EHESP School
of Public Health / / Ecole des Hautes Etudes
en Santé Publique
Master of Public Health - Semester 3 Week 42: Wednesday 20th to Friday the 22nd of October 2010
Location: Reid Hall (TBC) 4 rue de Chevreuse – 75006 PARIS (to be confirmed)
Exams for core modules and interdisciplinary 1: (to be confirmed)
Wednesday 20th of October:
Module 201 Interdisciplinary 1 Global and International Health
Module 202 Social and Behavioral Sciences
Module 203 Epidemiology
Thursday 21st of October:
Module 204 Information Sciences and Biostatistics
Module 205 Management and Health Policy Sciences
Friday 22th of October:
Module 206 Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences
Prerequisite EOHS (only students of EUROPUBHEALTH)
MPH: new optional modules «Humanitarian Action and Health»
Master of Public Health - Semester 3 Week 43: from 25th to 29th October 2010
Module 218 Minor A: “Environment of the humanitarian action “
Coordinator: Pr Jean François Mattei
Location: Reid Hall (TBC) 4 rue de Chevreuse – 75006 PARIS
Monday October 25th / Tuesday October 26th / Wednesday October 27th / Thursday October 28th / Friday October 29th9h Opening – introduction to the module (J. Bourgeois)
9h40 Development of the humanitarian movement
- The religious era
(break 20’)
- Emergence of humanitarian action
Pr Jean François Mattei / 9h Evolutions in humanitarian action
- The NGO era
(break 30’)
- The end of a cycle
Pr Jean François Mattei / 9h Humanitarian interventions
– the notion of crisis – the notion of time and duration
(break 30’)
– humanitarian action and social action
– humanitarian action and ethics
Pr Jean François Mattei / 9h Project cycle management: methods and tools
Main steps, major challenges, quality management....
N. Pazery / 9h Challenges faced by the humanitarian action: perspectives, security, ethics
C. Moreau
12h : Lunch / 12h : Lunch / 12h : Lunch / 12h : Lunch / 12h : Lunch
14h Presentation of the case study and of the methodology used in the module
15h Group workon background documents
N. Pazery ou J. Bourgeois
17h End of day evaluation / 14h Introduction to the international legal framework guiding humanitarian action
Lecture and case study
C. Brandao
17h End of day evaluation / 14h Today’s major humanitarian actors and their coordination mechanisms
Practical work groups
A. Peigney and/or A. Petibon
17h End of day evaluation / 14h Follow-up of the case study : group work
N. Pazery
17h End of day evaluation / 14h Round table: topic to be determined
( break 15’)
16h15 Concluding remarks and feedback on the module
J. Bourgeois
Master of Public Health - Semester 3 Week 46: from 15th to 19th November 2010
Module 219 Minor B: “Understanding and analyzing developing countries context”
Coordinators: Françoise Jabot and François Petitjean
Location: Reid Hall (TBC) 4 rue de Chevreuse – 75006 Paris
Monday November 15 th / Tuesday November 16th / Wednesday November 17 th / Thursday November 18 th / Friday November 19 th9h
Systemic analysis of developing countries context
(not confirmed) / 9h
Health situation of developing countries
Dominique Kerouedan
Sciences Po, Paris / 9h
History of international health policies
Dominique Kerouedan, Sciences Po Paris / 9h
Health priorities in humanitarian health
(Work groups)
Françoise Jabot, François Petitjean, Arièle Braye EHESP / 9h
Analysis and typologies of health systems
Guy Kegels, Tropical medicine institute, Anvers
Pierre Blaise, Sylvie Dugas, Ministry of health
12h : pause / 12h : pause / 12h : pause / 12h : pause / 12h : pause
Analysis of context: development economy
Jacky Mathonnat
CERDI (with reserves)
17h / 14h
Main issues of health
(Work groups)
Dominique Kerouedan, Sciences Po, Paris
17h / 14h
Actors, institutions and strategies in developing countries
Frédéric Goyet, European Union
17h / 14h
Financing healthsystems
Alain Letourmy, CNRS/CERMES
17h / 14h
Analysis and typologies of health systems
Guy Kegels, IMT, Anvers
Pierre Blaise, Sylvie Dugas, Ministry of health
Master of Public Health - Semester 3 Week 48: Monday 29th of November to Friday 3rd of December 2010
Location: Reid Hall (TBC) 4 rue de Chevreuse – 75006 PARIS (to be confirmed)
Exams minors and second run core curriculum: (to be confirmed)
Monday 29th of November: second run core
Module 202 Social and Behavioral Sciences
Module 203 Epidemiology
Tuesday 30th of November: second run core
Module 204 Information Sciences and Biostatistics
Module 205 Management and Health Policy Sciences
Module 206 Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences
Wednesday 1st of December:
Module 208 Minor A Social and Behavioral Sciences
Module 209 Minor B Social and Behavioral Sciences
Module 210 Minor A Epidemiology
Module 211 Minor B Epidemiology
Thursday 2nd of December:
Module 212 Minor A Management and Health Policy Sciences
Module 213 Minor B Management and Health Policy Sciences
Module 214 Minor A Information Sciences and Biostatistics
Module 215 Minor B Information Sciences and Biostatistics
Friday 3rd of December:
Module 216 Minor A Environmental and Occupational Health
Module 217 Minor B Environmental and Occupational Health
Module 218 Minor A Humanitarian Health
Module 219 Minor B Humanitarian Health
Master of Public Health - Semester 3 Week 49: from 6th to 10th December 2010
Module 235 Major A: “Humanitarian health in crisis situations” Location: Reid Hall (TBC) 4 rue de Chevreuse – 75006 PARIS
Coordinator: Pierre Salignon (some changes to the programme are still to be expected)
Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday9h00
Welcome: P Salignon, Director General (MDM)
Introduction of the module: objectives, organisation, methodology, the crosscutting theme of the module: the case of Haiti
Humanitarian action of the future
Pierre Salignon, MDM / 9h00
Evaluation of initial needs in crisis situations: Theoretical and methodological aspects
C. Dromer, Director of International Operations, MDM / 9h00
Relationship between humanitarian and military actors: potential and dilemma
Dr Jérome Larché, member of MDM executive board (to be confirmed) / 9h00
Evaluation of humanitarian actions and data collection in crisis situation
MSF or Epicentre / 9h00
Case-study: Haiti: group work
Pierre Salignon
12h : Lunch / 12h : Lunch / 12h : Lunch / 12h : Lunch / 12h : Lunch
Humanitarianism in the 21st century
Antonio Donini, Feinstein Institute (to be confirmed)
17h / 14h
Coordination of humanitarian actors in crisis situations: the functioning of health clusters
Dr Névio Zagaria or Mrs Patricia Kormoss (to be confirmed), WHO Health action in crisis, the Global Health Cluster
17h / 14h
The role of local actors in crisis situations
Thierry Allafort Duverger, chairman, NGO Alima (to be confirmed) and a civil society representative from Haiti
17h / 14h
Evaluation of the management of the Haitian crisis
François Grünwald, Blanche Renaudin (URD) (to be confirmed)
17h / 14h
Roundtable discussion: field experience in Haiti
Participants to be confirmed
Conclusion and evaluation of the module Pierre Salignon
Master of Public Health - Semester 3 Week 51 and 52: from 20th to 31st of December 2010
Master of Public Health - Semester 3 Week 1: from 3rd to 7th January 2011
Module 236 Major B: “Strengthening health systems to prevent and manage crisis” Location: Reid Hall (TBC) 4 rue de Chevreuse – 75006 PARIS
Coordinators: Françoise Jabot and François Petitjean
Monday January 3 th / Tuesday January 4 th / Wednesday January 5th / Thursday January 6th / Friday January 7 th9h
Organizing integrated health systems : district model integration of programs …
Guy Kegels, Tropical medicine institute, Anvers
Pierre Blaise, Sylvie Dugas, Ministry of health / 9h
Human resources of health policies
Jean-Marc Braichet, World Health Organization, Geneva / 9h 30
A population approach: maternal and child health
Michèle Ooms
(with reserves)) / 9h
A vertical approach: global fund programs (malaria, tuberculosis, aids)
Arnaud Trebucq, UICTMR / 9h
Table ronde: what strategies for improving health in developing countries?
AFD, UE, coordination Sud, representative of developing countries
Arièle Braye, EHESP
12h : pause / 12h : pause / 12h : pause / 12h : pause / 12h : pause
Organizing integrated health systems (suite)
Guy Kegels, IMT, Anvers
Pierre Blaise, Sylvie Dugas, Ministry of health / 14h
Medicine policies
Carinne Bruneton, Remed) / 14h
An integrating approach: villages «Objectives of Millennium Development»
Ben Aboubakar, OMD center West and Central Africa / 14h
Analysis of strategies for action
(Work groups)
Arièle Braye, François Petitjean, Françoise Jabot, EHESP / 14h
Reflexive analysis on practice in humanitarian situation and development
Laetitia Atlani-Duault, University Paris Nanterre
François Petitjean, Françoise Jabot, EHESP
Master of Public Health - Semester 3 Week 3: from 17th to 21st January 2011
Module 237 Major C: “Humanitarian health information management and operational research”
Location: Reid Hall (TBC) 4 rue de Chevreuse – 75006 PARIS
Coordinator: Gregg Greenough, Rebecca Freeman-Grais, Francesco Checci, Philippe Guérin
Monday January 17th / Tuesday January 18th / Wednesday January 19th / Thursday January 20th / Friday January 21st9h00
Introduction to Humanitarian Health Research
Gregg Greenough / 9h00
Study Design and Sampling I
Philippe Guérin / 9h00
Study Design and Sampling III
Francesco Checci / 9h00
Evaluation and Impact Studies of Humanitarian Operations
Pierre Salignon / 9h00
Ethical Consideration of Humanitarian Research)
Gregg Greenough
12h : Lunch / 12h : Lunch / 12h : Lunch / 12h : Lunch / 12h : Lunch
Estimating Populations
Rebecca Grais
17h00 / 14h00
Study Design and Sampling II
Philippe Guérin
Rebecca Grais
17h00 / 14h00
Data Management and Analysis
Philippe Guerin
Rebecca Grais
Gregg Greenough
17h00 / 14h00
Francesco Checci
17h00 / 14h00
Group research presentations with class critique and discussion
Philippe Guérin
Rebecca Grais
Gregg Greenough
16h30- Closing and evaluation of the modules
Master of Public Health - Semester 3 Week 04: Monday 24th until Friday 28th of January 2011
Location: Reid Hall (TBC) 4 rue de Chevreuse – 75006 PARIS (to be confirmed)
Exams majors and second run minors: (to be confirmed)
Monday 24th of January: will be announced
Tuesday 09th of January: will be announced
Wednesday 26th of January: will be announced
Thursday 27th of January: will be announced
Friday 28th of January: will be announced