½ Module: Report Writing Skills

Lecture 1How to present a short written report

This lecture describes how to present a short written report. The notes cover each section of a report in detail. Then notes explain the required appearance of a report.

1Order of report

Cover sheet


Table of Contents (for longer reports)


Previous work/theory/research/work done and results obtained





2Details of each part of a report

2.1Cover sheetDisplays your name, your email address, course name, module, title of the report, date and lecturer’s name.

2.2Abstract The abstract should enable the reader to assess the subject matter of the report, to learn the essentials of the work carried out and the principal conclusions. The abstract is normally the final section to be written but in always placed at the front of the report (after or on the cover sheet).

An abstract is essential and should be included in all reports.

Example of an Abstract

“The aim of this project was to create a web site containing a virtual cinema that would allow the user to view streaming digital video clips of film trailers. The virtual cinema was created using Virtual Reality Modelling Language and the film trailers were digitised into RealPlayer format. A content rich web site was constructed to showcase these multimedia formats. My current employers the Millivres/Prowler group provided me with the material that was used for much of the web site’s content and the film trailers. The web site is designed to be an extension of the company’s marketing strategy” [1].

2.3Table of Contents

This is necessary for longer reports (say longer than six pages)

Example of a table of contents


2Background Reading1

2.1Finite Element Analysis of Paintings1

2.2Material Testing2

3Materials Property Research2

3.1Preparation of a Canvas2

3.2Selection of a Canvas3

3.3Behaviour of Weft and Warp5

3.4Friction Coefficient6

4Stress Analysis6

4.1The Meshes6

4.2Canvas Mesh7

4.3Fixing Points8

4.4Finite Element Analysis Results9


5.1Material Properties11

5.2Stretcher Shape12

5.3Further Work13


AWeft behaviour test results14

BBias behaviour test results15




This should give the background to the work, saying what you intend to cover in the report. It may also explain the structure of the report.

Example of an Introduction

“Microsoft’s goal is to give users access to the information they need any time, any place, and on any device. While it is forging ahead by promoting mobile devices, such as the Pocket PC 2002 and the Windows Powered Smartphone 2002, it is dependent on wireless communications technology to actually deliver the information to these devices. This technology is developing at a fast pace and a confusing number of complimentary and competing standards are emerging. This article looks at today’s wireless technologies and what we can expect to be available in future” [2].

2.4Main body of work – previous work/theory/research/work done and results obtained. This part of the work may have sections such as Materials Property Research, Power Transmission or Direct Current Measurement.

2.5ConclusionsState what has been achieved/explained. If appropriate critically discuss the implications of the results obtained. Keep this section short and concise. May include suggestions for further work.

2.6AppendicesShould contain material which is essential but would interrupt the flow of the report.

2.7ReferencesThese should cover all papers, web sites, newspapers, periodicals or books cited in your or used in the preparation of your report. They should be numbered and listed in the order in which they appear in the text.

If you take information from a source and put in into your own words you still must acknowledge the original source otherwise you will be guilty of plagiarism (copying without acknowledgement). Every year students fail to acknowledge their sources and so lose marks. In 2002 two electrical engineering students were marked down one class due to plagiarism.

Example of References used in this report – one way to list references (for other ways to list references see

1 Sired, Malcolm The Virtual Reality Cinema – A virtual reality modelling language and streaming video project. City University Third year project ( 2001

2 Chadwick, Dave Getting though – A quick guide to wireless communications standards. Developer Network Journal ( April 2002

2.8BibliographyA list of all papers, web sites, newspapers, periodicals or books that you have read during the preparation of your report. The bibliography lists sources that have been useful to you but that are not directly referred to or quoted from in your report.

3Preparation of a Report

Before you hand in check the following points

Font size 12, preferably Times New Roman

Page numbers

Your name on every page

FiguresCheck every figure (may be a photo, line drawing, web site) has a figure number and a caption

FormatCheck that the formatting for headings and subheadings is consistent. If using bullet points use a single consistent style.


Instructions for Case Study Corrections

The assignment is to put the TV Production essay into the form described in Lecture 1. The TV Production essay is available from my web site.

You will need to:

1 Read the entire essay

2 Write an abstract, introduction and conclusion. Prepare a cover sheet.

3 Use Headers or Footers to put your name on every page. Page numbers

4 The main body of the report needs to be organised into sections and these sections need headings and possibly subheadings. Table of Contents. Please note that in Lecture 2 you will be shown an efficient way to format headings and prepare a Table of Contents.

5 Correct the spelling. Check the size/font of the text.

Print out your version of the essay and put it through the letter box in CM351 by 5pm on Friday 28th January 2005. You may staple the pages together or use a comb binder. Do NOT use a slide binder. No emails. Sorry.

Mary AylmerMCS1 Reports1