MOCAN Steering Committee Minutes 12-15-2015
Mary Ellison, Johanna Reed Adams, Cathy Brown, Kathy Craig, Katie Duggan, Deborah Markenson, Donna Mehrle, Lisa Nelson, Denise Strehlow, Dave Zellmer, and Nathan Ferguson.
Call Agenda
●Draft Strategic Plan
●Member Survey
●Draft Agenda for January MOCAN Meeting
●Update on Remote Meeting Site
Draft Strategic Plan
The current draft of the strategic plan is attached to the conference call agenda email. The discussion yielded a number of suggestions and planned revisions, which include:
●Deborah suggested to reverse the order of the strategies, with the broader strategies listed first, followed by the narrower goals and objectives. The group agreed to incorporate this suggestion into the next draft of the strategic plan.
●The group agreed that objective estimates measures for targets will be included to serve as starting points for groups who would be working on the objectives. Work groups can adjust as appropriate.
●A matrix will be added to help illustrate the multifaceted initiatives and how they impact the goals of each strategy area. For example, Fit-Tastic and Live Like Your Life Depends On It would go along the x-axis, while the impact of Fruit & Vegetable Consumption would go along the y-axis.
●Under promote, pull out the review of breastfeeding for child care licenses as they address the Children’s Commission report, which would help guide groups’ efforts.
●Under the Increased Physical Activity section, Deborah suggested adding an action step for promoting access to school wellness policy during classroom design.
○Deborah will send additional suggestions. Kathy and Marielle will decide how to incorporate them into the work being done by Built Environment Work Group.
●Lisa suggested adding a separate matrix showing how these strategies and measures relate to the state/national priorities.
○Katie will help with this matrix (dietetic student pulled together first version).
○This matrix would guide people to additional details on the action steps, would be helpful to call out those specific examples or website links. E.g. #5 various avenues of influence, there could be several examples of how this has been done.
●Groups will define their priority action steps.
●Make sure work is evidence-based and that resources are available to guide work group actions and work plans, while keeping open possible windows of opportunity.
Member Survey
The member survey will be adjusted to add the one multifaceted initiative mentioned during draft strategic plan discussion (above).
The survey and draft strategic plan will be sent to each work group, work groups should be encouraged to provide feedback and to complete the member survey. The following work groups have confirmed that they will inform their members of the draft strategic plan and member survey:
●Built Environment
●Dave Zellmer will be meeting with the Statewide Alliance Group regarding Policy
●Kathy Craig will follow up with Karla Voss regarding Worksites
The final member survey is planned to be sent by the end of this week. The survey will also emphasize that survey completion will take less than 5 minutes.
The group agreed on the goal for remaining work on the strategic plan would be finalized in time for the January 28 MOCAN Meeting.
Draft Agenda for January MOCAN Meeting
Dave Zellmer gave a brief update on the current slate of legislative bills:
●At this time, none of the pre-final bills currently under consideration bear direct relation to either physical activity or nutrition.
●More bills may be filed between now and the January meeting, but otherwise, the only bills under review at this time are non-related health bills.
Dave will let the committee know if the situation changes in advance of the January meeting. Donna will adjust the meeting agenda accordingly.
On the topic of policy, an additional revision to the strategic plan was suggested: under K12 State Policy, Goal #5 – Educating Decision Makers – it may be worth designating a separate group to monitor state policies relevant to MOCAN interests. The group agreed to put this idea on hold for consideration in a future steering committee call.
Lisa Nelson and Mary Ellison will serve as co-chairs of MOCAN over the next year. As the election process usually takes place in April, it was suggested that the decision be included on the January agenda.
The results from the member survey will inform how groups are organized and their priorities. The target date for obtaining member survey results is early January. The steering committee will hold another call shortly after obtaining the results, preferably the first week in January.
Update on Remote Meeting Site
Lisa Nelson has volunteered Freeman Health as the pilot remote meeting site for the January meeting. Telehealth met with Nathan Ferguson to assess feasibility of remote conferencing. Bradford’s wireless connection was unreliable, but Telehealth will test the wired connection tomorrow (Wednesday) and report their finding to Nathan.
If remote video conferencing at Bradford Farms is unfeasible, MOCAN may have to pursue other meeting locations in the future. If necessary, alternative remote conferencing options (e.g. Skype, Adobe Connect) will be considered for the Freeman pilot group in January, as well.
Lisa will keep in touch with Nathan on the technical details in order to determine the best way to facilitate remote connections.
The next monthly Steering Committee meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, January 19, 2016at 11:00.