Board of Directors Meeting

July 9, 2014 / Meeting #1

Call to Order

Meeting called to order at 8:10 pm.

Roll Call

Directors present: Brian Quinn, Bill Lardi, Joe Keegan, Rob Memmesheimer,JimDonini


Acceptance of the minutes from June 4, 2014 was moved, seconded, and carried (msc) by unanimous vote.

Report of Officers

  1. Financial Report
  2. No statements were presented. Turnover with Tate is still ongoing, and expected to complete within next 2 weeks.

Old Business

  1. Board decided not to pursue a summer lacrosse program.
  2. Bank account turnover to occur after Brian reconciles the picnic expenses and revenue with Tate, so Tate’s statements will be complete through June 30th.
  3. End-of-year Picnic
  4. Costs for the picnic totaled $990.
  5. The membership turnout was approx. 320, well over the 170 estimate.
  6. Proceeds from sales of apparel were $729.
  7. Goals/Team Equipment
  8. Brian stated that the goals were stored by Parks & Rec, but that we should tarp them to protect the nets.
  9. Rob requested that the program directors follow up with their coaches to ensure all coaching bags, first aid kits, and goalie sticks/equipment are returned for storage in the shed.
  10. Missing board minutes
  11. Gabi to provide for 3/20/14
  12. Brian to provide for 5/6/14

New Business

  1. Agreement to Conflict of Interest Policy
  2. Signed conflict of interest policies from Brian Quinn, Bill Lardi, Joe Keegan, Rob Memmesheimer,Jim Donini, Gabi DiBlasi, and Walt Cameron were received by the secretary. Agreement to abide by the MLA conflict of interest policy is required annually of board members.
  3. Directors-at-Large Appointments
  4. Christa DeLeo and MeganRestieri were appointed as directors-at-large for fundraising. Motion was msc by unanimous vote.
  5. KimD’Eramo was appointed as director-at-large for apparel. Motion was msc by unanimous vote.
  6. Appointment of the girls and boys programdirectors and schedulers was deferred.
  7. 2014-15 Budget
  8. Brian, Bill L., and Jim agreed to prepare the budget to be presented at August meeting.
  9. Rob to provide final registration numbers for 2014 and a projection for 2015.
  10. Next board meeting was set for August 13th, with meetings for this year going forward to be held the 2nd Wednesday of the month.
  11. Fall Lacrosse
  12. Brian agreed to plan and oversee boys lacrosse clinics for the fall.
  13. The program is expected to run on Saturdays 9/20, 9/27, and 10/4 with a rain date on 10/11.
  14. The sessions will last for 3 hours and include U9 through U15 at the same time.
  15. Brian will ask Gabi if she is interested in running a similar program for the girls.
  16. Spring Lacrosse
  17. Brian and Bill L. to propose registration schedule in August.
  18. A plan for house/program time will be presented in October.
  19. Received emailed correspondence from CONNY regarding a coaching incident from the spring. Copy attached. Brian asked the board to review and provide comments.
  20. Motion to amend the bylaws to change section 3.3 Members Rights to allow one vote per family instead of one vote per member was made by Bill L. Joe seconded the motion. The motion failed by a vote of 3 to 1.
  21. Motion to adjourn wasmsc by unanimous vote.


Meeting adjourned at 10:41 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Rob Memmesheimer


Monroe Lacrosse Association

PO box 4113

Monroe CT, 06468