Islamic University

NursingCollege / / PATHOPHYSIOLOGY

Name:------No: ------18/6/2009 Time: 2 hours.

I-DefineONLY 5 of the following ( 10 points )

1- Brain death


3- Angina pectoris

4-Sudden infant death syndrome

5-Disseminated intravascular coagulation

6- Papilledema

II- Mention in short: ( 20+1 points )

1- Types of head injury

2- Three common congenital heart diseases

3- Effects of cigarette smoking on respiratory defenses

4- Risk factors for respiratory distress syndrome

5-Clinicalmanifestations of transfusion reaction

6- Clinical manifestations of diabetes mellitus

7- Clinicalmanifestations of hypothyroidism in adults

III- Fill the spaces with proper words ( 20+1 points )

* an erosion of the mucosal layer anywhere in GI tract is called------

* congenital absence of autonomic ganglia in the colon is called------

* fasting blood glucose level is ------

* excessively high pressure in the portal vein is called------

* yellowish discoloration of skin and sclera is called------

* normal thrombocyte count is------

* acute infection of lung tissue is called------

* hypoxia, hypercapnia and acidosis indicates------

* bronchiolar spasm, excess mucus and positive family history suggests------

* blood clot that can develop anywhere in the vascular system is called------

* tortuous distended veins are called------

* death of myocardial cells following prolonged hypoxia is called------

* ------is a serious inflammatory disease that follows streptococcal throat infection within 1-4 weeks. It seriously affects the heart

* ------is a cyanotic congenital heart defect characterized by VSD, pulmonary artery stenosis, right ventricular hypertrophy and overriding aorta.

* the------receives all incoming sensory information except smell

* the------is important endocrine and neural organ responsible for maintaining homeostasis

* the------protects delicate brain cells from exposure to potentially harmful substances.

* ------is a brain injury related to an obstruction in brain blood flow.

* ------is usually a viral infection of the brain.

* ------is a cyst-like protrusion out of the vertebral column.

* ------is a disease caused by microorganism mycobacterium.

IV- Put ( ) or ( ) accordingly ( 15 points )

( ) in subarachnoid hemorrhage, blood accumulates above the pia mater.

( ) encephalitis is the most common serious infection of the CNS.

( ) loss of sensory and voluntary motor functions is called paralysis.

( ) left-to-right shunt causes cyanosis.

( ) in atherosclerosis, both cholesterol and triglycerides are elevated.

( ) in variant angina,pain occur during exercise.

( ) delay of parturition reduces incidence of respiratory distress syndrome.

( ) posthemrrhagic anemia is normocytic normochromic.

( ) in diabetes mellitus type I, cells are insensitive to insulin.

( ) diabetes insipidus is caused by high level of ADH.

( ) all hormones of pituitary gland are tropic hormones.

( ) in hypospadius, the opening of urethra is on the tip of the penis.

( )autonomic nervous system is formed of sympathetic and parasympathetic.

( ) in myasthenia gravis, receptors for acetylcholine are increased.

( ) in liver cancer, liver enzymes are elevated.

V- Match Table A with Table B ( 20 points )

Table A Table B

( ) anaphylactic shock 1- follow collapse of cardiac output

( ) septic shock 2- follow injury to cardiovascular center of the brain

( ) neurogenic shock 3- follow massive systemic infection

( ) cardigenic shock 4- follow loss of blood

( ) hypovolemic shock 5- follow widespread allergic response

6- follow severe burn

Table A Table B

( ) strabismus 1- asymmetric curvature of the cornea

( ) nystagmus 2- farsightedness

( ) myopia 3- nearsightedness

( ) hyperopia 4- jerking ,rotating, or pendular eye movement

( ) astigmatism 5- deviation in the relative position of the eyes

6- loss of visual acuity in an eye

Table A Table B

( ) anemia 1- cancer of white cells in bone marrow

( ) polcythemia 2- decrease in white blood cells

( ) leucopenia 3- increase in platelets

( ) thrombocythemia 4- decrease in oxygen carrying ability of blood

( ) leukemia 5- increase in red cells

6- decrease in platelets

Table A Table B

( ) osteomyelitis 1-degeneration of connective tissue

( ) osteoporosis 2- loss of joint cartilage

( ) osteomalacia 3- severe reduction in bone density

( ) osteoarthritis 4- soft malleable bone in adults

( ) rheumatoid arthritis 5- acute infection of bone

6- vitamin D deficiency in children

VI- Choose the correct answer ( 15 points )

( ) complications of chronic diabetes mellitus may include

a- vision loss b- renal damage

c-neuropathy d- all are true e- a+b are true

( ) physiologic jaundice

a- common in premature infants b- related to increased Hb breakdown

c- related to immaturity of the liver d-all are true e- a+c are true

( ) glomerulonephritis is associated with

a- hematuria b- hypotension c-fluid loss d-all are true

( ) diseases related to growth hormone are

a- cretinism b- gigantism c-acromegaly

d- all are true e-b+d are true

( ) rickets is

a- seen in adults b- caused by vitamin D excess

c- has perminant skeletal deformity d- all are true

( ) thalassemia which is incompatible with life is

a- alpha thalassemia. b- beta thalassemia.

c- thalassemia. minor d- thalassemia major

( ) lung cancer

a- has poor prognosis b- related to smoking

c- related to chronic bronchitis e- all are true

( )backward effects of right heart failure include

a- edema of feet b- jugular venous congestion

c- hepatomegaly d- splenomegaly e- all are true

( ) aortic valve regurgitation shows

a- wide pulse pressure b- cyanosis

c- hypertrophy of left ventricle d- all are true e- a+c are true

( ) conductive hearing loss is caused by blockage in

a- external ear b- middle ear

c- inner ear d- all are true e- a+b are true

( ) in renal calculi, clinical manifestation include

a- hematuria b- glucosuria c- proteinuria d- all are true

( ) types of urinary tract infection include

a- cystitis b- pyelonephritis c- prostatitis d- a+b are true

( ) Wilms, tumor

a- are kidney tumor b- develop in children

c- may be encapsulated d- all are true

( ) generalized seizures may be associated with

a- unconsciousness b- salivation

c-tongue biting d- allare true e- a+b are true

( ) of clinical manifestation of meningitis are

a- fever b- photophobia c- vomiting

d- nuchal rigidity e- all are true