Adath Israel of the Main Line

Preschool Payment and Refund Policy

  • Adath Israel Preschool is devoted to providing an enriching preschool experience in a Jewish environment for our students at a competitive price. As a not-for-profit religious and educational institution, Adath Israel Preschool incurs substantial financial obligations in connection with the education of each of our students, and our preschool tuition prices are set based on the assumption that each student’s family will honor their obligation to pay their tuition bills in a timely manner, subject to any available financial aid.
  • Financial Aid. As a compassionate member of the Jewish community, Adath Israel recognizes that in these uncertain economic times, many families are struggling to stretch their available disposable income to meet their basic needs, and we are devoted to ensuring that families with a financial need receive access to all available financial aid in paying for their children’s preschool. Accordingly, our policy is that:
  • each family that is able to pay for preschool tuition will be expected to pay the tuition in full in a timely mannerand in accordance with any applicable payment plan (see below); and
  • each family that is eligible for financial aid will be expected to apply for any financial aid that is available, and to the extent any tuition remains payable after receipt of all available financial aid, to pay such balance in a full and timely mannerand in accordance with any applicable payment plan.
  • Adath Israel Preschool is a participating member in the Jewish Federation of Greater Philadelphia’s Jewish Early Learning Program, and eligible families with 3- and 4-year old children may receive financial aid for preschool tuition through Pennsylvania’s Educational Improvement Tax Credit (EITC) program. Adath Israel will provide families who indicate that they are unable to pay full tuition with the necessary EITC application and will assist the family, if requested in a timely manner, in completing the application for submission to Federation by the due date, typically in March. Funds may or may not be available under the program, depending upon the state’s allocation of EITC funds to Federation and other similar preschool financial aid programs.
  • If a family meets the income guidelines under the EITC program but either (i) the family has timely submitted an EITC application and qualified for EITC funds but insufficient EITC funds are available or (ii) the EITC program does not apply as the children are not 3 or 4 years old, Adath Israel will consider possible financial accommodations, which will be conditioned upon the parents providing a certain amount of volunteer work for Adath Israel. Such families must submit the EITC financial aid application, with all required supporting documentation, to Adath Israel’s Executive Director for a determination of need. Financial aid will be awarded at year end provided all other obligations are met.
  • Families Not Qualified for, or Not Seeking, Financial Aid
  • Families who do not qualify for financial aid as described above, or who choose not to seek financial aid, are required to pay their preschool invoices in full. There are two payment options for preschool invoices: payment in full prior to the commencement of the school term, or adoption of a payment plan.
  • Payment in Full: The payment in full option requires payment of a non-refundable deposit of $250 at the time the application is submitted, and payment of the balance of all tuition and other preschool-related charges no later than July 31, or such later date as the school registration form is submitted.
  • Payment Plan: Any preschool family may choose to pay for preschool tuition according to a payment plan. Under a payment plan,a non-refundable deposit of $250 at the time the application is submitted and thereafter an installment payment is payable on a periodic basis through April 30 of each year. For registrations completed prior to July 31, a quarterly or monthly plan is available. For registrations submitted after July 31, a monthly plan is available. Applicable installment payment amounts are calculated by the Adath Israel finance department.

Refunds and Schedule Changes. Adath Israel recognizes that a family’s circumstances may change during the school year, necessitating either a withdrawal of a child from our preschool, or a change in the child’s school schedule. Because of our commitments to teachers and other students’ families concerning the availability of teachers and classes for particular days and time periods, we have established the following policy concerning schedule changes. With limited exceptions, no refund or credit will be available for non-refundable deposits or for any preschool expenses other than tuition, nor will any refund or credit be applied retrospectively. The amount of any refund or credit will be equal to the amount already paid towards tuition, reduced by the portion of the original tuition amount as prorated through the end of the month in which the change becomes effective, and further reduced by a change fee equal to 10% of the prorated refund or credit amount. Families on payment plans will have their refund or credit adjusted based on the amount already paid.

  • Consequences of Payment Default. Adath Israel requires each family to abide by its payment obligations, including full and timely payment of all invoices. Families that are on a payment plan are required to pay their invoices on a monthly basis as indicated in the invoices, while families that are not on a payment plan are required to pay their invoices by the due date indicated, with payment in full prior to the commencement of the school year. Although occasional late payment is understandable, chronic lateness or non-payment will be addressed through our finance department, and we reserve the right to impose interest charges and late fees and/or to terminate the student’s enrollment, if the situation warrants.

Policy Waivers. Waivers from the foregoing policy are permitted to be granted only by a majority vote of the Finance Committee, after being presented with the information by the Preschool Director or by that person delegated by the family in question. No waiver may be granted at the discretion of any Adath Israel officer or administrative staff, including the President, the Executive Director or the Preschool Director. The Finance Committee will consider a waiver only under compelling circumstances, and in connection with its consideration of any waiver, the Finance Committee may require submission of any financial or other written materials and information deemed relevant to the request. All such materials and information will be held in confidence by the Finance Committee, except in the event of any judicial proceedings in which such materials or information may be relevant. Decisions concerning waivers will be considered and delivered in a timely manner in order to facilitate a quick resolution to the request.


Adath Israel Preschool Payment and Refund Policy, Final ver. 5-15-11