Oxbow Prairie Horizons SchoolAnti-Bullying Policy
Theeducation ofstudents is ashared responsibilitybetweeneducators, parents, and the communityat large. Schools bring all children together to form a complexand dynamic social institution.It is important for children to learn how to cooperate and interact in positive and healthyways.
TheSouth East Cornerstone Public School Division #209 Administrative Procedure #412 states:
“South East Cornerstone Public School division believes all students should receive educational services and enjoy the benefits that flow from being part of a safe, welcoming school community that is free from harassment and violence. All students should display respect, tolerance, care and compassion for others, and no student should condone or participate in any actions that may be regarded as demeaning, derogatory or discriminatory. To this end, the division commits itself to create and maintain school community environments where all people are treated with dignity and respect.”
An act of bullying,eitherbyan individual studentor a groupof students, isexpressly prohibited on school propertyor at school-relatedfunctions.This policyapplies not only to students who directlyengagein anact of bullying, but also to students who, bytheir indirect behaviour,condoneor support another student’s act of bullying.
“Bullying”meansanywritten orverbal expression, physicalact orgesture,or pattern thereof, byastudent that is intended to causeor isperceived as causingdistress to oneor morestudents and whichsubstantiallyinterferes with anotherstudent’s educational benefits, opportunities, orperformance. Bullyingincludes conduct byastudent against anotherstudent that a reasonable person under the circumstances knows orshould know has the effect of:
c)placingastudent inreasonable fear or harm tohis or her property
d)creatingahostile educational environment forastudent.
Kinds of Bullying
Physical:●hitting, shoving, kicking, spittingupon, beatingup on others, datingaggression
●damagingor stealinganotherperson’s property.
Verbal:●name-calling, mocking,hurtful teasing
●humiliatingor threateningsomeone
●makingpeople do things theydon’t want to do
Social:●excludingothers from thegroup
●spreading gossip or rumoursabout others
●makingsureothers do not spend time with a certain person
Electronic:usingcomputer,e-mail,phoneor callingcellular text messages to:
●threaten orhurt someone’s feelings
●single out, embarrass, or makesomeonelook bad
●spread rumours or reveal secrets about someone (Canadian Public Health Association)
Oxbow Prairie Horizons School isa caring and respectful school. Westrive to beopen, inclusive, and culturallyaffirmingcentreof learning and community. Wework hardto ensurethat students feel secureandacceptedwithin ourschool, to foster acommon senseof respect, to promoteasenseof interdependence, and to teach acceptanceof diversity.Wewant to develop qualityrelationships between students, staff, parents, and thegreater community.
Supports will be provided to all students who have been bullied, students who have bullied others, and students affected by observing bullying.
Oxbow Prairie Horizons School has an intervention plan to address incidents of bullying. The administration will effectively communicate with parents regarding their child’s behaviour when deemed necessary. The communication plan will outline the process to receive, record, communicate, and respond to incidents and concerns. The administration will communicate information in a timely manner to the school community concerning a student’s behaviour when deemed necessary and appropriate. An individual’s right to privacy will be weighed against the safety and needs of the school community.