Gettysburg Trip
March 30, 2012
On Friday, March 30th, the US I teachers will be running a field trip for US1 CP students to Gettysburg Battlefield National Park in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania.
Video equipped coach buses will leave MHS @ 7:30 AM and arrive in Gettysburg at 11AM.
Students may bring a bag lunch or have lunch in the Visitors’ Center.
We will be in the Visitors’ Center from 11 AM until 1:15 attending the video presentation, cyclorama, interactive museum and gift shop.
From 1:30-3:30 we will have a guided battlefield bus tour then return to the Visitors’ Center.
At 4PM we will have dinner at the Picket’s Charge Buffet Restaurant in Gettysburg.
Leave Gettysburg @ 5:30PM and arrive at MHS @ 8:30PM.
Cost of the Trip is $82.00
Checks should be made out to MontgomeryHigh School and returnedto the student’s US1 teacher, along with parent permission slip and medical form.
The trip has been limited to 140 students and these spaces will be evenly distributed based on the number of US1 classes each teacher has.
Spaces will be allotted on a first come first served basis.
To be counted,students must return payment with all forms.
Skillman, New Jersey
To the Principal:
I hereby give my daughter/son______
permission to accompany the United States History I teachers and students______
to Gettysburg, Pennsylvania______on ___March ______30 ______2012__
Month Day Year
Cost per student: _$82.00______Signed: ______
Please make checks payable to MontgomeryHigh School, and write the name of the student on the memo line.
Rules and Regulations
The following rules and regulations have been adopted as policy for all high school trips.
- All MontgomeryHigh School rules, regulations and consequences will be in effect at all times.
- All students must remain in locations and areas designated for the trip.
- Students must attend all scheduled events (unless specified by the school administration).
- All students must travel by designated transportation (unless otherwise specified by the school administration). Appropriate behavior on all modes of transportation is essential.
On all overnight trips, the following additional rules also apply:
- Students must complete and submit a medical questionnaire.
- Students must obey all curfews and remain in their rooms after curfew.
- Students must report to their designated chaperone at the time requested.
- Luggage, rooms and personal possessions will be subject to search at the discretion of the lead chaperone.
Any violation of the above rules will result in the appropriate consequences (including the possibility of being sent home at the parent’s expense) and the offending student may be placed on disciplinary restriction. Seniors may be excluded from senior activities including Graduation, Prom, and Dinner Dance; underclassmen may be excluded from all class trip activities, forfeit their senior parking privileges and participation in other senior activities. In no cases will expenses be remunerated.
MontgomeryHigh School
1016 Route 601
Skillman, New Jersey08558
Dear Parent/Guardian:
While your child is attending a field trip with MontgomeryHigh School, he/she may need medical attention. In order to avoid delay in obtaining your consent, please fill out this form and sign it.
I (We) ______, parent/guardian of ______
(Parent / Guardian) (Student)
give consent to any X-ray examination, anesthetic, medical or surgical diagnosis or treatment and hospital care to be rendered to a minor, at a recognized medical facility, under the general or special supervision of a licensed physician or surgeon, if the school authorities are unable to contact me.
(Parent signature) (Date)
Child’s Doctor: ______Phone ______
Insurance Co. ______Policy # ______
Home Phone ______Work Phone(s) ______
Parents’ Cell # ______Parents’ Cell # ______
Emergency Contact (Name & #) ______
List any allergies or medical conditions your child has and note if they will be carrying an EPI-PEN or INHALER. Please include name of medication.
Medication(s) Required for Field Trip: Date/s of TripMarch 30, 2012
Medication(s) required for this trip (please check appropriate box(s)
____My child will not require medication during this trip
____My child will need medication during this trip (please list below)
____If a nurse is present my child can have Tylenol/Advil
____There will be no school nurse on this trip
Prescription and over the counter medication must be supplied by the parent/guardian in the ORIGINAL CONTAINER and given to the school nurse in advance of the trip. Students cannot carry any medications with the exception of Epi-Pens, inhalers and insulin. If medication is necessary, the nurse will carry and dispense it.