Module #5- Deeper Into Confidence
What were your earliest remembrances of you as a princess, queen, warrior, and/or other heroine? Describe in as much detail as you can. Describe the colors, scenes, environments that you see as you remember back to these earliest times. Be your little girl again for this exercise- breathe, meditate to go back in time…
I want you to really L-I-V-E it, feel it, breathe it, and be it. Meditate on this vision.
Pore over it. Use both the front and back of this paper if you can.
Describe in detail how you feel as you experience this glorious heroine remembrance. What are your days like? What do you spend your time doing? Who do you interact with? Who do you serve and contribute to? Draw pictures, use colors, describe scenes.
I want you to really L-I-V-E it, feel it breathe it, be it.
Pore over it. Use both the front and back of this paper if you can.
What is your benevolent purpose? How are you a creator of good? Describe the pictures you have in your mind of valiantly living your purpose. Describe scenes, people, colors, times, events eras, buildings, towns. Give as much detail as possible.
I want you to really l-i-v-e it, feel it breathe it, be it.
Pore over it. Use both the front and back of this paper if you can.
What is your realm and your mission? Describe your dwelling. Who lives with you? What animals did you have with you? What do your clothes look like? Describe the fabrics. Describe your kitchen, bedroom, plates and dining room, living room. Really flesh out your girlhood fantasy.
Use both the front and back of this paper in your description.
How are you cared for in these remembrances? Who is looking after you? Do you have servants? Do you have maids? Do you have caretakers? Who is surrounding you in your fantasy? Describe what they are doing for you?
Now, after being filled with these potent fantasies, how do you feel? Describe all of the emotions that are filling you. Describe the way you feel in certain scenes. Describe the smells that fill the air. Describe how you feel when you look around your rooms in your fantasies. How does it feel to be there? What are the emotions that you have?
What movies and stories influenced you when you were a little girl? What are the common themes between your fantasies and these movies and stories? Describe what the themes are and how they are parallel to your girlhood daydreams. Really enter into this- refrain from feeling foolish or embarrassed. This is YOUR life, and these early dreams and fantasies hold big secrets to your life.
This is the promise of who you are. It is all metaphorical, yet in these fantasies lie the essence and the themes of your purpose and mission for your real life. If you were to translate these tales, fantasies and daydreams, what would they look like in modern times, today, and for your life? How would your very important girlhood thoughts and fantasies be a foreshadowing of your life and purpose as an adult? Bravely describe below and on the back of this paper. Be courageous. No one will judge you- just translate how those early, glorious dreams could be a premonition of your life purpose and mission now.
Now, describe how life’s events stole these glorious promises away from you. Who told you that it could not be true? How old were you when your Core Event(s), the event(s) that stole this glory from you, happened? Who discounted your dreams and visions? Who told you that you could not? Who put your dreams and you in a box? And finally, when did you self-abandon? Give as much detail as you can- times, dates, occasions, people. Add other pages as you need to. This is a vital point in this exercise. Who told you it could not be so?
How often do you hear these voices in your head telling you to forget the pleasure of what you imagined in the early phases of your life? What do these voices say? How do they stop you before you even start enjoying? How often do these voices keep you from enjoying simple pleasures in life? Write their words in quotations as if they were really speaking to you now. It is important to identify the voices and words clearly.
Realize that these same voices still run in your head and run your life. These are the voices that proclaim that you are not enough, it cannot be true, you are a dreamer, get real, grow up, get a life, get a real job, you are stupid for believing that dreams can come true, etc. What are the voices that keep you from enjoying yourself in little or big ways every day? What are the voices that have perhaps given you resistance in these exercises?
How can you come back to yourself and own your whole self? What little ways everyday can you take yourself seriously, hear yourself, honor yourself and bring yourself back to you? How can you integrate your whole being into yourself now, today? How can you demonstrate to yourself that you hear you? That you love you enough to bring your whole self forward? That you honor and pay attention to you? That you will not self-abandon again? That you will hear yourself and acknowledge the inner longings of your heart, saying, “Yes.” to yourself? Write your commitments below to yourself below.
This is the beginning of bringing yourself back to you. This is the beginning of being a whole person once again, like you were as a little girl before your Core Event(s), people andsituations stole your promises from you. It is all in the grand scheme of things- your Core Event sent you on your Cosmic Easter Egg Hunt to find yourself and your dreams again. This is the way it happens for all of us- we have our dream, we lose our dream, then we spend our lifetime finding our dream again. If we are fortunate enough to love ourselves again and find and live our dreams, we win. This is the purpose of life on planet earth as I see it, for as we regain ourselves, we are victorious over doubt, disbelief, cynicism, fear, and depression. These forces against us really serve us by making us stronger in our resolve to win and live our true life and purpose, not a shadow life of fitting in and winning others’ approval. Write your thoughts below.
What if life on this planet was meant to be fun, enjoyable, pleasurable, light, happy, airy, and full of possibilities and dreams coming true? I believe that this is the purpose of life- to FEEL GOOD. Our mission is to find a way of staying out of the BAD FEELINGS. Instead, our mission is to run and cleave to every good feeling we can possibly uncover- ALWAYS- and living there. It is the difference of being in the denseness of the world or spiraling upward in light, leaving those cares aside as we travel, WHILE being responsible for our lives, our belongings and our people.
It is finding hope in desperate situations. It is cultivating understanding and compassion for those who wrong us. It is living in joy when we do not feel it. It is finding and cultivating the magic that is right behind “the veil.” (We see through a glass darkly.) It is living in compassion for us. It is loving our very essence and seeing ourselves for who we are. It is falling in love with who God made us to be and declaring it and living it each day in joy, ease and grace.
When we feel the opposite of joy, ease and grace, it means that we are being served and getting stronger, while we manufacture the upward spiral until we feel it again. We are building spiritual muscles in our quest of the right, the calling and the freedom to be our beautiful selves. It is ‘Dwelling in The Secret Place of The Most High.’ It gets easier the more we believe in our early girlhood dreams and let ourselves have them and own them.
Your homework this week:
1- Print out this document and spend at least 1-2 hours meditating on and answering the questions while exploring within.
2- Contact 5 friends and ask them what they see your unique ability is, the thing that you bring that no one else does.
3- Watch The King’s Speech with Geoffrey Rush, Colin Firth and Helena Bonham Carter
I send you my love as you venture out on your journey this week.
The Women’s Self-Love Journey, Copyright 2015, Lorraine Pursell, LLC