The Monitor ensures that the Grantee implements according to the workplan and budget, but also advises him and help produce accurate reporting
Periodical Progress and Financial Report by the Monitor
covering the / period, from / to:Indicate 1st ,2nd… actual beginning & ending dates of the period
(refer to implementation schedule)
Is this report the first version for the period or a revised version of the initial report (following comments by BUSAC...)?
Indicate “initial report” or “revised report”
Reference # and acronym of Action
Title of Action
Name of Grantee
Town and Region of Grantee
Overall data about the Action
Names and details
Name of Monitor:Contact person by the Monitor
Telephone No. of Monitor
E-mail address of Monitor
Contact person by the Grantee
Telephone no. and e-mail address:
Name of BSPs (if any) and contact person
Telephone no. and e-mail address of BSPs
Total budget of Action / Official starting date (signing of grant) / Actual starting date of activities
Originally planned completion date: / Currently expected completion date / Planned date of next report (*)
(*) This date should be identical to the one to be provided in section 0, “Planned Activities”
Note: Please remember that the present progress report should reflect the opinion of the Monitors, and his proposals whenever useful.
Visiting the Grantee before issuing the report is mandatory, and interaction with him is useful and necessary, but it is unlikely that opinions and proposals on each and every aspect of the progress report are fully identical although a full agreement should be reached about important issues…). Financial report should be identical because problems have been solved with the help of the Monitor.
Please note that delaying the report after the activities of the period have been completed may result in delaying the entire Action, because it delays the next disbursement…) Therefore, the 3 following dates should be as close as possible to each other:
- End of reporting period
- Making and signing of report
- Delivery to BUSAC fund
For the same reason, it is advisable to report accurately and completely, so that the report is approved by Busac as soon as received: without requests for complement, etc.
Reporting & disbursement schedule
This table will provide an up-to-date summarized view of the progress (financial and activities) of the Action.
Upfront disbursement / Provisional amountProvis. date of disbursement
Actual amount received
Actual date received
Periods / Id# of periods / 1st / 2nd / 3rd / 4th / 5th / 6th / 7th
Provisional starting/ ending dates of each period
reports / Provisional date of report about each period
Actual date of report
Subsequent disbursements / Id# of disbursement / 2nd / 3rd / 4th / 5th / 6th / 7th / 8th
Provisional amounts receivable after the report / (*)
Actual amounts disbursed by Busac after the report / (*)
Actual dates of reception of funds / (*)
Implementation plan
The table below is to be filled-in from the grant agreement (the entire plan, not only the components included in the period under report).
The table will make you able to see what activities are included in each period, thus should be reported about to get the following instalment.
Do remember that reporting period and disbursements are not based on completion of components: Components may spread over more than one period and/or many components may take place during the same period. See example, in the table beside.
Reporting and disbursements should be done according to the schedule given in the grant agreement (and copied above…). It may happen that activities intended during a period are being delayed: the report will have to be done as soon as ALL activities intended for the period are done: not beforehand.
Reporting schedule follows the actual implementation of activities scheduled in the grant agreement. If the action is delayed, the report is delayed accordingly: it must cover all the activities intended for the period.
2 / Provisional schedule / 2 / Actual implementation (will be added along the implementation) /The comparison will provide an overall view of the activities progress. /
The information (months, titles, periods, numbering and shading) are for illustrative purpose. They need to be replaced by the data pertaining to the Action under report.
Components of the Action(insert their title, not the complete description) / Months ( indicate the actual months: “Mar, Apr,… according to the actual starting date) / Comments
Components(*) / Sub-activities (if useful) (**) / P/ A / Oct 06 / Nov 06 / De 06c / Jan 07 / Feb 07 / Mar 07 / Apr 07 / May 07 / Jun 07 / Jul 07 / Aug 07
Provisional reporting periods
( as per the grant agreement and above table) / 1 / 2 / 3
1 / research / P / 1
A / 1
2 / Preparing the elements / P / 1
A / 1
3 / Convincing / DCE / P / 1 / 2 / 2 / 2 / 3
A / 1 / 2 / 2 / 2
District Commission / P / 2 / 2 / 3 / 3
A / 2 / 2 / 3 / 3 / 3
4 / P
7 / Internal monitoring / meeting / P / 1 / 2 / 3 / In link with reporting period
A / 1 / 2 / 3
reporting / P / 1 / 2 / 3
A / 1 / 2 / 3
Executive summary (about the implementation during the period under review)
It summarizes the information about the activities and issues under report. It does not replace the report itself, or its sections on the following pages. Each question of the list should be answered according to the indications given below.
This summary is usually completed AFTER the report has been filled-in, to ensure it summarizes its actual content.
a)You may also add, in the below frame, a –brief- narrative of activities worked under each component since last report (newspapers articles, pictures, etc. communicated in annex to the report can illustrate them). This narrative does not replace the report and its sections…
Summarized narrative of activities during the period under report:1. Status of implementation in relation to the implement. schedule (on time/delayed
This status section only deals with issues about schedule, time or delays.: Other problems (and proposals) are dealt with in Section 3: “major deviations and problems” and 4: “outstanding issues”.
Indicate status (on time/ delayed). Explanations for delays are necessary. If necessary, propose remedial actions to BUSAC Fund, for their decision. Their financial consequences, if any, will be described in “proposal” column of section 3 “major deviations and problems”, below).
Components (*) / Status (**) / Reason for delay if any / Proposed (corrective) action /1:
7. Internal monitoring
Important note: Any proposals need to be approved in writing by BUSAC Fund Management before being implemented.
2. Achievement in relation to the objective(s) of the Action
Whereas “Results” and indicators in the first table below are the intermediate ones, of each of the components, the following tables report about final results of Action and their expected impacts.
The former are gathered along the implementation (thus measure its progress). The latter are usually completed around the end of the Action (and measure its success).
Progress indicators (of the components and sub-activities, as steps of the Action)
Budget and expenditure to be shown by component, not by indicator, in case of many indicators by component. The figures have to include the administrative costs related to the component: administrative activities/ costs are not a separate component but rather a cross-cutting one…
Components (*) / Progress indicators (*) / Initial value (*) (before starting the component) / Target (*) (Value expected at the end of the component) / Currently achieved (**) / Budget
(*) / Expenditure /
0: Application for grant / Grant / 0 / 1 / 1
1: / Ind. 1.1 (*):
Ind. 1.2, etc. (*):
2: / Ind. 2.1 (*):
3: / Ind. 3.1 (*):
4, etc.,: / Ind. 4.1 (*):
7. Internal monitoring
Totals (should be consistent with figures in financial report)
Final results & indicators (of the action as a whole)
The results of the Action usually gathered in the last part of the Action. They are measured against the indicators stated in the contract/ application.
Results to be gathered (*) / Indicators(*) / Initial value (*) (before starting the Action) / Target (*) (Value expected at the end of the Action) / Currently achieved (**) / Comments, if any /
1: / Ind. 1.1:
Ind. 1.2, etc.:
2: / Ind. 2.1:
Impacts of the Action
This table is about the impacts expected from the Action.
Most impacts (which are the effects of the final result of your Action) usually need some time to develop, thus happen after the close out of the Advocacy Action. Some may nevertheless occur BEFORE the end of the Action, where you would be able to report down here.
Expected impacts (*) / Indicators (*) / Initial value (*) (before starting the Action) / Target (*) (Value expected at the end of the Action) / Currently achieved (**) / Comments, if any /1: / Ind. 1.1:
Ind. 1.2, etc.:
2: / Ind. 2.1:
3. Major deviations and problems related to the implementation of the action
Describe and explain any major deviations (negative or positive ones) and problems related to the implementation of the action; from activities and budget point of views (provide variance analysis in annex). Also add the deviations and problems you foresee.
Components(*) / Deviation/ problem / Proposals to
Fund Management /
4: etc.,
7. Internal monitoring
Important note: Any proposals need to be approved in writing by BUSAC Fund Management before being implemented.
4. Outstanding issues and follow-up on decisions made by Fund Management
Describe their status. These are usually issues/ problems previously approved by Busac through previous Periodic Reports or (when an issue/ problem arose whose solution couldn’t wait until the following report) through special request letters sent to BUSAC in-between periodic reports.
Issue/problems of : / Agreed solution/follow up, incl. timing / Responsible: Grantee and/ or BSP’s, ,… / Status /Note: if the outstanding issues are due to a delay this must clearly be stated.
5. Activities of your service providers and suppliers
Describe them briefly, for each SP or supplier, indicate the status: satisfactory or not. Add details:
- % of completion of their tasks (this should allow internal monitoring payment, as stated in the agreement or contract signed with them);
- deviations and problems encountered in carrying out their services, and the agreed upon correction
Components(*) / Service Provider or Supplier’s name(s) / Description of intended tasks/ services / Status and % of completion (**) / If any, description of problems, etc., and agreed-upon correction /
0: Application
4: etc.,
7. Internal monitoring
6. Activities of the next period
Components (*) / Planned Activities / Intended results / Responsible / Comments /1:
Internal monitoring
Planned date of next report (*) / Comments (in case of delays or time saved , compared to the schedule)
7. Provisional costs for the next step/ period
PThey should be listed in the related column on the Excel Financial Report Form in Annex 1.
The structure of the financial report must be the same as the one of the "detailed Budget of the action".
The template of periodical financial report to be attached is provided as Annex 1 to the present report.
8. Endorsement and signature by the Monitor
Date and place:Signature of Monitor’s Representative:
Name of Monitor and of its signing Representative:
This present report cannot be delivered by e-mail to BUSAC Fund.
One signed hardcopy of this report (and its annexes) needs to be sent to BUSAC Fund (#225, 4th Dzorwulu Crescent, West Airport, P.O. Box 30507 KIA, Accra). No need to include a soft copy on diskette or CD.
It is advisable to do so in time, to avoid delaying the approval process, thus the disbursement of the following installment (which can be done only when both reports -by Grantee and Monitor- have been delivered and approved).
9. Approval by BUSAC Fund Management
BUSAC Technical comments and/or approval: / BUSAC Management’ comments and/or approval:Signature:
Date: / Signature:
Periodic report, Monitor, v.2.9.6.doc Monitor’s report 8/ 12
The Monitor ensures that the Grantee implements according to the workplan and budget, but also advises him and help produce accurate reporting
Annex A: Financial report by Monitor
Periodic report, Monitor, v.2.9.6.doc Monitor’s report 8/ 12
The Monitor ensures that the Grantee implements according to the workplan and budget, but also advises him and help produce accurate reporting
Annex B: other relevant documents
Like articles in newspapers about the action, pictures (with useful caption or explanations…!) issues during the activities of the period under report.
Annex C.1 (Annex to final report): Vouchers and accounts for the entire Action
At the time of final monitoring report it is your responsibility as the Monitor, to gather and forward all vouchers, receipts and books relating to the action to Busac.
Pleas ensure that the grantee fills the annex 3.1 in his final report and that the legal representative of the Grantee (not the contact person) handwrites, in the dedicated frame “I certify the four above-mentioned points for this advocacy action”, indicates the date then adds his/ her signature.
Annex C.2 (Annex to final report): List of outstanding debts
This is an important part of the final report because the last installment is disbursed to the Grantee AFTER the final report. That means that some expenses are outstanding and will be cleared AFTER the reception of that last installment only, if the Grantee can’t pre-finance them and have such an agreement with his creditors.
Such expenses, although outstanding, have to be included in the attached final financial report to give an exact and final image of the cost of the Action.