Monroe County Students from Mountain View, Peterstown, and James Monroe

Monroe County Model United Nations

By Catherine Allen (Reporter)

On October 21st, James Monroe High School’s Youth Leadership Association succeeded in running our county’s first Model United Nations Conference. The student began trickling into the auditorium for a quick crash course on how the conference would run throughout the course of the day. The purpose of the conference was to aid with preparation for the Woodrow Wilson competition and the upcoming Southern United States Model UN competition.

Many students from the high school, Peterstown Middle School, and Mountain View Middle School participated. In total, twenty-seven resolutions were presented in five separate councils, which were held in separate rooms at the high school. Our councils were run by our council presidents from James Monroe, being Antonella Blanco, Matthew Meadows, Catherine Allen, and Samuel Womack. Miles Smith, one of our YLA Coordinators, also contributed to the conference by running a council himself.

The purpose of the Model United Nations program is to encourage youth to become more involved and informed on issues that are on a global scale. While they are learning about their country’s perspective during the periods of research that they are given, they are unknowingly picking up essential skills that will aid them in the years to come, such as learning how to cooperate with others who might not have the same opinion.

With Atlanta and Mineral Wells fast approaching, the Model United Nations team is working hard to prepare for the days to come. Look for more information on our ventures in next week’s paper.

Ethan McKlarney presents the opinion of Syria to the General Assembly.

Council #2 lead by Council President Catherine Allen, and Vice President Morgan Holzman.

Students in Council #5 lead by Council President Samuel Womack. (l to r) Riley Sparks, Ian Jackson, Whitney Hunt, Madison Bragg, Sidney Karnes, Brendan Hale, Elizabeth Cromwell, and Emma Boggs

Students in Council #1 (l to r) Austin Toney, Logan Robinson, Kaleb Ganoe, Cade McMunigal, Carter Bonds, Jacob Foster, Cory Boothe, Austin Neice, KeiranMcClaugherty, and Kendra Karnes. Lead by Council President Matthew Meadows.