South Molton Health Centre

Skills Self Assessment using a Rating Scale

This Practice Nursing Skills Self Assessment is adapted from the WiPP Core Competencies for General Practice Nurses. Please rate yourself 1-4 as outlined below and provide any additional information that you think might be useful – remember, we do not expect candidates to have all the skills at the outset!

1 = not encountered/no knowledge

2 = observed only, minimal knowledge

3 = performed under supervision, gaining understanding

4 = competent

Competence / Self Rating Level / Comments
1 / 2 / 3 / 4
Understands the relationship between Commissioners, General Practice & NHS England
Understands the income sources in General Practice and the importance of contributing to the Quality and Outcomes Framework
Aware of how nurses can influence commissioning
Understands roles and responsibilities of members of the primary health care team
Demonstrates teamwork skills through working in a way that is complementary to others and contributes at team
Contributes to maintenance of disease registers in General Practice
Awareness of confidentiality issues relating to General Practice
Contributes to Quality Improvement Plans
Ability to use information technology (IT) within consultations and for audit
Delegates tasks appropriately with understanding of personal responsibilities & accountability
Undertakes continuous personal development in order to provide evidence-based care
Supports clinical supervision in the Practice and participates in own peer supervision
Understands Health and Safety legislation and principles of risk management
Leads on infection control and clinical waste management for the Practice - develops policies
and procedures for decontamination, sterilisation, infection control, maintenance of equipment, dealing with bodily fluids
Teaches and audits correct handwashing procedures across the Practice, procedures for cleaning surfaces, safe processes for the collection, handling and disposal of waste to all staff
Records patient contact and
interventions appropriately
Reports critical incidents or significant events and encourages team to do the same
Knows how to find resources to improve own practice and uses critical appraisal skills in determining the strength of evidence
Compiles and manages clinical protocols and guidelines
Child protection - understands personal role and responsibilities
Vulnerable adults:- understands role and responsibilities in safeguarding adults
Basic knowledge of mental health problems.
Able to identify ‘at risk’ patients
Travel Health - able to advise patients on immunisation programmes and self care and deliver according to local and national guidelines
Yellow Fever - able to advise patients on immunisation programmes and self care and deliver according to local and national guidelines
Childhood Imms- able to advise patients on the immunisation programmes and deliver according tolocal and national guidelines
Demonstrates appropriate handling of children and gaining of consent
Administers medicines using patient group directions
Able to prescribe for a limited range of conditions
Able to prescribe for a wide range of conditions
Able to recognise and initiate
management of adverse reactions and anaphylaxis
Life Support -Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) incl use of Defib
Understands regular maintenance and checking of emergency equipment
Women’s Health– advises and supports women with their health queries and contraception, takes smears, assists with coil fits, gives depo contraception
Wound Care - determines and implements appropriate treatment for superficial wounds, assessment and removal of sutures and clips
Manages complex wounds and four layer bandages
Chronic Disease - understands the principles of case management in General Practice, develops internal pathways and protocols
Asthma - understands pathophysiology and therapeutic management
Runs asthma clinics, undertakes history taking, reversibility tests and exercise tests
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease - understands pathophysiology and
therapeutic management
Recognises emergency situations and initiates management according to
local / Practice guidelines
Diabetes - understands pathophysiology and
therapeutic management, runs diabetic clinics including foot assessment
Hypertension – understands pathophysiology and
therapeutic management
Undertakes spirometry
Smoking cessation -
Understands principles behind smoking cessation and supports HCAs to deliver programmes
Healthy eating - able to teach principles of healthier eating and supervise management of patients on weight-reducing diets providing advice and motivational support. Relates meaning of body mass index(BMI) to patients and advises on appropriate physical exercise
Ear care – understands risks and responsibilities, performs ear care safely
Minor Surgery – assists GPs with Minor Ops
Minor injury – assesses and manages minor injuries
Minor illness – assesses, advises and prescribes appropriately for minor illnesses
Teaching – prepares teaching materials and presents to small audiences on relevant matters.
Shares own learning with the wider group

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