Since all of the articles we are requiring you to read are found on line, we are providing you a weblist of articles which will help to prepare you for the tryouts. The three topics are: Epidemic Response/Ebola, Security Council Reform and

You will need to prepare a 2 ½ minute speech for each topic. Since these topics are fairly involved, speeches that are shorter will inherently not be sufficient to address these topics appropriately. A small leeway will be given, on either side of the time limit, before points will be deducted. The judges will not stop you and the longer you go beyond 2 ½ minutes, the lower your score will go. Each speech should address a short history of the problem, why this issue is a world problem and what possible solutions you would advocate that the UN undertake. Please be aware that we are addressing these issues from a world perspective, not that of the US or any other nation. Your analysis and support for your argument will be two of the key aspects of the presentation as well as your ability to identify/craft potentially successful and appropriate solutions for UN implementation. After your speech, you will have 4 minutes to answer questions from the judges. During the questioning you cannot have any notes in front of you, including your speech.

Below please find a list of websites for each topic


Ebola Virus Outbreak-quick guide

UN-Global Ebola Response

WHO Pandemic and Epidemic Diseases

UNDP-West African Ebola Epidemic

Council on Foreign Relations-Ebola Reveals Gaps in Global Epidemic Response

BBC-Ebola Outbreak-UN Lacks the Resources to fight deadly virus

WHO Global Outbreak Alert and Response Network

Ebola-A Crisis in Global Health Leadership

World Food Programmes Response to Ebola

US and International Health Responses to Ebola Outbreak in West Africa

FAO in Emergencies: Ebola Outbreak in West Africa


Security Council

Security Council Reform

Center for UN Reform Education

The Illusion of Security Council Reform-Professor at CUNY

Reform of the UN Security Council-Ambassador Richard Butler; Penn State Distinguished Scholar of International Peace and Security

Convinced That Expanding Size of Security Council is an Absolute Necessity

Canadian Roundtable On Security Council Reform

Pros and Cons of Security Council Reform

Calling for Security Council Reform, General Assembly President Proposes Advisory Group to Move Process Forward

Reforming the Working Methods of the UN Security Council-the ACT Initiative


International Conventions on Child Labor

Child Labor Public Education Project-lots of information under About Child Labor

Legislative Reform on Child Domestic Labor-a Gender Analysis

ILO Accelerating Action Against Child Labor

Children’s Rights: International Laws-Library of Congress

Child Labor and Educational Disadvantage-Gordon Brown UN Special Envoy on Education

The Child Labor Coalition

Global March Against Child Labor

Child Labor and UNICEF in Action

Child Labor-NY Times