PRESS RELEASE Boxmeer, 30March 2017

Marel Boxmeerexpands

Machine manufacturer Marel has started a major expansion of its premises in Boxmeer. With a symbolic push of a button Marel Poultry CEO Anton de Weerd and technical director / project coordinator Wim Beeftink launched the construction activities. Backed by the excellent operating results the improved housing will offer Marel all opportunities to work on new initiatives and developments with renewed energy.

"Currently, our accommodation is spread over three locations including temporary buildings. That is not an optimal situation, which we are going to change now. The investment in an updated and expanded building is required to provide all our people with the best possible working environment," says Anton de Weerd.

The renovationincludesthe construction of an entire new wing at the front of the main building and an extended production hall at the back. All these modifications facilitate Marel's recent job growth and enable the expansion of workplaces.

In total 1700m² will be reserved for offices with 150 workstations on two floors. Anatrium will be built for consulting rooms, consultation rooms, and flexible workstations. For the factory relocation 1000m² of additional area is required to achieve better logistics of the plant and a central R&D center.

In line with Marel's sustainability goals, several hundreds of solar panels will contribute to the energy supply of the renovated building.Mainly companiesfrom the Boxmeerregion are hired to perform the construction activities.

It is expectedthat the renovation, estimated to costaroundEUR 9 million, will be fully completed in the first quarter of 2018.

The aim is to bring together the people from the three Marel industries in Boxmeer- Poultry, Meat and Further Processing - so that interaction becomes easier and faster. "Innovation is very important to Marel, therefore the R&D department needs an inspiring place to work together and share knowledge," says Wim Beeftink, technical director Marel Poultry andrenovation project coordinator. "We are also creating a major IT hub, from where we develop and roll out large projects in the coming years."

Marel is an innovative global player in the field of mechanical engineering for the meat processing industry. Backed by the highly successful operating results of recent years and very good prospects, Marelis confident about the future. Recently, a landmarkorder was secured in South Korea, where Marel Poultry will install one of the largest poultry processing plants in the world.

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Marel Boxmeerfaces a major renovation and expansion of its premises.

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More on Marel Poultry
Marel Poultry is global supplier of innovative inline poultry processing equipment for broilers, turkeys and ducks, providing solutions for all process stages and all capacity levels. The product range includes top quality equipment for live bird handling, up to evisceration, giblet harvesting and processing, chilling, grading, cut-up, deboning, bone detection, portioning, batching, end-product logistics, software solutions and service contracts
