SRWG Meeting Agenda October 26-27, 20161
Web Conference Link | Dial-in Number: 1-415-655-0003, Attendee Access Code: 801 049 271
1.Welcome, Call to Order, Introductions—John Gross, Avista
John Gross, SRWG chair, will call the meeting to order and determine whether a quorum is present for the conducting of business. Attendees will be asked to introduce themselves by name and affiliation, both in person and over the phone/webinar.
2.Review WECC Antitrust Policy—Nick Hatton, WECC
Nick Hatton, WECC Staff and SRWG Liaison will inform attendees of the WECC Antitrust Policy. Link to the WECC Antitrust Policy.
3.Approve Agenda
Mr. Gross will introduce the proposed meeting agenda. We will hear any discussion, addition or correction to the published agenda at this time.
Request for a motion to approve the proposed agenda.
4.Review June23, 2016 Minutes—Trevor Schultz, IPCO
Trevor Schultz, Idaho Power, will introduce the minutes from the June23, 2016 meeting. We will hear any discussion, addition or correction to the published draft minutes at this time. The minutes are posted on the meeting webpage for review prior to the meeting. Link. Meeting notes are also available with further detail of the meeting but will not be presented for approval. Link
Request for a motion to approve the draft minutes.
5.Review of Previous Action Items—Andrew Christensen, BPA
Andrew Christensen, SRWG Vice-chair, will review action items carried over from the June 2016 meeting of the SRWG. Action items for review are provided on the SRWG Team Site. Link
6.Jumper Thresholds—Brian Thomas, GE
Brian Thomas, General Electric, will provide a presentation on the application of the jumper threshold within PSLF. The presentation will include explanation of when a branch should be modeled with an impedance less than the jumper threshold.
7.Area Interchanges—Michael Detmers, PG&E
Michael Detmers, Pacific Gas & Electric, will provide an overview on how area interchange is used in power flow software.
8.Break: 15 Minutes
9.Relay Modeling—CJ Jing, SCE
CJ Jing, Southern California Edison, will review his experience with modeling relays for power system analysis including obstacles encountered and tips for other companies to use.
10.Transformer Modeling—RohanChatterjee, PGE
Rohan Chatterjee, Portland General Electric, will provide a presentation on modeling transformers for power system analysis. The presentation will include a comparison of modeling practices using system base parameters and transformer base parameters as well as finding information on transformer test reports.
11.WECC Case Building Process—Nick Hatton, WECC
Mr. Hatton will demonstrate the WECC case building process.
12.Lunch Break: 1 Hour
13.Annual Study Report—Doug Tucker, WECC
Doug Tucker, WECC Staff, will review the 2016 Annual Study Program Report and seek approval of the document from SRWG.
14.Model Implementation Schedule—John Gross, SRWG Chair
Mr. Gross will review the present Model Implementation Schedule, discuss upcoming schedule items and potential schedule changes.
15.WECC Staff Report—Nick Hatton, WECC
Mr. Hatton will provide an update on the following items:
- Late Data Log
- Status of the Data Bank
- Posting PowerWorld cases
- Review case data submission
16.Modeling and Data Management Strategy—Andrew Christensen, BPA
Mr. Christensen will discuss and propose how to proceed on a suggested project from the Modeling and Data Management Strategy provided by the base case coordination system alternative task force.
17.Break: 15 Minutes
18.Data Maintainer for MOD-032—Andrew Christensen, BPA
Mr. Christensen will facilitate a discussion on using the Data Maintainer aggregation in the WECC case building process to support WECC member’s ability to comply with MOD-032.
19.Base Case Coordination Subgroup—Eleanor Ewry, PSE
Eleanor Ewry, Base Case Coordination Subgroup chair will facilitate discussion on the following topics:
- TSS Annual Survey
- Interchange targets
- Study Program Scope of Work
20.Compliance Subgroup—Jonathan Young, Columbia Grid
Jonathan Young, Compliance Subgroup chair will facilitate discussion on the following topics:
- 2017 Data Preparation Manual
- DPM Change requests
- Ratings
- Generator size modeling requirements
- Negative transformer types
- Area slack bus criteria
- Turbine type list
- Branch types
- RAS naming
- Steady-state and dynamic data dashboard
21.Adjourn Day 1
22.Representation Differences between Basecase Power Flow and Production Cost Model—Donald Davies, WECC
Donald Davies, WECC Staff, will facilitate a discussion on the differences between the models used for production cost simulations and the models developed by SRWG for power system analysis. The discussion should include potential resolutions to the differences or clearly stating the reasons why resolutions are not presently obtainable.
23.Modeling Remedial Action Schemes—Andrew Christensen, BPA
Mr. Christensen will review a proposed process for including remedial action scheme models in WECC base cases as required in the September 11 outage settlement agreement.
24.Break: 15 Minutes
25.SRWG Chair Report—John Gross, SRWG Chair
Mr. Gross will provide a summary of recent actions taken by the Technical Studies Subcommittee (TSS), outline topics for SRWG discussion, and identify other activity at WECC impacting the SRWG scope.
- Reliability Assessment Committee Proposal
- Modeling distributed generation
- Modeling distribution transformers
- Balancing Authority modeling
- GENTPJ model
- Generator limits
- Moving forward
26.Public Comment
27.Review of New Action Items
28.Review Upcoming Meetings
March 9-10, 2017...... Salt Lake City, UT
June 1-2 or 15-16, 2017...... Salt Lake City, UT
October 5-6 or November 2-3, 2017...... Salt Lake City, UT
The meeting is expected to adjourn by 12:00 p.m. MDT on Thursday, October 27, 2016.
Western Electricity Coordinating Council