Monks Risborough CE Primary School Development Plan 2016/2017
Objective 4:To identify vulnerable children throughout the school and to support them emotionally, socially and academically (aiming to raise attainment and increase progress -6 steps).
Autumn milestone:-Teachers have identified and shared information with the team regarding potential children needing extra care and support
-A register of vulnerable children is created
-An adult mentor is assigned to each child
-Initial parent meetings (in addition to parents’ evenings and curriculum meetings but could be part of an SEN review if applicable) have occurred involving structured conversations to ensure full engagement and partnership between home and school (informal good news)
-Pupil voice is gained and will form the basis of any support plan
-Research into ‘Achievement for All’ programmes is carried out and utilized if appropriate
-A support plan is put in place for each identified vulnerable child (class teacher & HS)
-Resources and adult time is allocated to support individuals with their journey
-Appropriate training is booked and undertaken
Spring milestone:
-Vulnerable children register is assessed as a teaching team, amendments made as appropriate
-Latest research upon Achievement for All is updated and shared with whole staff team
-Support plans are evaluated with child, parent, teacher and co-ordinator (HS)
-Changes are made to aid progress for individuals
-Programme success is reflected upon as a full staff team, improvements made and implemented
Summer milestone:
-Vulnerable children register is assessed as a teaching team, amendments made as appropriate
-Latest research upon Achievement for All is updated and shared with whole staff team
-Support plans are evaluated with child, parent, teacher and co-ordinator (HS)
-Changes are made to aid progress for individuals
-Programme success is reflected upon as a full staff team, improvements made and implemented
-Transition meetings are carried out with the current teacher, new teacher, child and parent/s to ensure successful practices are continued
Key Objectives / Actions Required / Timeframe / Training / Resources / Cost / Success Criteria
4.1 Vulnerable children definition is shared and understood among staff team / -INSET day- Staff are led through SDP and rational for focussing on a new group of children
-Vulnerable children at Monks Risborough School are identified as children with poor attendance and/or children who need extra emotional and social support to access and gain progress academically
(these children may, or may not, overlap with SEND or Pupil Premium support) / -By start of Autumn Term
-Extra meetings by October Half Term / -Definition of a vulnerable child at Monks Risborough School in staff room as part of SDP display
-Staff Meeting time
-Teaching Assistant Meeting time
-Governor Meeting time /
- Whole School Team, including Teachers, Teaching Assistants, Lunchtime Supervisors, Admin Team and Governors are aware of:
-The definition of a vulnerable child at Monks Risborough School
-All staff support the idea that physical, emotional and social needs must be met in order for academic progress to occur
-If appropriate, the children who are on the current register and how best to support their needs
4.2 Vulnerable children throughout school are identified / Teachers to bring information to a staff meeting involving potential ‘at risk’ children / By October / -Staff Meeting time /
- Teachers and Teaching Assistants have a clear awareness of individual needs surrounding the whole child
- Well-being is prioritised
- Academic progress is closely tracked with extra support given for areas of need
4.3 Research into nationwide initiatives and support strategies to be undertaken and utilized where appropriate / -‘Raise the Bar! –Achieving the Best with Vulnerable Groups’ training is booked for HS through the Bucks Learning Trust
-Good practice is shared and disseminated among staff / Session 1: 18/11/16
Session 2: 6/3/17
Session 3: 9/6/17
-Information shared in a staff meeting after each event / -CPD training as part of BLT package / £0 – part of BLT training package /
- Successful practices are put in place, evaluated regularly and adapted where needed
4.4 Home and school partnership is strengthened to ensure maximum engagement / -Initial parent meetings (in addition to parents’ evenings and curriculum meetings) are arranged involving structured conversations to identify areas of need including physical, emotional and social needs
-Pupil voice is gained, listened to and acted upon
-In addition to meetings, regular communication between home and school/ school and home is typical
(This could take the form of informal chats after school, on the playground/gate in the morning, via the child’s liaison book, communication card, or telephone conversations)
-Weekly Teacher & TA meetings as standard to secure sharing of vital information and progress tracking / -By October Half Term
-Practice continued throughout year with additional meetings each Half Term / -Time for after school meetings
-School Liaison Books
-Telephone time/calls
-Weekly Teacher/TA meeting time
-Possible supply/HLTA cover for classes / £0 /
- Full engagement between child, parents, teachers and teaching assistants, built upon mutual trust
- All parties feel valued, listened to and understand how they can each play a part in health, well-being and academic success for the child
- Pupils and parents feel proud to be a part of the school community and understand the processes needed to gain success
4.5 Staff to collaboratively create ideas bespoke to individual children, their needs and our school ethos/values / -Half Termly meetings with co-ordinator (HS) to assist planning of extra support
-New ideas shared throughout staff via staff meetings
-Current practices evaluated during staff meetings and amendments made where needed to gain progress for each child
-Resources identified and purchased / -By October Half Term
-Each Half Term there after / -1:1 time for class teacher & HS
-Staff Meeting Time / -Possible supply cover
-Potential costs in relation to new resources /
- Good practice and successful approaches are shared among staff for the good of all the children
- Staff are involved in developing new practices and systems
- Shared reflections and evaluations are of benefit to future programmes
4.6 Playtimes to be supported so potential difficulties can be avoided/worked through / -Lunchtime Supervisors to receive ongoing training to support vulnerable children and their needs
-TA staff (SSE/JN) give additional support during the lunch hour
-Play monitors (Y5 children) are trained in setting up and implementing additional options for the children on the playground (sports equipment, board games, playground games…)
-Pupil voice gained as to wishes for lunchtime clubs/ playground equipment / -Systems in place by October Half Term
-Half Termly meetings/training with Lunchtime Supervisors (TB/LB/HS)
-Daily ‘checking in’ with staff involved in playtimes (HS)
-Equipment purchased by November
-Equipment and needs to be re-evaluated by February / -New child accessible storage and equipment for playground games / £200
£300 (£100 each term to refresh/add to equipment)
Cost of PH’s additional time for support at lunch /
- Children have the option to take part in a variety of focussed activities during unstructured parts of the school day which may usually be difficult for them
- New social skills are learnt and developed through co-operative play
- Our school value of community is shared via peer support on the playground
- Vulnerable children have an incentive, other than academic work, to attend school by looking forward to social times and activities throughout the day
The impact of this work over the academic year will be as follows:
- Identified vulnerable children will make 6 steps progress/accelerated progress in comparison to last year’s academic results
- Home and school partnership will be strong, based upon mutual trust and sharing of information and positive strategies
- Individual children will be aware of own needs, how they are supported and what they can do for themselves to be engaged in and to enjoy school life fully
- Children report and show a high state of well-being and involvement in school tasks
- Attendance is increased
- The gap is closed between the identified vulnerable children group and other groups within the school