April 1st2013 – March 31st2014
Table of Contents
Executive Summary
1.0 Introduction
2.0Legislation and Guidance
3.0Fire Safety Accountability Structure
4.0Fire Safety Policy
5.0.Fire Risk Assessments
6.0.Fire Evacuation Plans
7.0 Fire Incidents
8.0Unwanted Fire Signals
9.0 Fire Safety Training
10.0Controls Assurance
11.0Fire Safety Audit
12.0Enforcement Action
13.0 Forward Plan
Executive Summary
The Annual Report on Fire Safety for the periodApril 1st 2013 – March 31st 2014 provides an assurance to the Business Services Organisation that the requirements of current fire safety legislation and guidance have been met and details the fire safety performance of the BSO during that period.
The Fire Safety Policy was approved inJune 2012 and is due to be reviewed June 2014.
BSO had completed fire risk assessments for our key sites in 2012 and are deemed valid to date:
- 2 Franklin Street, Belfast
- Centre House, Belfast
- Pals Boucher
- Pals Lissue
- The Leadership Centre ( aka The Beeches)
The BSO was not subject to any enforcement action by the Northern Ireland Fire and Rescue Service during the period April 2013 to date.
A Controls Assurance Standard return for Fire Safety was self-assessed for the 2013/14 period with substantialcompliance achieved (Score 89%);this is a substantial rise from the previous period.
Overall, significant progress has been made in relation to exceeding acceptable fire safety standards and continued priority will be given to fire safety management and arrangements to ensure this is maintained.
1.0Legislation and Guidance
The Fire and Rescue Services (NI) Order 2006 Part 3 and the Fire Safety Regulations (NI) 2010 relate to non-domestic premises and use a modern, risk based approach to fire prevention. In order to comply with legislation owners, occupiers and persons responsible for such premises are required to carry out a Fire Risk Assessment of their premises.The legislation also directs that all HSC employers should give a high priority, at Board level, to ensuring the safety of staff, patients and visitors to meeting their statutory health and safety obligations.
The BSO encourages and supports a high quality approach to maintaining a fire safe environment.
2.0Fire Safety Accountability Structure
The accountability structure is detailed in Appendix 1.
The BSO Health,Safety & Environment Group provides an assurance to the Senior Management Team each year on the adequacy and effectiveness of the system of internal controls in operation within the BSO. The Chief Executive has overall responsibility for fire safety in the BSO which has been delegated to the DHRCS.
The Director of Human Resources and Corporate Servcies provides an assurance to the Chief Executive and the BSO Governance Committee on Fire Safety matters and escalates any Fire Safety issue to the BSO Senior Management Team or BSOHealth, Safety & Environment Group as necessary.
3.0Fire Safety Policy
The BSO Fire Safety Policy was published in June 2012 with a copy posted on the BSO Intranet. The policy is reviewed on a bi-annual basis, or earlier if legislation or relevant guidance is issued.
4.0.Fire Risk Assessments
In accordance with Fire Safety Regulations (NI) 2010fire risk assessments, which consider fire hazards, management arrangements and the availability of sufficient and adequately trained staff, have been completed from April 2012 and were completed in July 2012 for BSO key sites. These remain valid until 2015.
A copy of Risk Assessment Plans detailing the findings and recommended actions was provided to Nominated Fire Safety Officers for each location and is also held centrally by Corporate Services.
5.0.Fire Evacuation Plans
As a result of the Controls Assurance Standard self-assessment several actions were taken which included a review of evacuation plans in respect of buildings over which we have managerial control, namely:
- Franklin Street
- PaLS Boucher Crescent
- The HSC Leadership Centre
- Centre House
- PaLS Lissue
Other BSO offices are covered by HSC and HSCB Fire Safety arrangements and we have written to Trusts clarifying the roles in respect of Fire Safety. Four of the Trusts are outstanding in returning a signed Memorandum of Understanding for this year. In discussions with the Trusts there is broad agreement with the description of the roles. Relevant arrangements are currently being put in place for Greenmount House for which BSO holds the lease.
6.0 Fire Incidents
All fire incidents, including false alarms, are reported in accordance with the BSO’s Incident and Near Miss Reporting Policy and Procedure.
There were no fire alarms in this reporting period on any site; however there was an incident May 8th 2013 at Antrim Technology Park whereby BSO staff had overloaded an electrical circuit with the use of an electrical fan heater, subsequently these items have been deemed as prohibited on BSO estates; no evacuation was necessary although an electrical engineer was required to replace the damaged unit. Only onefire safety was brought to the attention of the Health, Safety & Environment Group as a result of HSCB requesting that the fire alarm, which controlled both Linenhall Street and Franklin Street, should be separated as in the event of Fire Alarm activation in either building, both premises were evacuated. HSCB sought advice from the Belfast Trust Fire Officer who deemed that the splitting of the alarms presented no issues. This however was queried by the BSO Admin Services Manager who identified that in the event of an alarm in one building, there was no way of indicating to those in the adjacent building that a situation was in progress and could potentially endanger themselves and/or others by opening a door or entering a “live fire” environment as both buildings are connected on floors 1upper and 2 upper. As a direct result of this,high visibility warning signs were installed which links in with the alternate building fire control system which warns staff and/or visitors not to enter the adjacent building in the event of alarm activation.
7.0Unwanted Fire Signals
The definition of a false alarm is:“A fire signal resulting from a cause other than a fire.”
Fire Practice Note 11 (FPN 11) “Reducing Unwanted Fire Signals in HealthCare Premises” includes recommendations on how to identify, control and reduce these.
During the period April 1st2013 – March 31st2014, there were no reports of unwanted Fire Alarms in BSO controlled premises.
8.0 Fire Safety Training
A review of Fire Evacuation Officers resulted in additional appointments being made in 2013/14. These Fire Evacuation officers have been trained withfurther training planned for May 2014 as BSO have had several new sites as a result of the creation of Shared Services Centres, namely Omagh, Ballymena and College Street, Belfast. We continue to promote a blend of eLearning platform and class room training for Fire Awareness Training based on advice from our colleagues in Trusts, DFP and NIFRS
The Business Continuity Plan has also been recently reviewed and agreed at Board level and includes a general scenario of where premises are not available including for reasons of a fire incident. A minimum of 2 successful Fire Drills have been undertaken this year in each of the premises.
Fire Safety is a standing item on the agenda of the Health, Safety & Environment Group, the PaLS Health Safety Committee and the HSCB Premises Committee.
10.0Controls Assurance
A self-assessment of the Fire Safety Controls Assurance Standard was undertaken in November 2013. Due to improvements carried out in the last financial year, our self assessed score has risen from 70% to 89%. Compliance scores are reported as part of a Governance Report to the BSO Audit and Governance Committee.
11.0Fire Safety Audit
Unannounced fire safety/health and safety/security inspections are carried out on a regular basis in BSO Headquarters and each local office. Any actions arising from these fire safety audits and inspections are taken forward with the Service Level Agreements with local Trusts.
12.0Enforcement Action
The BSO was not subject to any enforcement action by the Northern Ireland Fire and Rescue Service during the period April 1st 2013 – March 31st 2014.
13.0 Forward Plan
Fire Safety Objectives for 2014/15 are as follows:
- Monitor Key Performance Indicators for Fire Safety
- Increase the number of Fire Evacuation Officers for each key location.
- Ensure attendance of BSO staff at mandatory Fire Training sessions and eLearning courses.
- Continued monitoring and mitigation of ‘unwanted’ fire signals.
- Continued adherence to levels achieved in compliance with Controls Assurance Standard.
Fire Safety Annual Report 2013/2014