First Payroll of the School Year Master Checklist

Caution: Do not begin this process until the EOY Payroll Accruals Checklist and (it would be preferable) the Finance Fiscal Year Checklist have been completed.

It is highly recommended that you process the export when the Export prompt is displayed for a process. Be sure to create folders for each export so that if you need to import from a particular step, you are able to easily locate which file to use. If you perform an export on the same process multiple times, then it is recommended that you move the previous exports to separate folders so they are not replaced by the new export in case you need to import from a particular step.

  1. The following steps should already be completed. Do not continue if they are not complete.
  • All payroll processing for the current school year should be complete.
  • Print HRS2250 (Deduction Register by Employee) to verify all deductions are correct.
  • Print HRS2400 (Bank Accounting Listing) to verify employee bank information is correct.
  • Print HRS1000 (Roster of Personnel) and save for the auditors.
  • HRS4150 (TRS On-Behalf Payment Journal) should be completed and posted.
  • Print HRS3050 (School YTD Report) and save for the auditors.
  • Service records should be processed, and the Service Record Maintenance tab should be updated accordingly.
  • The EOY Payroll Accruals process should be completed through the Interface to Finance tab ONLY.
  • Termination dates and reasons should be updated on the Employment Information tab for all employees that are no longer with the district.
  • Budget should have been moved to Finance.
  • Unprocessed and processed deduction transactions should be deleted. Failure to perform this step will result in the inability to import payroll backups if Finance has removed the previous fiscal year from file ID C.

  1. In Finance, from the Tables menu, select District Finance Options. Verify that the School Year contains the current school year (i.e.,2012-2013).

  1. In Human Resources, from the File menu, select Change Payroll Frequency. Verify that you are in the next year frequency that is associated with your current year frequency (i.e., F = 6).

  1. Prepare NYR payroll for the move to CYR.
  • Using the User Created Reports, verify all employee data is correct prior to the move to the current year.
  • Employees to be moved must have a Pay Status of Active. Print HRS6150 (Employee Payroll Listing) and verify status.
  • Inactivate those employees that do not need to be moved, such as: employees whose contract days begin in July and/or August (11- and 12-month contracts) or ‘filler’ employees used for vacancies.

Discontinue updating or accessing current year payroll records during this process.
  1. From the Next Year menu, select Copy NYR Tables to CYR and copy all necessary tables.

  1. From the Next Year menu, select Copy NYR Staff to CYR and copy active staff to the current year.

  1. From the File menu, select Change Payroll Frequency. Sign into the current year frequency that is associated with your next year frequency (i.e., F = 6).

  1. From the Tables menu, select District HR Options.
Note: This step may have already been done in the End of Year Close procedures. If so, verify the data at this time.
  • Update the First Pay Date of School Year field for each pay frequency with the date used for the first pay date of the new school year.
  • Update the Payroll Clearing Fund/Year field.
  • Update the School Year for PEIMS Codes field.

  1. From the Tables menu, select Pay Dates. Enter all new school year pay dates.

  1. Complete the Accrual Calendar tab(if Accruing Monthly) by entering the new pay dates and accrual days for all applicable accrual codes. The total number of days should equal the number of days in contract of the number of days employed for that group of employees.

  1. Complete the Fund to Grant tab.

  1. Complete the Unemployment rates for the next calendar year (i.e., for the 2012-2013school year, set up the 2013 calendar year).

  1. Verify the Workers’ Comp rates for the new school year.

  1. If necessary, update the Substitute tab in Salary table.

  1. Print HRS6000 (Account Code Comparison Report) to verify that all employee master distribution records have matching accounts in Finance.

  1. Print HRS6150 (Employee Payroll Listing) to verify employees' pay status.

  1. Use Pre-Edit Payroll Data to verify that all payroll errors have been corrected.

  1. Use the Leave tab to update employee master leave record balances.

Caution: Before the first payroll of the school year is processed, you must post the master file created from the EOY Payroll Accrual process. If you do not use this process for accruals, then bypass applicable steps.
  1. From the Payroll Processing menu, select EOY Payroll Accruals and then click the Post to Master tab.
Note: The Post to Master tab automatically creates a School YTD Maintenance screen for the new school year and updates this screen with accrued pay, accrued benefits and days earned for all employees that are included in this record.

* See Appendix for Additional information for “Post to Master” tab.
  1. Verify the Accrual Expense table and the correct Fund/FY.

  1. Print HRS3050 (School Year to Date Report) and verify the accrual data has posted correctly.

  1. Print HRS3550 (School YTD Accrual Payroll Account Distr) and verify the accrual amount balances with HRS3050 (School Year to Date Report).

  1. Print HRS1100 (Employee Verification Report) to select those employees whose Years Experience fields need to be updated on the Employment Info screen from the Staff Job/Pay Data menu.

  1. Using the Employee tab in the Mass Update menu, increment the Total (Prof) and (Non Prof) Experience and District Experience fields. It is important that this process be completed prior to the fall submission of PEIMS.

  1. Using User Created Reports, verify that all pay type 1 and 2 employees have Payoff Dates and that the Payoff Dates match the Pay Dates in the Pay Dates table.

  1. Print HRS1100 (Employee Verification Report) to verify all selected employees' years' experience have been appropriately changed on the Employment Info screen.

  1. If needed, print an Addendum.

  1. Calculate a sample payroll to identify any errors that need to be corrected prior to the first payroll actually being processed.

IMPORTANT:Be sure to increment leave types and verify selection of deduction codes on the Run Payroll window before processing the first payroll.
Discontinue updating or accessing Finance during this next step.
  1. From the Payroll Processing menu, select EOY Payroll Accruals and then click the Reversal for Non-Accrual tab. Reverse accruals for all employees that did not have accrual codes and were processed by EOY Payroll Accruals.

First Payroll – Step #19

Post to Master - HRS5500

The Post to Master procedure is used to create the necessary school YTD and history records to reflect the EOY accrual process.

  • This process must be performed prior to the first payroll for the new school year.
  • For standard employees, a new school year-to-date record is inserted for the school year with all appropriate accrual amounts populated.
  • For nonstandard employees, the existing school year-to-date record for the new school year is updated with the appropriate amounts.
  • Pay history, job history, and distribution history records are also inserted into the transaction files.
  • In the work file, it will rewrite the record with the calculation date which is entered on the Run Calculation tab.

Caution: The Move NY Payroll to CY process must be completed prior to continuing this process.

To post to master:

  1. From the Payroll Processing menu, select EOY Payroll Accruals. The EOY Payroll Accruals page is displayed with Accrual Table as the default tab.
  2. Click the Post to Master tab. The tab contains a display-only grid of the transactions that are being posted.
  3. Select a pay run row to post to the master file.
  4. Click Post. After posting to the master file:
  • A message displays indicating that the posting to master was successful. Click OK.
  • The Post to Master tab displays. The pay run that was posted is not shown in the grid.

First Payroll – Step #29

Reversal for Non-Accrual - HRS5500

The Reversal for Non-Accrual tab only reverses the accrual entries for nonaccrued employees. It uses the temporary work file created during the calculation process to generate all reversal transactions that will be posted to the Finance application. It will also print the Reversal General Journal.

For all pay type 1 or 2 employees that do not have an accrual code (accrual code is blank) and for all pay type 3 and 4 employees, the system reverses the accrual entries by generating reversal transactions that are posted to the Finance application (i.e., posts the amounts to the general ledger (object codes 61XX) for the coming school year).

Note: The Finance Posting Period must be 09 prior to reversing nonaccruing employees.

To run reversal for non-accrual:

  1. From the Payroll Processing menu, select EOY Payroll Accruals. The EOY Payroll Accruals page is displayed with Accrual Table as the default tab.
  2. Click the Reversal for Non-Accrual tab. The tab contains a display-only grid of the transactions that are pending reversal.
  3. In the File ID field, click to select a file ID to be used for Finance posting. If the file ID is not C (e.g., 4 or 5), the Clearing Fund also needs to be selected.
  4. The Clearing Fund field is displayed and accessible when the file ID chosen is not file ID C (e.g., 4 or 5). This field is required because it determines the accrual object and subobject codes that are affected if Post to Master and Interface to Finance is selected.
  5. Select whether to post to the current or next account period.
  • If the user selects Post to Current Acct Period, and then clicks Create Reversals, the following may occur:
  • If Finance end-of-month processing is being performed against any file ID, you may not post to either accounting period.
  • If the current and next accounting periods are the same and the current accounting period is closed, a message is displayed indicating that the current accounting period XX is closed and that the next accounting period is also set to XX. You are not allowed to post at this time. Click OK to return to the Reversal for Non-Accrual tab.
  • If the current accounting period is closed, a message is displayed indicating that the current accounting period XX is closed. You are not allowed to post at this time. Click OK to return to the Reversal for Non-Accrual tab. You can select the next accounting period for posting, if desired.
  • If the user selects Post to Next Acct Period, and then clicks Create Reversals, the following may occur:

If the current and next accounting periods are the same, a message is displayed indicating that the current accounting period XX is closed and that the next accounting period is also set to XX. You are not allowed to post at this time. Click OK to return to the Reversal for Non-Accrual tab.

  1. The system populates the ReversalInterface Transaction Date field, but the user can edit the displayed date.
  2. In the JV Number field, type the journal voucher number to be used in finance transactions. Leading zeros are not required. If left blank, the default format for the journal voucher number is P + current year pay frequency + month and day of the calculation date of the row or rows selected.
  3. Select a pay run row to create the reversal transactions that will be posted to the Finance application.
  4. Click Create Reversals to create reversal transactions and display report.
  5. Click Post Reversals to update Finance. A message is displayed asking if you would like to create a system backup. A backup is highly recommended.
  • Click Yes to export a copy of the affected tables. Click No to not create the backup and continue posting reversal transactions.
  • If the user clicks Yes, the export Finance and Human Resources pay tables dialog box is displayed.

Note: If the user chose a file ID for the Finance interface that is not file ID C (e.g., 4 or 5), it is the user's responsibility to back up the chosen file ID separately through the Finance system before performing the interface. The backup generated from this tab will only back up Finance file ID C.

  • In the Function Type fields, the Export option is preset and cannot be changed.
  • In the Export Path field, perform one of the following functions:
  • Type the drive and folder name of where to export a copy of the tables.
  • Click Browse, then select the folder into which to export a copy of the tables.
  • Click OK to select the folder or Cancel to close the dialog box without processing.
  • Click Execute. A message is displayed asking you to verify the path of the export.
  • Click Yes to accept the export path, or click No to not accept the export path and return to the Post to Master/Interface to Finance tab.
  • Click Cancel to close the dialog box without exporting tables.
  • In the archive password dialog box, type a password, and then click OK.
  • The tables are exported, and a message is displayed indicating that the export process completed successfully. Click OK.
  • If no errors were encountered during the posting process, a message is displayed indicating that the affected tables were successfully posted. Click OK.