*Apostle’s Creed


Song of Response Lift High the Cross Red 264:1-5

Offertory Prayer

Offering: Canadian Foodgrains Bank

Children’s Prayer

*Song of Preparation:O Sacred Head, Now Wounded Red 168

(children grade 2 and under leave for Sunday School)

Prayer for God's Leading

Scripture Reading1 Corinthians 3: 1-11

MessageMere Servants

Prayer of Application

*Song of ResponseHere I Am, LordRed 869

Congregational Prayer

*Closing Song:In Christ There Is No East or WestRed 268

*God's Blessing

*Parting Song:By the Sea of CrystalRed 489:1, 3

*Please stand if you are able

Church Calendar

TodaySunday School for Grade’s 2 and under during the AM service

Sunday School & Catechism after the AM service
Young People’s meeting at Dave & Julia’s. Emily’s turn for snack

Today / Next Week / March 11
Serving Elder / Delbert V / Helen B / Landen S
Ushers / Braeden S, Allan VZ / Melissa V,
Esther R / Mike V,
Karen K
Greeters / Jr. High Youth / Leighton & Elinor K / Jan & Pam P
Coffee / Art & Joyce D
Allan & Dorothy VZ / Henric & Heidi S / Brad & Glorianna S
Brenden & Jackie S
Nursery / Sylvana, Jillian, Devin, Luke / Donna, Vanessa, Logan, Jasara / Barb, Kurt, Joe, Daymen
Sunday School
(Ages 3&4) / Mike N
Reese / Mike N
Luke / Jan
Sunday School
(K & Grade 1) / Rodney
Aaron / Rodney
Tyson / William
Library / Nancy / Candace / Chris
Children’s Message / Aubrey & Gabi K
Alberta Rose
Piyami Lodge / Henry & Willemiem S, Audrey K, Pastor Frank

Church family
We celebrate with James, Deanna, and Everlee B as we look forward to James and Deanna's profession of faith and Everlee's baptism next Sunday. We pray for older members who are concerned about children and grand-children and we pray for younger members who are concerned about the needs of older parents and relatives.We give thanks that Devan and Taylor K were married yesterday. We also pray for our congregation and Pastor Frank as we process the news we learned at last week's congregational meeting.

Our worship this week

We welcome Pastor Ken VanderPloeg from Taber as he leads us in a mission emphasis service while Pastor Frank is in Taber.

Our worship next week

We celebrate professions of faith of James and Deanna and the baptism of EverleeJolynn.

Minutes of the Council Meeting Feb 12, 2018

Delbert was absent with notice. Chair welcomed everyone and called the meeting to order. Gys opened with prayer. Agenda was approved minutes from previous meeting were approved. Business from minutes: Evangelism Committee had a meeting on Jan 23 and discussed looking for a schedule coordinator for Piyami Lodge and ARSCH.

Elders report (didn’t have a consistory meeting) encouraged elders to keep visiting and encouraging the congregation in their faith. Deacons, nothing to report. They were thanked for keeping up with putting the collection and budget information in the bulletin. Talked about upcoming important dates in our church. Welcomed the church visitors. Glorianna opened with devotions at this time. Spent time discussing Article 17 (a) as a positive step forward. We talked about the various ministries of our church. Church visitors were thanked for their wisdom, encouragement and prayers. Council pointed out how blessed we are to have the church family we do and how we do not take it for granted. Had a time of coffee and fellowship church visitors left and we continued with our meeting.

Motion: to approve the Profession of Faith of James and Deanna and the baptism of their daughter Everlee on March 4, 2018. Passed unanimously. Motion: Council approve agenda/statement to be read for congregational meeting after the service on Feb 18. Passed unanimously. Motion: To have Lord’s Supper on March 11, 2018 Passed unanimously. Motion: to have Gerald and Michele to use the church for their upcoming wedding. Passed unanimously. Motion: to have a pancake breakfast on Sunday March 18 for the GEMS and Cadets Sunday. Passed unanimously.

Classis delegates for the upcoming Classis meeting March 9 -Landen, Brendan with Gys as alternate for Elders. Stephen with Jan as alternate for deacons.

Council was encouraged to continue to do our visits and keep our church, elders, deacons, Pastor Frank in prayer. We had a time of Mutual Censure.

Next meeting set for Feb 26, 2018

Brendan closed in prayer.

Minutes of the Congregational Meeting Feb 18, 2018

Pastor George called the Council forward and opened with prayer. Landen, on behalf of Council and Pastor Frank, thanked everyone for coming and read two prepared statements one from Council and Pastor Frank and one from Pastor Frank. Pastor George read a letter prepared by the church visitors: Pastor Matt V and Elder Greg K from Covenant CRC. Pastor George gave a brief statement in regards to Article 17 (a). Art closed in prayer the meeting was closed. If anyone has further questions they are encouraged to talk to members of the Executive Art, Landen, Gys, William, Glorianna.
The letters read at the congregational meeting are below:

Statement from Pastor Frank

I can guess that most of you are surprised at this announcement, and some of you might even be upset.

I want you to know that council, as well as myself, have spent a lot of time in thought and prayer before coming to this decision. The decision was made with the best interests of both the congregation and myself in mind.

I believe that this decision is positive for both me and the congregation. It gives me the opportunity to reflect on how best to use my gifts in ministry going forward. It also gives Iron Springs the chance to reflect on what we most value in our minister and for our ministry now and in the future.

I am thankful that we remain brothers and sisters in Christ and that we can part in such a way that we continue to care for each other. I am also thankful that we will have the opportunity to celebrate the Lord’s Supper together in the last worship service I will lead as pastor of Iron Springs CRC. It demonstrates that all of us are recipients of God’s grace in Christ and that we remain united in him.

Pastor Frank

Dear Congregation,

On behalf of Council and Pastor Frank:

Council and Pastor Frank have recognized over the last couple years that there have been expectations that have been difficult to manage, making it a challenge for us to do ministry effectively.

Council and Pastor Frank have prayerfully and faithfully looked at a number of ways to approach these concerns, but have not been able to resolve the pastoral expectations of the congregation and council.

Working together we prayed for direction and discussed different ways to address the concerns. Together, in consultation with CRC pastor-church relations, it was explained to us that Article 17a is a positive solution for our circumstance. Article 17a is a proactive approach to allow a pastor and congregation to mutually separate before things escalate and become negative.

We want to be very clear that we are pursuing this out of mutual respect and care for each other. Council is working on a proposal to present to classis for approval, which will financially support Pastor Frank in a period of transition. We pray for guidance in this process.

We, the Council of Iron Springs CRC, thank Pastor Frank for his commitment over the past five years. We highly commend Pastor Frank for his desire to “take some time and not rush into” his next call. We firmly believe his plan of reflection, continued education and guided self evaluation will prepare Pastor Frank for what God has in store for him in the future.

Clearly, the congregation may have questions. Please contact a member of Executive if you would like more clarity. (Landen, Gys, Art, Glorianna, or William).

Pastor Frank will be back to lead our service March 4th where we will celebrate professions of faith and Baptism.

Pastor Frank’s last official service will be March 11 where, God willing, we are planning to celebrate communion. After the service we plan to thank Pastor Frank for the work he has done here in Iron Springs and would like to wish him God’s blessings.

Please pray that God will lead, guide and embrace Pastor Frank and The Iron Springs Church family in this period of transition.

In Christ,

Iron Springs Council and Pastor Frank


Feb 25: Canadian Foodgrains-World Renew has been richly blessed to be part of the Canadian Foodgrains Bank since its beginning in 1984. World Renew has the ability to provide large scale disaster response and rehabilitation programs. Funds collected are often matched 4:1 by the Canadian Government. Thank you.

Iron Springs News

Save the Date Join us in a time of fellowship after church on March 11, with soup, buns and cake as we take time to wish Pastor Frank our blessing on his future endeavours. This will be Pastor Franks last Sunday preaching in Iron Springs.

Evangelism is looking for a co-ordinator for the Piyami Lodge & Alberta Rose groups. They need someone to create a schedule and stay in touch with activity directors at the homes (to make sure schedule is posted and up to date). Co-ordinator does not have to find new members or organize groups. If interested, please contact Karen or Jason.-Thank you.

World Day of PrayerThis year’s World Day of prayer service will be held Friday March 2 at 7:00 pm at St. Catherine’s Church in Picture Butte. The service is planned by women of the country of Suriname. We’re still looking for some readers to lead parts of the service. Let Pastor Frank know if you’re willing to help.

Area News

Canadian Foodgrains Bank Sunday is in one week! - On March 4, churches across Canada will be sharing stories of how God is moving to end hunger around the world. In 2017, World Renew was able to feed hungry families, and equip farmers with the knowledge to help their communities break free from cycles of hunger. This important work will continue for another year because of your prayers, and the gifts you make on Canadian Foodgrains Bank Sunday. Any donation you make is eligible for a match of up to 4:1 from the Canadian Government!

Lent Prayer Campaign for Indigenous Justice - The Christian Reformed Church has affirmed the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. But what does that mean? This Lent, the CRC’s Canadian Aboriginal Ministry Committee invites you to enter into the themes of the Declaration through prayer. This is our prayer this week: For Indigenous people exercising their rights to be peacemakers and builders of healthy communities, even and especially, in those times when those calls disrupt our complacency, we give thanks. Join with us this Lenten season to pray:

Thank you for your prompt attention to this important reminder!

Payment must be received by March 30, 2018.

KEEP this information with your other important documents so your family members will KNOW you are a member and entitled to funeral benefit coverage!

The D.C.B.S. welcomes new members up to the age of 40.