Module I – Social Relationships (4 units & 4 Key Assignments)

Unit 1:Introductions and Greetings

Key Vocabulary/Learning Outcomes:

Greetings and introductions–introducing themselves and others.

Ask someone their name and say their name.

Ask someone where they live and reply.

Ser – “soy” and “es”. (in general, students do not need to conjugate verbs, and only need the present tense, mainly in 1st and 3rd person single, in some basic tenses)

Nationalities – I am Irish, Spanish, and the names of a few countries.

Basic occupations – profesor, camarero, estudiante etc.

Names of Spanish cities, ports, airports etc. Map of Spain.


Nombre, Apellido, Fecha de Nacimiento, Nacionalidad, direccion.


Their names

Where they live, nationality, occupation

Talk about their family

Posters:Large map of Spain

Family trees

Word Banks:Greetings

Nationalities and Countries



At the end of this unit, or by unit 2 (as they need to learn Months and some numbers) the students should be ready to complete Key Assignment Number 1:

Make an I.D. card (Names, Date of Birth, Nationality, Address)

Unit 2 – Numbers

Key Vocabulary:

Numbers 1-10:Bingo, sums, number games, counting games.

Numbers 1-20:

Numbers 20-30:

Numbers up to 100: etc.

To be able to say their exam number in single digits.

Telephone numbers – double digits.

¿Cuántos anos tienes? – Tengo …… anos.

Students say their age and then ask each other.

Time – La hora

Times for class, tv. Programmes, meal times etc.

Expressions of time “por la manana” etc.




Ask and answer about their birthdays.

Write their date of birth.


Games – Bingo, Counting games (skip every 3rd number.., count backwards), Sums

Matching exercises on dates of birth.

Roleplays – Ask about different times, eg. of tv times, classes..

Ask about their birthdays.

Vox Pop -Students birthdays – most popular month..

Displays -Clock , Calendar, result of the Vox Pop etc. made by the students.

Unit 3: Likes and Dislikes

Key Vocabulary:

Likes and dislikes: (¿te gusta..?, me gusta, no me gusta..)


Football teams


School Subjects. Etc.

Reasons:Adjectives (Es interesante, facil, aburrido..)


Vox Pop Survey on likes and dislikes.

Role play asking each other about 3 things he/she likes

Research Sports in Spain, eg. Real Madrid F.C., Bullfighting.

Key Assignments:

Complete Key Assignment Number 2:

Students ask several other students about 3 things they like and 3 things they don’t like (Record it)

¿John, Qué te gusta?- me gusta el futbol, musica pop y television.

¿Qué no te gusta?- no me gusta el golf, musica rock y espanol.

Begin Key Assignment Number 3:

Students brainstorm topics to do with Spain and choose one to investigate, eg. a place, a sport, a football club, a Spanish celebrity, etc. and begin to carry out some research.

Possible visit to the local library.

Keep a list of the topics and who is doing what. Check their progress and when possible give them some time on the internet, or help them with writing a letter, getting books etc.

Unit 4:Food and Drink

Key Vocabulary:

Basic menus – teach some simple food and drink vocabulary.

Class discussion on visits to Spain, opinion of Spanish food, difference in meal times, cooking, use of ingredients, types of restaurants and menus - “menu del día”..

Explain/discuss Tapas.

“Primer plato/entremeses, segundo plato, postre, bebidas, cuánto cuesta?, la cuenta, por favor, gracias”, etc

How to order a meal.

Me gusta..drinks/pizza/chips.. Likes and dislikes

More menus and practice ordering a meal

Vocabulary - 1) Starters

2) Main courses (Meat and Fish dishes)

3) Desserts, icecream flavours, explain what “flan” means etc.)

4) Drinks

5) Fruit and Vegetables


Roleplay – Camarero/Cliente – Taking an order and ordering a meal.

Class discussion and research of food and eating in Spain.

Vox Pop Surveys – likes dislikes on Drinks/Food/Icecream/fish or meat/fruit and veg.

Students design their own menus.

Students make a price chart for some fruit, veg, meat, icecream, drinks..

Students design and present advertisements for different icecreams, food, drinks..

Key Assignment Number 4:

Roleplay: I took an order and gave an order from a menuin Spanish (and recorded it)