

2018 - 2019

Tim Martin,Ed. D.

Superintendent of Schools

John Wallace


Tamikia Billings

Assistant Principal

Drew Wardlaw

Assistant Principal

WhoTo Call:

StudentAbsent...... 601-924-6250

Set up Conference/Request Progress Report...... 601-924-6250

Pre-ArrangedAbsence...... Submit LetterTo Principal Medicine at School...... Obtain Form From Principals Office Lunch Concerns...... 601-924-6039

Noticeof Non-Discrimination

The Clinton Public School District complies with all federal and state laws and regulations and does not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, color, nationaloriginorancestry,sex,gender,identity,sexualorientation,age,marriage or veteran status or disability, in employment or in the delivery of educational services. Thisappliestoalleducationalprogramsandextra-curricularactivities. Inquiriesassociatedwith Title VI, TitleIX,and/oraccommodationsfordisabled employees, the public and accessibility of facilities and programs should be directedtoDr.Tim Martin,Superintendentat601-924-7533.Inquiries regardingtheapplicationofSection504oftheRehabilitation Act(concerning students with disabilities who are not eligible for Special Education) /Americans withDisabilityActshouldbedirectedtoMr.Anthon Goins,AssistantSuperintendent, at601-924-7533. Theseindividualsmaybecontactedatthedistrictmainoffice locatedat203EasthavenDrive. ThemailingaddressisP.O.Box300,Clinton, Mississippi 39060.

Table of Contents

PERSONNEL...... 1-3

Board Members...... 1

Central OfficeAdministration...... 1

CJHS Faculty and Staff...... 1-3

Liaison Officers...... 3


AchievementTest Dates...... 4

Nine-WeeksTest Schedule...... 5

FOREWORD ...... 6





Directory Disclosure Notice to Parents and Students...... 6

Email Communication...... 7

Transfer of Records...... 7

Asbestos Notice...... 7


ELL ...... 8

ATTENDANCE...... 8-11

ExcusedAbsences...... 8-9

ExtendedAbsences...... 9

OfficialSchoolAbsences...... 9

ReportingAbsences - Call 601-924-6250...... 9

Checking a Student Out of School...... 10

Make-UpWork - ExcusedAbsence...... 10

Make-UpWork - UnexcusedAbsence...... 10

Tardy to School...... 11

Tardy to 2ndThrough 7th Period Classes...... 11

Attendance Requirements for Extra-CurricularActivities...... 11


Arrival...... 12

Dismissal...... 12

Announcements...... 12

Assembly Programs...... 12-13

Auditorium...... 13

Care of Personal Belongings...... 13

– i –

GENERALINFORMATION (continued)...... 12-21

Change of HomeAddress and Phone Number...... 13

Care of School Property...... 13-14

Emergency Drills...... 14

Fire Drill...... 14

Tornado Drill...... 14

Earthquake Drill...... 15

Illness During the School Day...... 15

Movement in the Hallway...... 15

Gymnasium...... 15

IdentificationCards...... 16

Library and Media Center...... 16

Lockers...... 17

Lost and Found...... 17

Lunch...... 17-18

Lunch Prices...... 18

Meal Pay Plus...... 18

Lunch Numbers...... 18

Medication...... 18

Lice Policy...... 19

OfficeProcedures...... 19

Parent/Teacher/Student Conferences...... 19

Residential Requirement...... 19-20

Scoliosis Screening...... 20

Telephone...... 20

Textbooks...... 20

Workbooks...... 20

Visitors...... 20-21

Withdrawal from School...... 21



Procedures forTransferring from Honors Courses...... 22

Special and Resource Classes...... 22

Elective Subjects...... 22

Promotion and Retention...... 22

Summer School (Extended SchoolYear Program)...... 22

Student Evaluation andAssessment...... 23

StandardizedAchievementTests...... 23

Report Cards and Grading System...... 23-24


Student Council...... 24

National Junior Honor Society...... 24

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EXTRA-CURRICULARACTIVITIES (continued)...... 24-26

FCA...... 24

Anchor Club...... 24

Sports andVarsity Program...... 24-26

Spirit Squad...... 26


Honor Roll...... 27

PRIDE (Positively Rewarding Individuals Displaying Excellence)...... 27

Awards Day...... 27

Athletic Honors...... 27


Bus Safety...... 28

Bus Rules and Regulations...... 28

Consequences for Failure to Follow Bus Safety Rules...... 28-29

DRESS CODE (Clinton Public School Board Policy JCDB, 2012)...... 29-32


Code of Conduct (Clinton School Board Policy JCA, 2012)...... 32-34

Cell Phone Policy...... 34

Public Display ofAffection (PDA)...... 35

Truancy...... 35

Out of Bounds...... 35

UnauthorizedVisitors...... 35

Campus and Classroom Conduct (Clinton School Board Policy JCDAE)...36

Respect of Self andAuthority...... 36

Student-Teacher Relationship...... 36

Student and the SubstituteTeacher...... 36

Objects ClassifiedasWeapons...... 37

Disrupting Class...... 37

Destruction and/or Defacement of School Property...... 38

Gum Chewing...... 38

Unauthorized Use of Building...... 38

Athletic and School-Sponsored Events...... 38

Cheating...... 38-39

Misuse of Computers...... 39

Fighting...... 39-40

Group or Gang Fights...... 40

Instigating a Fight...... 40

Intimidation and Harassment...... 40

Failure to Leave the Scene of a Fight...... 40

Verbal or PhysicalAssault on School Personnel...... 40

Student Bullying...... 41

Hazing and Harassment...... 41

GangAttire, Paraphernalia, and Symbols...... 41

Suspension andActivities...... 41

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No Open Container Policy...... 42

Drug/Alcohol Possession and/or Use

(Clinton Public School Board Policy JCDAC, 2012)...... 42

Tobacco Use and/or Possession

(Clinton School Board Policy JCB, 2012)...... 43

Use ofAlert Dog to Detect Illegal Drugs...... 43

Harassment,Threat,Violence, andAssault

(Clinton School Board Policy JCBEA, 2012)...... 43

SCHOOLSAFETY...... 44-45

Gun-Free School (Clinton School Board Policy JCBH, 2015)…...... 44

Guns/Firearms...... 44

Firearm DisciplinaryAction

Weapons (Clinton Public School Board Policy JCDAE (2), 2013)...... 44

CrimeStoppers...... 45


Detention (3:25-4:00 P. M. Daily)...... 46

In-School Suspension...... 47

Overnight Suspension...... 47

Suspension...... 47

Expulsion...... 47


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Dr. Matt Thomas...... President

Mrs. Paula DeYoung...... Vice President

Mr. Kenny Lewis…...... Secretary

Dr. Felicia Gavin..………………………….…………………..…Asst. Secretary

Mr. Derek Holmes...... Member

Jim Keith...... Attorney


Tim Martin,Ed. D.…...... Superintendent Anthony Goins...... Assistant Superintendent Libby Callegan...... Business Manager

Chaffie Gibbs ...... Director of Special Education Services Teresa Duke...... FederalPrograms/DistrictTest Coordinator Regina Ducksworth...... Director Food Services /Child Nutrition

Bo Barksdale...... Maintenance Supervisor Donny Gray...... Director ofTransportation

Kim Griffin…………...... Director of Technology

Brian Fortenberry ...... Director of Athletics

CJHSFaculty and Staff

John Wallace …...... Principal

Tamikia Billings...... 8th Grade Assistant Principal

Drew Wardlaw ...... 7th Grade Assistant Principal

Leslie Herrin……...... Counselor

Dexter Wilcher ………………….…………………………………... Counselor

Joseph Abels ...... 7th Grade Social Studies

Beth Albritton ...... 8th Grade English

Dallas Albritton ………………………………...……………...7th Grade Science

Michael Bagley……………...... 7th Grade Social Studies/Basketball

Jennifer Barrett………………………………………………….7th Grade English

Lisa Burgess ...... Algebra

Virginia Butler...... Resource Class

Toni Canizaro……………………………………………………7th Grade STEM

Hannah Carpenter……………………………………………...7th Grade English

Kelly Clay …………………………………………………..8th Grade Study Hall

Jaime Coon ..………...... Art

Brittany Cospelich...... 7th Grade English/Spanish

Alison Custer...... Choral Music

Christopher David ...... Resource Class

David Duke...... 7th Grade Math Misty Duke...... Reading Intervention

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CJHSFaculty and Staff (continued)

Brandon Eubanks...... Resource Class

Ebony Jamerson...... 7th Grade English

Jamie Follmer...... 8th Grade Science CarolAnn Franklin...... Life Skills

Dodie Frazier...... 8th Grade Social Studies

Brittany Gaddis ...... Speech

Jonathan Hardy ...... 8th Math

Tori Hataway….……………………………Physical Education/Girls Basketball

Preston Hebert…………………………………………..8th Grade Social Studies

Jalesa Hobson ...... 7th/8th Science

Daniel Johnson ……………………………………………………...... Band

Kimberly Lawes..……………….……………………..,………7th Grade English

Erin Linton ...... Choral Music

Tara Lomax…………………………………………………….7th Grade Science

Debbie Marler ..………………………………………………...8th Grade English

Benjamin Martin………………….…………………Physical Education/Football

Erica McKenzie………………………………………………..7th Grade Science

Cheryl Metz ...... 7th Grade Social Studies

Arthur Mullins ...... 7th Grade English

Brooklyn Nichols………………………………………………8th Grade English

Christi Oswalt ...... 7th Grade Math/MATHCOUNTS

Kacy Parks……………………………………………………………...Life Skills

Daphne Patton……………………………………………….7th Grade Study Hall

Jill Penick...... 8th Grade English

Kristen Pittman...... Resource Class

BenPrevost ……………………………………………………….8th Grade Math

Wanda Primer...... Art

Garrett Rushing……..……………………………………………..7th Grade Math

Milton Strickland…………………………………………………8th Grade Math

Jeff Stockstill…..……………………………………Physical Education/Football

Michelle Talley...... 8th Grade Science

Leonard Taylor ...... Physical Education

Tonya Thompson...... 8th Grade Social Studies

Beth Torrence...... Librarian

Anna Kate Travis ……………………………….…………………….Math Excel

Kendra Trotter…………………...……………………………..8th Grade Science

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CJHSFaculty and Staff (continued)

Toni Canizaro……………………………………………………7th Grade STEM

Jason Woodcock ...... 8th Grade STEM

Kenyata Woods……………………………………………..7th Grade Study Hall

Rita Clay…………...... Secretary

Colleen Embry...... Bookkeeper

Fran Coles...... Attendance Clerk

Kristy Goodwin….………...... Cafeteria Manager


Michael Even…...... Instructor/Resource Officer

Al Kimbrell...... Instructor/Resource Officer

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July 30 ...... Registration for Students New to the District Gr.K-9

August 1-7...... Faculty Planning

August 6...... Registration Grades 1-9

August 8...... Classes Begin

September 3...... Labor Day Holiday

October 10……………………………………………...Columbus Day Holiday

October 9…………(Holiday for Students) Faculty Planning/Staff Development

October 12...... End of first9 Weeks

November 19-23...... Thanksgiving Holidays

December 21...... End of second 9Weeks

December 24 - January 7...... Christmas Holidays

January 7...... (Holiday for Students) Faculty Planning/Staff Development January 8...... Classes Resume January 21...... Martin Luther King Holiday

March 8...... End of third 9Weeks March 11-15...... Spring Holidays April 19-April 22...... (inclement weather day, if needed) Easter Holidays

May 21-24...... Final Exams May 24...... Clinton High School Graduation June 3...... Summer School Begins

AchievementTest Dates

8th Grade Mississippi ScienceTest...... May-TBD

Algebra ITest...... May TBD

MAAP CurriculumTests (7th & 8th Grade)...... MayTBD

**Inclementweather days will be added to the end of the school year, if needed.**

DelayedStart to School Day - Snow Day

CPSDhasimplementedadelayedstartofschoolforthe2018-2019schoolyear onsnowdays.Thisschedulewillbeusedonlywhenwefeeltheroadswillclear laterinthemorning.Whilethestartwillbedelayed,theschooldaywillendatthe regular scheduled times.The following delayed starting times will be observed:

Clinton Park Elementary...... 9:25 a.m. Northside Elementary...... 9:25 a.m. Eastside Elementary...... 9:25 a.m.

Lovett Elementary...... 9:50 a.m. Clinton Junior High...... 9:50 a.m. Sumner Hill...... 10:00 a.m.

Clinton High School...... 10:00 a.m.

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NineWeeksTest Schedule

Grading PeriodTest Date

First NineWeeks / October 9-12
August 8 - October 12
Progress Report to Parents
September 13

Report Card to Parents

October 18

Second NineWeeks
October 15-December 21 / December 18-21
Progress Report to Parents
November 15

Report Card to Parents

January 10

Third NineWeeks
January 8-March 8 / March 5-8
Progress Report to Parents
February 7

Report Card to Parents

March 21

Fourth NineWeeks
March 18 - May 24 / May 21-24
Progress Report to Parents
April 18

Report Card to Parents

Mailed May 24

***60% Days - December 21, 2018 and May 24, 2019. Dismissal on those days will be at 12:05 P.M.

**FinalExams-Studentswillnotbeallowedtotakefinal examsifstudent fees,bandfees,cafeteriafees,libraryfees,choir fees,artfeesor bookfines havenotbeenpaidprior toexamdates.Onlycashor moneyorder willbe acceptedafter springbreak.Studentswhodonotmake-uptestwithintwo weeks will receive a zero unless previously approved by Principal.

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ThefacultyandstaffwelcomeyoutoClintonJuniorHighSchool. Weare honoredandlookforwardtoworkingwithyou.ThisHandbookwillhelpyou to understand the laws established by the Mississippi State Legislature, and policiesoftheClintonPublicSchoolDistrictBoardofTrustees.Schoolrulesand regulationsarewrittentoenforceandimplementtheselawsandpolicies. They willalsohelpustoprovideforyouanorderlyandsafeschoolandtherebyenable you to reach the highest level of academic achievement you can obtain.

ParentsandstudentsshouldreadthisHandbookcarefully. Teacherswillalso discussitwithstudentsduringthefirstweekofschool.Ifyouhavequestions,or need additional information, do not hesitate to talk with an administrator.


The Mission of the Clinton Public School District is to produce successful individualsbyguaranteeingchallenginglearningexperiencesinaunified,caring community committed to excellence.


Our mission is to establish a strong foundation for lifelong learning by nurturing, guiding, and challenging all of our students to achieve their maximum potential.


•We will always honor the dignity of each individual.

•We will be responsible to and for each other.

•We willneverallowthe quality of our education programs to be


•We will hold high expectations for all.



Directory Disclosure Notice to Parents and Students

Schools within the Clinton Public School District may disclose “directory” informationwhichshallinclude:thestudent’snameandaddress,dateandplaceof birth,majorfieldofstudy,pictures,participationinofficiallyrecognizedactivities and sports, weight and height of members of athletic teams, dates of attendance, credits and award received, the most recent previous educational agency or institutionattendedbythestudents,andothersimilarinformation.Anyparent or eligible student whowishesto have any or all of the directoryinformation concerning his or her child or that student withheld must inform the school in writing within ten (10) days from the date that the student receives this notice.

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TheClintonPublicSchoolDistricthasemailserviceavailabletoeachteacher andadministrativestaff.Whilethedistrict’sOfficeofTechnologycontinues to work very hard to keep this system in operation, email service is subject to many areas of unreliability. Email communication between parents and the school district may be blocked, dropped, or lost by their Internet Provider, the MississippiDepartmentofEducation,ortheClintonPublicSchoolDistrictemail servers.Sincetherearemanyareasofinfluence inemail,thedistrictcannotbe held responsible for not receiving or failing to open email in a timely manner. Therefore,do not completely rely on this mediumof communicationfor timely information.

Transferof Records

InaccordancewiththePrivacyRightsofParentsandStudents Act,school records will be forwarded upon request to a school in which a student seeks or intends to enroll.


Noticeisherebygiventoparents,employees,andemployeeorganizations that the Clinton Public School District has had all of its buildings appropriately inspected for asbestos containing materials and a Management Plan for each building developed pursuant to the rules and regulations of the Environmental Protection Agencyandthe AsbestosHazardEmergencyResponse Act;thata copyoftheresultsofsaidinspectionsareonfileintheOfficeoftheSupervisor ofMaintenanceofBuildingsandGrounds,theOffice oftheDirectorofthe VocationalCenter,andintheoffices oftherespectiveprincipalsoftheClinton ParkElementary,NorthsideElementary,EastsideElementary,LovettElementary, Clinton Junior High, Sumner Hill Junior High, and Clinton High schools; that copies of all of the aforesaid results of inspections and completed Management PlansforallbuildingsareonfileintheOfficeoftheSuperintendentofSchools,

203EasthavenDrive,Clinton,Mississippi;andthatsaidcopiesofresultsof the inspections and completed Management Plans for the respective buildings maybereadbyanyandallinterestedpersonsintheOfficeoftheSupervisorof VocationalCenter,andanyandalloftheaforesaidprincipals’officesbetweenthe hoursof8:00 AM.and4:00PM.Whenschoolisinsession,theresultsofsaid inspectionsandcompletedManagementPlansforallbuildingsintheDistrictmay bereadintheOfficeoftheSuperintendentofSchoolsbetweenthehoursof8:00


Martin,Superintendent of Schools, at 601-924-7533.



Accreditation and the SouthernAssociation of Colleges and Schools.

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English LanguageLearners (ELL) are held to the same State-mandated standardsasallstudents. Accommodationsandinterventionsmaybeprovided. ELLstudentsarerequiredtoearnCarnegieCreditsassetforthinDistrictPolicy IHF-“RequirementsforGraduationandGrade”andtosuccessfullypassallState Subject-AreaAssessments to earn high school diplomas.


(Clinton Public School Board Policy JBA, JBD, 5/26/2015)

Satisfactory progress in school depends upon regular school attendance. StudentsareexpectedandrequiredbytheMississippiCompulsoryAttendance Law to attend school.The Law states that:

Ifacompulsoryschool-agechild hasnotbeenenrolled inaschoolwithin fifteen(15)calendardaysafterthefirstdayoftheschoolyearofwhichsuchchild iseligibletoattendorifacompulsoryschool-agechildhasaccumulatedfive(5) unexcused absences during the school year, the principal or superintendent will report such absences to the school attendance officerof the Youth Court.

The parent or guardian(s) of a compulsory school-age who has not been enrolledinschoolwithineighteen(18)calendardaysafterthefirst dayofthe school year of the public school that such child is eligible to attend or parent or guardiansofcompulsoryagestudentwhohasaccumulatedtwelve(12)unexcused absences during the school year are subject to prosecution.

(Mississippi CompulsoryAttendance Law, MS Code Section 37-17-91)

Theteacherwillcheckattendanceatthebeginningofeachclassperiod. The teacherwillgivetotheattendanceclerkalistofstudentabsences.Theattendance clerk will maintain a record of absences and will report excessive and unexcused absences to theAttorney General’s officeas mandated by the law stated above.

Perfect attendance awards will be given only to students completing full days without any dismissal, except for school business.


A.The principal or a designee will authorize six (6) excused absences per semesterper class toeachstudent.Anabsenceisexcusedifthereasonisduetoone of the following:

1) Personal illness; or

2) Serious illness in the family; or

3) Death in the family; or

4) Specialpermissionoftheprincipal.Permissionmustberequestedin writing by the parent orguardian priorto the date of the absence.


11:00AM.oneachdaytoverifythestudent’sabsenceifitistobecounted asoneofthesix(6)excusedabsences.Iftheabsenceisnotverifieditwill be unexcused.

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C.Unlessspecifically notedbyaphysician,adoctorappointmentwillbe excusedonlyforamaximumofonehalfday,three(3)periods.Allother absences will be unexcused.

D.Absences in excess of six (6) days per semester may be excused upon presentation of a medical statement signed by a licensed physician or at the discretion of the principal. The medical excuse must be given to the attendance clerk within two (2) days of the absence.

If the absences are not medically related, the parent or guardian must meet withtheprincipalifconsiderationistobegiveninissuinganexcuse.Themeeting, however, will not automatically result in an excused absence.



five(5)consecutive days:

1.The student or parent must present a statement from a licensed physiciancertifyingthespecific datesthestudentmissedduetothe medical condition.

2. Ifanextendedabsenceduetomedicalreasonsisanticipated,theparent orguardianmustnotifythecounselorpriortotheabsencesothatplans can be made for the student’s academic progress.

Failuretocomplywitheitheroftheaboveguidelinesmayresultinthestudentnot receiving full credit for the work missed.



Absence.Astudent may receive five(5) officialabsences each school year.

The student must :

1. Obtain permission from the principal prior to the absence;

2. Get assignments from the teachers before the scheduled absence;

3. Completeeachassignmentandgiveittotheappropriateteacheronthe day he/she returns to school. (The teacher may deduct points from the assignmentifitisnotturnedinonthedatethestudentreturnstoschool.)

ReportingAbsences - Call 601-924-6250

A parentorguardianmustverifytheabsencebycallingtheattendance officebefore11:00A.M.eachdaythestudentisnotatschool.Iftheparentor guardian has not contacted the attendance officeprior to this time, the attendance officewillattempttocontacttheparentorguardian.Intheeventtheattendance officemustmakethecontactwiththeparentorguardianforverification,andthe absence is not verifiedby a medical excuse, the absence will be unexcused.

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Checkinga Student Out of School

The following procedure will be followed if a student is checked out during the school day:

1. Theparentorguardianmusthaveonfileintheattendanceoffice a Check-Outcard. Thecardmustincludetheparent’ssignature;the name and telephone number.

2. The parent or guardian or adult designee must report to the attendance officetosignthestudentout.Proofofidentificationwillbe required.Thesecretarywillcontacttheteacherwhowillsendthestudentto theoffice.Parentmusthavepapersonfileiftheydonotwantnon- custodial parent to pick up.

3. Ifthestudentreturnstoschoolaftercheckingout,heorshemustreport

to the officewith a parent before going to class.

When a student arrives on the school campus, he or she becomes the responsibilityofthe school.The student mustnot leavecampusunderany circumstancewithoutcheckingoutintheoffice.Astudentwholeavescampus without permission is subject to suspension from school.

Make-UpWork - ExcusedAbsence

Studentswillbepermittedandexpectedtomakeupworkmissedasaresultof anexcusedabsence.Althoughtheabsenceisexcused,thestudentwillreceiveno credit for work missed unless it is made up.

It is the responsibility of the studentto meet with each teacher immediately uponreturningtoschool. Theteacherwillworkwiththestudenttoassisthimor herinbringingtheworkuptodate,andsetadeadlineforturningtheassignments in.The student will have one dayforeach day absentto complete assignments.

Projectsthathavebeenassignedprior tothestudent’sabsencewillbe turnedinwhendue. Testsannouncedpriortothestudent’sabsencemustbe taken on the day scheduled. For example:

1. IfastudentisabsentonTuesday,andatestwasannouncedonMonday tobegivenon Thursday,thestudentmusttakethetestduringthe regular class period onThursday.

2. IfatestwasannouncedforTuesdayandthestudentisabsenton

Monday, the student must take the test onTuesday.

Astudentwhodoesnotcompleteassignments,taketests,orturninaprojecton the assigned date will automatically receive azero (0).

Make-UpWork - UnexcusedAbsence

Astudentwhoreturnstoschoolandtheabsencewasunexcusedwilltakeonly assignedtestsmissed.Thisincludesout-of-schoolsuspensions.Thetestwillbe administeredinadesignatedareaonthefirstdaythestudentreturnstoschool. Astudentwhorefusesordeclinestotakethetestatthistimewillautomatically receive a zero (0). No exceptions.

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Tardy to School

Astudentwhoreportstoschoolafter8:10A.M.istardyandmustreportto theAttendanceOfficebeforegoingtoclass. Aparentmustsignthestudentintoschooland an acceptable reason must be presented to receive an excused tardy. Studentsare required and expected to make up workmissed as a result of an excused tardy. Generally,theguidelinesusedforexcusedandunexcusedabsencesareappliedto a tardy.

Students are allowed up to three (3) unexcused tardies per semester. After three (3) unexcused tardies, the student is required to bring a written medical excuse from a licensed physician. If no excuse is provided, the student will be issued one (1) detention.

Tardy to 2ndThrough 7th Period Classes

A studentwhoreportstoclassafterthetardybellmusthaveanadmittance note from a teacher or administrator to receive an excused tardy. Students are expected and required to make up work missed as a result of an excused tardy.

Inallothersituationsthetardywillbeunexcused,andthestudentwillreceive adetentionfromtheadmittingteacher. Thedetentionwillbeservedontheday assigned by the teacher.

AttendanceRequirements forExtra-CurricularActivities

Astudentmustbepresentfor4(four)completeclassperiods,whichcorrelates to 63% of a school day, to be eligible to participate in extra-curricular activities. This is in compliance with Mississippi High SchoolActivitiesAssociation regulations. For example:

1. If a student is in attendance at 8:10 am and checks out prior to 11:50 amanddoesnotreturntoschoolforatleastonecompleteclassperiod then that student will not be able to participate in an extra-curricular activity.

2. Ifastudentdoesnotcheck-intoschoolpriorto4th period,whichbegins at10:55am,thenthatstudentwillnotbeabletoparticipateinanextra- curricular activity.

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Rules and regulations are provided so that school is safe and orderly at all times. Read the rules carefully and follow them. If you have a question, or need help, do not hesitate to talk to a teacher or administrator.


Studentsshouldplantoarriveoncampusby8:10A.M.Thefirstbellwill ringat7:45A.M.Thetardybellwillringat8:10A.M.Studentsarrivingafter

8:10A.M. will be late for school and must report to theAttendance Office.

Studentswhoarriveatschoolpriorto8:10 A.M.willgodirectlytotheir homeroom teachers class. Students will not be permitted to go to their locker or walk the halls.

Becauseteachersdonotreporttoworkuntil7:40A.M.,studentswill notbepermittedoncampuspriorto7:30A.M.Parentsshouldrefrainfrom dropping students off at school priorto this time.

Whenthebellringsendinghomeroom,thestudentwillhavefiveminutes toattendtopersonalandorganizationalneeds. Thisincludes:puttingupband instruments,goingtothelocker,goingtothebathroom,andtakingcareofbusiness intheoffice.Studentsareexpectedtobeintheirseatsandreadyforclassat8:10