ICHRIE 2016 Business Meeting

Meeting called to order @ 7:39am.

Wanda moved to accepted & Bill Samenfink seconded for approval of the minutes. Unanimous approval.

Stephanie (Treasurer) presented financials. Challenging year and didn't achieve financial targets. Continuing to streamline operations, and operate in a fiscally-conservative manner. We now have a long-term investment strategy. Respectfully submitted report to President. Martin moved to accept financials, seconded by Michelle Millar. Unanimous approval.

Bob Bosselman provided an update on the FUTURE Fund committee. Funds raised for the future of ICHRIE. Encourages each Federation &individuals to be engaged in this process. ICHRIE bailed out EuroCHRIE when they went bankrupt. Silent auction items provided by industry partners for these auction items.Ducks available.Asking $10-20 investment for the future of ICHRIE.Funded four grad student best paper awardees to attend ICHRIE.Also provided awards for the grad conference.Invited others to join the FUTURE Fund committee.

ICHRIE 2020 strategic plan to increase benefits provided to members, and enhance membership growth. The best of times & the worst of times-Charles Dickinson. Challenges were staff shortage, Board increased workloads in "real" jobs, shortage of member representation on committees, delayed technology kick-off, and financial challenges. Best of times for the support of the ICHRIE staff, and dedication of the Board, and commitment of the members.

Published three special editions of Communiqué.Implemented new mentoring program.Implementing new e-networking & social media presence.Piloted ICHRIE presentations post-NENA conference. Introduced master teacher sessions, more networking opportunities during this conference. All Federations held a conference, and past Presidents explored the possibility of a global conference.

Challenges to our association are reduced budgets. We need to encourage grad students & junior faculty members to join ICHRIE. Need to develop more industry partnerships. This will help us to continue to grow to ensure we remain the premier hospitality education association in the world.

Mokie's report (incoming President)

Former president (7 yrs ago). We need involvement from everyone. Encourage younger people/members to join committees and engage with ICHRIE. Her primary goal is to enhance engagement. Promises to keep the membership informed.

Mokie assumes new role as the President.

Martin's report (outgoing past-President)

Enjoyed the three years in his capacity. Past Presidents explored the request to explore a global conference. George Fenich conducted exploration and report submitted for reflection on this topic. Past Presidents will make a decision about this on Friday.

Representation from all 6 Federations and 2-yr schools for open Board positions.Difficult finding candidates for these positions.Positive turnout for the vote, and have a full Board. Past President also responsible for awards process. Awardees are incredibly deserving of their award. Kudos to Don Schoftstall for hosting first SESCA conference! Confucius: if you choose a job you love, then you're not really working. Has loved his job & role, and happy to move on. Thanked those part of the awards committee, the ICHRIE staff, and fellow Board members.

Maureen thanked Martin for his commitment and dedication.

Old Business: none

New Business: none

Outgoing Board members acknowledged.

2016-2017 Board members introduced by Dennis. Noted that new members lamenting on the cost and challenges of attending this conference. However, these members indicated that they came regardless since this is "where you meet the important people in the discipline". New members pledged to fulfill their duties & upload the ethic standards of ICHRIE.

Maureen presented with an award for her dedication & commitment to ICHRIE as President.

Wanda moved to close business mtg. Toni seconded. Unanimous approval. Meeting adjourned at 8:15am.